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研究生: 錢俊達
Jiun-Da Chien
論文名稱: 高層建築外牆極值風壓之探討
Study of extreme wind pressures on external walls of a high-rise building
指導教授: 陳瑞華
Rwey-Hua Cherng
口試委員: 黃慶東
Ching-Tung Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 163
中文關鍵詞: 極值風壓係數風洞試驗資料耐風規範
外文關鍵詞: extreme wind pressure coefficient, wind tunnel test data, wind design code
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:1
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In this study, the wind pressure coefficient time histories for different tributary areas are determined by applying the Voronoi diagram and the area-weighted average method on the 1:1:5 high-rise building’s aerodynamic database of Tokyo Polytechnic University. Then Sadek & Simiu and Quan methods are used respectively to calculate the extreme wind pressure coefficients under various wind directions;the resulting extreme values are greatly influenced by the associated first four moments of the wind pressure coefficient time history;the spatial distribution of extreme wind pressures is quite similar to that of the associated standard deviations. The extreme wind pressure coefficients obtained by the two methods are similar with the average relative difference of 7.5%. Comparison between the results obtained by Sadek & Simiu method and the wind design code shows that when the tributary area is small, the positive and negative extreme wind pressures on the corner area and the positive extreme wind pressures on the central area are similar to those specified in the wind design code while as the tributary area increases, the values given by the code decreases much faster. However, the negative extreme pressures on the central area are significantly larger than those specified in the wind design code.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 圖目錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2文獻回顧 1 1.3論文架構 4 第二章 風洞試驗資料庫與風基本特性 5 2.1風洞試驗資料庫介紹 5 2.2平均風速垂直分佈模式 7 2.2.1 風速與高度之關係 7 2.2.2指數律(Power Law) 7 2.2.3平均風速與高度及地表粗糙度關係 7 2.3基本縮尺考慮 8 2.4風洞試驗縮尺轉換 9 第三章 不同風向角風壓歷時係數特性 11 3.1風向角0度各牆面風壓係數特性 11 3.2風向角15度各牆面風壓係數特性 22 3.3風向角30度各牆面風壓係數特性 33 3.4風向角45度各牆面風壓係數特性 43 第四章 等效均佈極值風壓係數流程 55 4.1 風洞試驗資料庫之選擇 55 4.2 測點受風面積之決定 56 4.3 網格之規劃 57 4.4 等效均佈風壓歷時之決定 60 4.5 等效均佈極值風壓係數之估計 61 4.5.1 SAD 方法 61 4.5.2 Quan方法 62 4.6 Durst Curve之轉換 65 第五章 分析結果 67 5.1等效均佈極值風壓係數流程展現於C案例 67 5.1.1 SAD方法之極值估計 70 5.1.2 Quan方法之極值估計 79 5.2 SAD與Quan結果比較 88 5.3不同風向角下等效均佈極值風壓係數分佈探討 90 5.3.1風向角0度之等效均佈極值風壓係數分佈 90 5.3.3風向角30度之等效均佈極值風壓係數分佈 91 5.3.2風向角15度之等效均佈極值風壓係數分佈 92 5.3.4風向角45度之等效均佈極值風壓係數分佈 93 5.3.5統計特性討論 94 第六章 規範比較 101 6.1 有效受風面積之決定 101 6.2牆面外風壓區域之劃分 102 6.3 估計極值區域分佈 105 6.4 估計極值分佈與規範比較 114 第七章 結論與建議 119 7.1結論 119 7.2建議 120 參考文獻 121 附錄一 各測點不同案例下不同受風面積正負極値風壓係數列表 125

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