簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林良賢
論文名稱: 服務通路轉型決策
The Transformation Strategy of Service Channel
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 通路決策核心能力客戶關係與服務品質商業生態
外文關鍵詞: channel strategy, core competency, customer relationship and service quality, sbusiness ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:3
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  • 本個案故事描述TWM電信運營商總經理Calvin所帶領的電信經營團隊,雖然已躍居業界獲利王,但由於第一線門市通路的服務例如:物流、手機代理和售後維修,TWM是完全委外和通路商聯強搭配,但若消費者手機維修、服務出問題,被罵的還是TWM,就在雙方長期對客戶的想法存有落差的情況下,已造成TWM得面臨客戶滿意度不斷降低的困境。因此,當Calvin思考著公司年度營運計劃如何持續獲利以及面對未來數位匯流挑戰的同時,也必須決定該不該終止繼續委外給聯強的合作關係,而改為自建服務通路,自行投入物流、手機代理和維修的服務體系呢? 但如果決定將門市服務通路轉型,TWM能順利無縫接軌嗎?而且投入大量的資本支出,是否真的能達成縮短與消費者的距離,又可轉型去開拓新的財源呢?這真的是下一道難題啊!


    This thesis describes a case study regarding the transformation strategy of service channel performed by a telecom management team of the TWM Telecom Operator, which was led by General Manager, Mr. Calvin. Although TWM has already become the most profitable company, TWM is completely outsourcing with Synnex such as first-line store services of logistics, mobile agents and after-sales. However, the mobile phone repair and other related service problems have been accused to TWM. Due to the different thinking about the customer services, it has caused TWM to face the continuously decreasing of customer satisfaction. Therefore, Mr. Calvin is thinking about the company's annual operating plan, how continuously to make profit and challenges of the future digital convergence strategy. Consequently he must decide whether or not to terminate the continuous outsourcing partnership with Synnex and to build up its own store services including logistics, mobile agents and after-sales service systems. If Mr. Calvin decides to have transformation of service channel, TWM must smoothly make seamless integration, which needs to put a lot of capital expenditures. Whether it can reach a shorter distance with consumers, and open up new sources of income, it shall be a very tough question.

    The case discussed here is for a telecom operator in a highly competitive environment to examine whether the existing service channel designs are necessarily adjusted or corrected in order to regain their core competency through service transformation pathway decisions. The relationship between TWM and its partner has been changed, which results is not meeting the service policy of TWM. The key factors to rebuild the service policy must emphasize on customer relationship and service quality and constructing a new business ecosystem and the Economic Community to provide new opportunities for TWM business strategy. By means of studying this case, it is expected that the combination of actual case and theory may provided the reference for the company strategy of service channel transformation. The relevant theories are relating to the channel strategy, core competency, customer relationship and service quality, business ecosystem.

    摘 要 ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 目錄 IV 表索引目錄 VI 圖索引目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 TWM服務通路轉型決策(A) 1 (一)、 個案背景 2  TWM簡介 2  台灣電信產業環境和特性 4  產業上、中、下游之關聯性及市場競爭 6 (二)、 電信三雄的合縱連橫 8  CHT(中華電信) 8  FET(遠傳電信) 10  TWM(台灣大哥大) 11 (三)、 TWM的服務通路困境 13  代銷手機卻要面對全部客訴的宿命 13  2012年11月中的主管會議場景 15  總經理決策的兩難 16 二、 TWM投入物流、手機代理和維修服務(B) 17 (一)、 告別「聯強」,自立自強 17 (二)、 拚轉型,搶通路市佔 17 (三)、 跨網購,攻虛實整合 18 三、 附錄 20 (一)、 附錄一:TWM公司組織圖 20 (二)、 附錄二:TWM事業總覽 20 (三)、 附錄三:TWM數位匯流-四大智慧雲概念圖 21 (四)、 附錄四:產業通路生態 21 (五)、 附錄五:TWM業務主要內容及服務項目 22 (六)、 附錄六:TWM營業比重 23 (七)、 附錄七:TWM簡明損益表 23 (八)、 附錄八:電信三雄單季營收年增率比較(2011Q1-2012Q3) 24 (九)、 附錄九:電信三雄EPS比較(2011Q1-2012Q3) 25 貳、 個案討論 26 一、 個案總覽 26 二、 教學目標與適用課程 27 三、 學員課前討論問題 31 四、 學員課前準備 31 五、 個案背景 32 六、 個案分析 34 七、 教學建議 46 八、 板書規劃 47 (一)、 板書一:電信產業的特性 47 (二)、 板書二:個案企業TWM簡介 47 (三)、 板書三:TWM服務通路困境 - 內部瓶頸 48 (四)、 板書四:TWM服務通路困境 - Gap 48 (五)、 板書五:決策時間軸 49 (六)、 板書六:兩難與抉擇 49 (七)、 板書七:行銷通路型態 50 (八)、 板書八:電信產業通路生態 50 參、 參考文獻

    一、 英文部分

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    二、 中文部分




    任賢旺 黃憲仁 編著,2010,銷售通路管理實務,增訂二版,憲業企管




    Kotler & Armstrong,Principles of Marketing,10th Edition,方世榮譯









    三、 網站部分


    MBAlib 智庫百科:http://wiki.mbalib.com














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