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研究生: 蘇育仁
論文名稱: 高壓下離子熔液與正丙醇混合物之PVT性質研究
PVT Properties of Mixtures of Ionic Liquids with 1-Propanol at Elevated Pressures
指導教授: 李明哲
Ming-Jer Lee
Ho-Mu Lin
口試委員: 汪上曉
David Shan-Hill Wong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 215
中文關鍵詞: PVT性質正丙醇離子熔液離子溶液高分子系統狀態方程式混合律
外文關鍵詞: Ionic liquids solutions, Polymer systems, Mixing rules
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:1
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本研究利用高壓震盪管密度儀分別測四種不同離子熔液和該熔液與正丙醇混合之溶液在溫度範圍介於298.15 K-348.15 K,壓力高達50 MPa的密度數據,實驗所量取的密度數據,由Tait和一半經驗式的關聯結果,得知兩者均可準確地描述液體密度的壓力效應。藉由Tait模式之助可以計算出恆溫壓縮係數,過剩體積可以直接由實驗密度值求得,並由modified Redlich-Kister 方程式關聯,正丙醇 + [SEt3][NTf2]、+ [C3mpip][NTf2],+ [C3mpyr][NTf2]所形成的離子溶液在整個組成範圍的過剩體積均為負值,而正丙醇 + [Smee][NTf2]的過剩體積與組成之關係隨著正丙醇濃度比例的增加,過剩體積從正值轉向負值,呈現S型的形狀變化。

實驗所量取之純質成份與離子溶液的PVT數據分別由FOV (Flory-Orwoll-Vrij)、Schotte與Square-Well Chain(SWC)狀態方程式關聯,求出各純質流體之參數與各雙成分系統的交互作用參數值,這三個模式計算比容之平均絕對偏差皆優於0.1 %。


Densities were measured for four pure ionic liquids, namely, triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide([SEt3][NTf2]), dieth-
ylmethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Smee][NTf2]), 1-methyl-1-propylpyr-rolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide([C3mpip] [NTf2]), 1-methyl-1-propylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl)imide([C3mpyr][NTf2]), and their mixtures with 1-propanol at temperatures ranging from (313.15 to 348.15) K and pressures up to 50 MPa by using a high pressure vibrating tube densimeter. The Tait equation and a semi-empirical model represent accurately pressure effect on the liquid densities over the entire pressure range. Isothermal compressibilities were calculated with the aid of the Tait equation. Excess volumes were calculated directly from the experimental densities. The excess volumes were correlated with the modified Redlich-Kister equation. The excess volumes are negative for binary systems of 1-propanol + [SEt3][NTf2], 1-propanol + [C3mpip][NTf2], and 1-propanol + [C3mpyr][NTf2] over the entire composition range. However, the excess volumes of 1-propanol + [Smee][NTf2] change from positive to negative, an S-shaped variation, as increasing the mole fraction of 1-propanol.

The volumetric data of the related pure and binary systems were correlated
,respectively, with the Flory–Orwoll–Vrij, the Schotte and the Square Well Chain (SWC) equations of state to determine the substance-specific parameters and the binary interaction parameters of ionic liquid solutions. All these three models calculated the specific volumes of the binary systems to average absolute deviations better than 0.1 %.

We also extended the Square Well Chain equation of state to the polymer systems. The substance parameters of each pure fluid were determined from the PVT data. Through a series of testings, it was found that the new SWC equation of state and the mixing rules can represent reasonably the volumetric properties of the tested polymer binary and ternary systems. This new model is also applicable to ionic liquid solutions as noted previously.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2 液體密度的量測 2 1-3 常溫離子熔液與離子溶液之特性與應用 2 1-3-1 常溫離子熔液與離子溶液之特性 2 1-3-2 常溫離子熔液之應用 5 1-3-3 離子熔液混合物之應用 11 1-4 應用於計算離子熔液與溶液密度系統的模式回顧 14 1-5 離子熔液與離子溶液系統熱物性質量測文獻之回顧 16 1-6 本文各章要點 18 第二章 寡聚物混合溶液之高壓密度量測 32 2-1 液體密度量測裝置 32 2-2 實驗操作步驟 33 2-3 待測系統及量測之條件 34 2-3-1 待測系統 34 2-3-2 量測條件 36 2-4 離子熔液 37 2-5 密度儀校正 37 2-6 實驗結果與討論 39 第三章 數據關聯 140 3-1 Flory-Orwoll-Vrij (FOV)狀態方程式 140 3-2 Schotte狀態方程式 141 3-3 Square-Well Chain (SWC)狀態方程式 142 3-4 混合律與雙成分交互作用參數 144 第四章 Polymer square-well chain狀態方程式之混合律的發展 157 4-1用於數據關聯之系統與其條件範圍 157 4-1-1用於數據關聯之系統 157 4-1-2 數據之條件範圍 160 4-2 Square-Well Chain狀態方程式 160 4-3 混合律與雙成分交互作用參數之訂定 163 第五章 結論與建議 189 5-1 結論 189 5-2 建議 191 參 考 文 獻 193 符 號 說 明 211

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