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研究生: 甘孟洋
Meng-Yang Gan
論文名稱: 高入熱量銲接對SM570等級鋼板材質與梁柱接頭韌性發展之影響
Effect of High Heat-input Welding on Material Property of SM570 Steel and Ductility of Beam-to-Column Connections
指導教授: 陳正誠
Cheng-Cheng Chen
口試委員: 鍾俊宏
Chun-Hung Chung
Yu-Chen Liang
Po-Chien Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: SM570M-C HW箱型柱電熱熔渣銲接銲接熱影響區破裂韌度
外文關鍵詞: SM570M-C HW, Box column, Electroslag welding(ESW), Heat-affected zone(HAZ), Fracture toughness
相關次數: 點閱:313下載:5
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考量到銲接可及性的問題,箱型柱內橫隔板至少需採一雙對邊之電熱熔渣銲接(Electroslag Welding,ESW)。ESW之銲接入熱量相當大,其相較於鋼結構其他常用之銲接方法皆大過一個數量級,屬於高入熱量銲接。梁柱接頭中,梁翼板-箱型柱板-柱內橫隔板為重要之傳力路徑,然而 ESW銲道恰好位於該傳力路徑上,若柱板使用之鋼材銲接性不佳,將導致銲接熱影響區產生非預期的脆性斷裂。日本鋼鐵公司(JFE)根據近年來的研究成果,建立了梁翼板傳遞至柱內橫隔板之平均應力比(α)與柱板熱影響區衝擊值(CVN-HAZ)需求間之關聯性,提供設計者為參考依據。本研究將探討中鋼公司SM570M-C HW鋼板應用於耐震結構上之適用性。
本研究針對「以SM570M-C HW鋼板組立且採用兩雙對邊ESW銲接內橫隔板之箱型柱」,於設計階段將梁柱接頭α值設計為略大於0.75,並完成了兩個部分之試驗。第一個部分完成兩個系列共6座實尺寸梁-柱子結構試體之反復載重試驗,主要探討箱型柱板經ESW銲接後,其銲後韌性以及應用於耐震結構上之行為;第二個部分完成兩組箱型柱板材質試驗,主要探討箱型柱經ESW銲接前、後,柱板厚度方向之韌性及鋼板材質之變化。綜合上述試驗結果得知:(1)針對所測試之柱板,其CVN-HAZ值大於0℃/27J,梁-柱子結構試體實際α值為0.87時,試驗結果顯示符合耐震結構之要求,將α適用之上限值設定為0.75是可行的;(2)ESW銲後粗晶區範圍與柱板厚度及銲接入熱量成正相關;(3)箱型柱角隅處經多道高入熱量銲接後,對梁柱接頭韌性發展之影響並不顯著,箱型柱採兩雙對邊ESW銲接內橫隔板是可行的。

Electroslag welding(ESW) is required for fabricating the built-up box columns. However, heat input generated by ESW is quite large compared with other popular types of welding procedures. Beam flange-column plate-interior diaphragm is an essential load path in beam-to-column connection. Nevertheless, the ESW joint is exactly on the load path. It is worried about an early brittle fracture along heat-affected zone(HAZ) from the tip of a slit between column plate and backing strip. Therefore, weldability of column plates is an important issue in this study. According to the research of JFE, one of a Japanese steel company, a correlation between the stress ratio of connections(α) and fracture toughness in HAZ of column plates(CVN-HAZ) was founded. It provides a design approach for connections as reference. Nevertheless, the applicability of CSC SM570M-C HW steel on seismic structure will be investigated in this study.
In this study, we focused on box columns, fabricated by SM570M-C HW steel, using four-sided ESW for interior diaphragms. Six full-scaled beam-to-column subassemblage under cyclic loading test were carried out to investigate the weldability and structural behavior applied to seismic members of SM570M-C HW steel. Material testing on column plates with two kinds of thickness were carried out to investigate the fracture toughness and changes of microstructure of column plates before and after welding. The conclusion of the study can be summarized as follows: (1) For the tested column plates, CVN-HAZ values are larger than 0℃/27J, and all specimens satisfied the seismic requirements when α less than or equal to 0.87. It is feasible to set an upper limit for α equal to 0.75 in design process; (2) The coarse grain heat-affected zone(CGHAZ) of column plates after ESW is related to the thickness of steel plates and heat input of welding; (3) The effect of toughness for connections with multiple high heat-input welding on the corner of column is not significant. It is feasible to use four-sided ESW for interior diaphragms when fabricating the box columns.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表索引 圖索引 第1章 前言 1.1 研究緣起 1.2 橫隔板標稱應力比(α) 1.3 α值與梁柱斷面組合 1.4 前期研究成果 1.5 研究目標與方法 第2章 試驗計畫 2.1 試驗規劃與設計 2.1.1 梁-柱子結構試體 2.1.2 箱型柱板材質試驗試體 2.2 試體製作 2.2.1 梁-柱子結構試體 2.2.2 箱型柱板材質試驗試體 2.3 鋼板實測機械性質 2.4 試驗裝置及測計配置 第3章 試驗結果與討論 3.1 梁-柱子結構試體之反復載重試驗 3.1.1 試體之試驗行為 3.1.2 試體強度及轉角容量 3.2 箱型柱板材質試驗 3.2.1 箱型柱板母材衝擊試驗 3.2.2 箱型柱銲後試體(中間段) 3.2.3 箱型柱銲後試體(角隅段) 3.3 SM570M-C HW鋼板適用性評估 第4章 結論與建議 參考文獻 附錄 附錄A 鋼板品質證明書 附錄B 試體之斷面設計強度檢核 附錄C BH梁韌性切削設計 附錄D 梁-柱子結構試體製造圖 附錄E BH梁組合銲道設計 附錄F 剪力連接板設計 附錄G ESW 銲接程序規範書

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