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研究生: 林靜萱
Ching-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱: 全通路零售之同時收送貨車輛途程問題
Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pick-up and Delivery in Omni-channel Retailing
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
口試委員: 郭伯勳
Po-Hsun Kuo
Shih-Wei Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 全通路零售物流同時收送貨車輛途程問題
外文關鍵詞: Simultaneous Pick-up and Delivery, Vehicle Routing Problem, Omni-channel, Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search
相關次數: 點閱:219下載:0
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本研究介紹了全通路零售之同時收送貨車輛途程問題(Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pick-up and Delivery in Omni-channel Retailing; OCVRP-SPD),問題目標為最小化總行駛距離。本研究在全通路零售配送系統下結合SPD ,問題中各節點可具有多種產品的送貨和收貨需求,零售商店每日由倉庫配送補充店內庫存,而線上顧客需求則由零售商店內的可用存貨所滿足,並將產品從零售商店分發給線上顧客,顧客與可滿足其需求之零售商店配對並由同一車輛服務兩者,找出車輛最佳路徑。本研究延伸全通路零售問題並擴展成兩個問題,首先加以考量同時收送貨的需求,即零售商和顧客皆可以將產品退回到倉庫,最後再進一步探討從倉庫直接配送給顧客的可能性,根據兩個問題,本研究生成可適用於OCVRP-SPD的題庫並開發了兩個數學規劃模型與適應性大規模鄰域搜尋演算法(Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search; ALNS) ,使用兩者來求解此問題。最後,通過實驗結果分析路徑成本的影響並探討本研究所提出之ALNS在求解OCVRP-SPD上之效率及所帶來的效益。

With mobile technology today, different retail formats have increasingly evolved. Traditional offline retailers have included online channels to serve online customers via their own websites and social media. However, in an effort to offer seamless services within different channels, more and more retailers have ventured into omni-channel retailing. Omni-channel retailing reduces friction in customers' transactions including purchases and customer returns - a reverse logistics issue that is gaining urgency in online retail. This thesis presents the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery in Omni-channel Retailing (OCVRP-SPD). The classical SPD problem in VRP is a cost-minimizing optimization model with customer nodes having both pickup and delivery demands of multiple products. All deliveries to the customer nodes are fulfilled from the warehouse while all pickups along the route are delivered back to the warehouse. Here, the SPD problem is extended and explored under an Omni-channel format with those features: (1) offline stores are used as fulfillment centers to fulfill online customer orders, (2) the warehouse may also be used as fulfillment centers for some online customer orders, and (3) retail store and customers can return the product to the warehouse which should be picked up along the route.
According to the problem, this study generates the instance for OCVRP-SPD. Develops two mathematical models using AMPL/GUROBI to solve and an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) algorithm to solve the problem too. In the end, explore results via numerical comparative the impact of optimal routes and costs.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 3 1.4 研究流程與論文架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1同時收送貨之車輛途程問題 6 2.2全通路零售配送問題 7 2.3適應性大規模鄰域搜尋演算法 8 第三章 問題定義與模型建構 9 3.1問題描述及定義 9 3.2模型建構 10 第四章 演算法設計 16 4.1解的編碼呈現方式 16 4.2初始解 17 4.3破壞運算子 18 4.4修復運算子 19 4.5 ALNS演算法 20 4.6接受準則 22 第五章 實驗測試與結果分析 23 5.1題庫產生方式 23 5.2題庫存貨量寬鬆程度 25 5.3參數設定 26 5.4 OCVRP題庫測試 28 5.4.1驗證數學模型 28 5.4.2演算法效益測試 29 5.5 OCVRP-SPD小型題庫實驗結果分析 33 5.6 OCVRP-SPD大型題庫實驗結果分析 36 5.7敏感度分析 42 5.7.1 破壞運算子敏感度分析 42 5.7.2 修復運算子敏感度分析 45 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 48 6.1研究結論與貢獻 48 6.2建議與未來發展 49 參考文獻 50

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