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研究生: 馬季涵
Chi-Han Ma
論文名稱: 手機虛擬實境的色外貌
Colour Appearance in Phone-Based Virtual Reality
指導教授: 歐立成
Li-Chen Ou
口試委員: 孫沛立
Pei-Li Sun
Tzung-Han Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬實境色外貌模型CIECAM02
外文關鍵詞: Virtual Reality, Colour Appearance Model, CIECAM02
相關次數: 點閱:845下載:0
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虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, 縮寫VR)近年來一直很流行,主要有兩種較為廣泛使用的類型,第一種為需搭配電腦主機的VR稱為固定式頭戴顯示器,所需裝置不止電腦主機與頭戴顯示器,使用時雙手還需搭配感測器,也會受於場地的限制且攜帶不易;而第二種是用手機顯示VR的移動式頭戴顯示器 (mobile HMDs),雖然體驗部分比較不生動,但方便性高於固定式頭戴顯示器許多,本研究項目就是以手機為主的mobile HMDs當研究項目。
實驗採用iPhone搭配mobile HMDs,運用3ds Max繪製VR空間,在VR空間裡有三個色塊,從左至右分別為參考白、測試色彩樣本、參考彩度,受測者由給定的參考白和參考彩度評估測試色彩樣本的明度 (Lightness)、彩度 (Colourfulness)及色相 (Hue quadrature)。
實驗結果顯示在VR空間中人眼色彩感知量與CIECAM02預測的色外貌三屬性結果有高度相關性,顯示CIECAM02對於VR空間中的色外貌有相當準確的預測性。然而,若手機螢幕亮度過高,CIECAM02 M會低估VR中彩度的觀測值,CIECAM02 J也會低估VR中明度的觀測值,而VR中色相則沒有因為手機螢幕亮度不同而有明顯的改變趨勢。

Virtual Reality (VR) has been prevalent in recent years. There are mainly two types of head-mounted displays being widely used. One is Stationary Head Mounted Displays, which needs computer, head-mounted display and hand sensor. Using this kind of equipment will be restrict by the space and become inconvenient to carry. Another one is Mobile Head Mounted Displays (mobile HMDs) that uses mobile phones to display VR. Although the experience is less vivid, it is more convenient than Stationary Head Mounted Displays. This study uses mobile HMDs as a research project.
Due to the popularity of such technic, the demand of colour appearance in VR is increasing gradually. Psychophysical methods were used in the experiments to investigate the colour appearance between VR and the real-world experimental. Then applied the existing colour appearance model CIECAM02 to compare both the perceived values and the predicted values.
The experiment used iPhone with mobile HMDs and the 3ds Max to created the VR space which performed with three color patches. From left to right were the reference white, the test color and the reference colourfulness. The observer was given the value of reference white and reference colourfulness assess to the lightness, colourfulness and hue quadrature of the test colours.
The results showed that the colour perception of observers was highly interrelated with virtual reality and the values predicted by CIECAM02, which proved that CIECAM02 is quite accurate in predicting the colour appearance in VR space. However, if the display luminance is too high, it will underestimate the perceived colourfulness and also the perceived lightness in VR. In addition, with different luminance of display, the perceived hue quadrature has no obvious change.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 論文架構 2 1.4 相關論文發表 2 第2章 基本原理與文獻探討 3 2.1 CIE色度學 3 2.1.1 CIE色匹配函數 3 2.1.2 三刺激值 (XYZ) 與CIE色度座標 4 2.2 色外貌模型 5 2.2.1 觀測環境 (Adapting field) 6 2.2.2 心理物理學量測方法 (Psychophysical Scaling Method) 6 2.2.3 數值估計法 (Magnitude Estimation) 7 2.2.4 色外貌屬性 7 2.3 CIECAM02 8 2.3.1 背景條件 (Background conditions) 8 2.3.2 環境條件 (Surround conditions) 8 2.3.3 色適應轉換公式 9 2.3.4 相關色屬性計算 11 2.4 虛擬實境相關研究 12 2.4.1 頭戴式顯示器 (Head-Mounted Display, HMD) 12 2.4.2 虛擬實境之相關色彩研究 12 第3章 實驗設計與研究方法 19 3.1 實驗設備 19 3.2 實驗的VR空間 21 3.3 挑選測試色塊的色彩樣本 25 3.4 實驗受測者 28 3.5 實驗流程 29 3.6 四次實驗的差異 32 3.7 數據分析方法 34 3.7.1 相關係數(Correlation Coefficient, 簡稱r) 34 3.7.2 均方根(Root Mean Square, 簡稱RMS) 34 3.7.3 變異係數(Coefficient of Variation, 簡稱CV) 35 3.7.4 算術平均數(Arithmetic Mean, 簡稱) 35 3.7.5 幾何平均數(Geometric Mean, 簡稱G) 35 第4章 實驗結果與分析 37 4.1 可信度分析 37 4.1.1 受測者組內變異(Intra-observer Variability) 37 4.1.2 受測者組間變異(Inter-observer Variability) 38 4.2 實驗結果 39 4.2.1 實驗一結果分析 39 4.2.2 實驗二結果分析 41 4.2.3 實驗三結果分析 44 4.2.4 實驗四結果分析 46 4.3 比較分析 49 4.3.1 綜合比較 49 4.3.2 顯示器亮度的影響 51 第5章 結論與建議 55 5.1 總結 55 5.2 未來研究方向 56 參考文獻 57 附錄 59 附錄一 實驗一結果數據 59 附錄二 實驗二結果數據 61 附錄三 實驗三結果數據 62 附錄四 實驗四結果數據 64 附錄五 相關論文發表:CIE 29th 2019 65

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