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研究生: 郭佳貞
Chia-chen Kuo
論文名稱: 銀奈米吸附於特定肽腱對於HIV-1蛋白酶之抑制效果
The Inhibition of HIV-1 Protease by Specific Substrate Bound with Silver Nanoparticles
指導教授: 李篤中
Duu-jong Lee
口試委員: 劉志成
Jhy-chern Liu
Chris Whiteley
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 銀奈米HIV-1愛滋病HIV-1 蛋白酶
外文關鍵詞: silver nanoparticle, HIV-1, AIDS, HIV-1 protease
相關次數: 點閱:755下載:1
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Even though the common therapy for AIDS, Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) has a reasonable level of success against HIV infections and HIV-related death, the problem of drug resistance from the HIV still persists. Consequently there is an ongoing need to develop new strategies and novel drugs against this.
It has been reported that silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with their unique anti-bacterial properties can not only overcome this drug resistance but can also inhibit the HIV protease (HIV-1 PR) in vitro. Since these particles, however, are not specific to HIV-1 PR, a search was undertaken for a peptide that is not only specific for the protease but can interact with silver nanoparticles as well and lead to enzyme inhibition. Since earlier studies suggested that silver nanoparticles have a strong attraction to sulfur, specific peptides containing one, or more, cysteine amino acids and an aromatic-hydrophobic cleavage site were synthesized.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT IV ABSTRACT V 摘要 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS VII LIST OF FIGURES X LIST OF TABLES XIII CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 1 1-1 Background 1 1-2 Research Goals 2 CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2-1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 3 2-1-1 Current Situation of HIV Prevalence 3 2-1-2 Types and Structure of HIV 4 2-1-3 Life Cycle of HIV 5 2-1-4 HIV-1 Protease 7 2-1-5 Inhibition of HIV-1 Protease 10 2-2 Silver Nanoparticles in Biomedical application 14 2-2-1 Antibacterial 14 2-2-2 Antiviral against HIV-1 16 2-2-3 Medical Applications 18 2-2-3-1 Wound Dressing 18 2-2-3-2 Getting in Medical Supplies and Devices 18 2-2-4 Health Concerns 19 2-3 Silver Nanoparticles synthesis 20 2-3-1 Mechanism of Wet Chemical Synthesis 21 2-3-2 Metal Precursor and Reducers 23 2-3-3 Stabilizers 25 2-4 Analysis of Silver Nanoparticles 27 2-4-1 Zeta Potential 27 2-4-2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zetasizer 29 2-4-3 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 30 2-4-4 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 31 2-4-5 pH measurement 31 2-5 Synthesized Peptides 33 2-5-1 Substrate Specificity of HIV-1 Protease 33 2-5-2 Adsorption of Substrate with sulfur atom to Silver Nanoparticles 34 CHAPTER 3 - MATERIALS AND METHODS 36 3-1 Materials 36 3-1-1 Experimental Chemicals 36 3-1-2 HIV-1 Protease 38 3-1-3 Synthesized Peptide 38 3-2 Methods 40 3-2-1 Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (Ag NPs) 40 3-2-1-1 Preparation for Experimental Materials of Ag NPs Synthesis 40 3-2-1-2 Steps of Ag NPs Synthesis 41 3-2-2 Silver Nanoparticles Characterization 41 3-2-2-1 Zeta Potential 42 3-2-2-2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zetasizer 42 3-2-2-3 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 43 3-2-2-4 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 43 3-2-2-5 pH measurement 43 3-2-3 EDANS/HEPES/DMSO Characterization 44 3-2-3-1 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 44 3-2-4 Interaction of Ag NPs with EDANS/HEPES/DMSO 44 3-2-4-1 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 45 3-2-5 HIV-1 Protease (PR) Characterization 45 3-2-5-1 pH measurement 45 3-2-6 Synthesized Peptides 46 3-2-6-1 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 46 3-2-6-2 pH measurement 46 3-2-7 Interaction between Ag NPs, Synthesized Peptides and HIV-1 PR 47 3-2-7-1 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy 47 3-2-7-2 pH measurement 47 CHAPTER 4 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 49 4-1 Silver Nanoparticles Characterization 49 4-2 Reaction between Ag NPs with EDANS/HEPES/ DMSO 53 4-3 Synthesized Peptides Characterization 57 4-3-1 Results about Synthesized Peptide No.1 57 4-3-2 Results about Synthesized Peptide No.2 58 4-3-3 Results about Synthesized Peptide No.3 59 4-3-4 Results about Synthesized Peptide No.4 61 CHAPTER 5 - CONCLUSION 74 REFERENCES 76

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