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研究生: 林易德
Yi-De Lin
論文名稱: 導光百葉與遮光百葉對室內光熱環境及能源效應評估
Experimental study for indoor light and thermal performance and energy evaluation with two types of blinds
指導教授: 邱韻祥
Yun-Shang Chiou
口試委員: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
Wei-Hwa Chaing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 自動百葉百葉系統照度量測光環境舒適度自然光太陽輻射節能
外文關鍵詞: Automated blinds, Blind system, Illuminance measurements, Thermal measurements, Solar radiation, Energy savings
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:7
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There are mainly two kinds of louver angles, Blocking angle and Redirecting angle. Blocking angle is mostly used blind angle, blocking most of daylight to control indoor illuminance level. Redirect angle can re-direct daylight into deeper place to increase the illuminance level. However, Redirecting angle might make indoor visual environment increase the possibility of Glare appearance because of uneven daylight distribution. Besides, excessive spare daylight is one of reasons causing higher cooling consumption.

In order to evaluate the effect of two kinds of blind for indoor environment, the evaluation for both thermal and lighting environment is in great need to be carried out. While indoor visual environment is first priority factor for occupant, daylight efficiency is more important than before. Daylight efficiency affects the artificial light and HVAC consumption directly. Therefore, in order to evaluate two kinds of blinds comprehensively, this research would evaluate not only thermal and daylight effects of blind application, but also artificial light and HVAC energy consumption with those effects.

This research shows that Redirecting angle has worse daylight distribution and daylight efficiency when compared to Blocking angle. Therefore, Redirecting angle is easier to cause Glare, and need to be decreased for visual comfort. On the premise of visual comfort as a first priority, due to Blocking angle has better daylight blocking efficiency and daylight distribution, it can use more daylight.

From the perspective of thermal environment, the space with blocking blinds uses more daylight. But cooling load would not increase obviously because increasing solar radiance is not higher than artificial light used to make up insufficient daylight. Overall, application of daylight would not increase the cooling load dramatically. Instead, the artificial light consumption saving can make up increasing HVAC consumption.

目次 第1章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2背景與動機 1 1.3實驗與目標 3 第2章 文獻回顧 4 2.1導光百葉的室內採光模擬 4 2.2 HDRSCOPE 眩光評估 4 2.3室內熱負荷評估 5 2.4百葉系統實驗評估 5 第3章 研究方法 6 3.1測量室條件 6 3.2窗戶條件 7 3.3人工光源 7 3.4資料擷取 8 3.4.1百葉測量室 8 3.4.2對比測量室 8 3.4.3資料擷取系統 8 3.4.4燈具耗能 8 3.4.5空調耗能 8 3.4.6室內照度分區 9 3.4.5資料校正 9 3.5室內光環境評估標準 10 3.5.1室內採光標準 10 3.5.2眩光評估 10 3.6室內熱環境理論 11 3.7室內耗能評估理論 11 3.8研究流程 12 3.9控制方案 13 3.9.1照度控制 15 3.9.2眩光控制 15 3.9.3眩光控制與人工光源控制 15 3.9.4對比測量室控制 15 3.10實驗方案 16 第4章 研究結果 17 4.1晴天與陰天各點照度與輻射量模型 17 4.2方案:採光控制的各點照度與輻射流量模型(照度點3>600lux) 19 4.2.1照度點1 19 4.2.2照度點2 20 4.2.3輻射流量 21 4.2.4晴及陰天導光百葉與遮光百葉之比較(>600) 22 4.3方案: 眩光控制的各點照度與輻射流量模型(照度點1<2000lux) 23 4.3.1照度點1 23 4.3.2照度點2 24 4.3.3照度點3 25 4.3.4輻射流量 26 4.3.5晴及陰天導光百葉與遮光百葉之比較(<2000) 27 4.4方案:眩光控制照度分佈與耗能模型(<600照度<2000lux) 28 4.4.1照度點1 28 4.4.2照度點2 29 4.4.3照度點3 30 4.4.4輻射流量 31 4.4.5電燈耗能 32 4.4.5眩光與採光分析 34 4.4.6熱負荷分析 36 4.4.7耗能分析 38 第5章 結論與建議 39 5.1結論 40 5.1.1晴天與陰天眩光與照度分佈特性 40 5.1.2百葉眩光特性 41 5.1.3百葉照度分佈特性 41 5.1.4現實中使用百葉對室內光環境與熱環境的影響 41 5.15現實中使用百葉之熱負荷評估 43 5.1.6現實中使用百葉之室內能源效應評估 43 5.2未來研究建議 43 第6章 參考文獻 44 第7章 附錄 47 7.1晴天與陰天測量室其它參考圖 47 7.2採光控制其它參考圖 48 7.3眩光控制其它參考圖 53 7.4眩光控制耗能模型其它參考圖 59

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