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研究生: 林澤仁
Tse-Jen Lin
論文名稱: 摻土水泥排樁擋土壁中攪拌樁強度與開挖變形之關係
Strength of Soil Cement Pile in Soil-Cement Mixed Wall and the Deformation Induced by Excavation
指導教授: 林宏達
Horn-Da Lin
口試委員: 李鴻洲
Home-Joe Lee
Chien-Chih Wang
Hung-Jiun Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 雙曲線模式小應變壁體變形摻土水泥排樁擋土壁轉換斷面法地表沉陷
外文關鍵詞: Soil-Cement Mixed Wall, Transformed-Section Method, hyperbolic soil model, small-strain behavior, wall displacement, ground surface settlement
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:4
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When using the Soil-Cement Mixed Wall in deep excavation, the contribution of the soil cement pile is often neglected in the analysis. This study used the Transformed-Section Method to establish a reasonable method which can be used to calculate the parameter of SMW wall considering contribution from the soil cement pile and the steel H-pile. Field cases were used to verify these analytical procedures. The verified analytical procedures were then used to further investigate the effect on the SMW displacement due to the variation of the strength of soil cement pile and the ratio of ground improvement in the excavation area. This study used a two-dimensional analysis program FLAC for the analysis. Hyperbolic soil model was adopted with a simplified method of considering the small-strain behavior of the adjacent soils. The results indicated that increasing the strength of soil cement pile can reduce the maximum wall displacement and the maximum ground surface settlement. An increase of 20kg/cm^2 of the strength of soil cement pile will reduce 2.5㎜ of the maximum wall displacement and 1.25㎜ of the maximum ground surface settlement of the final excavation stage. Comparing to the results that only take the H-pile into consideration, the decreasing percentage of the maximum wall displacement is in the range of 2.5%~3.5% and the decreasing percentage of the maximum ground surface settlement is in the range of 2.3%~3.2% for the ground improvement ratio of 0%~50%. Because the decreasing percentage is not very significant, the designer can make his own judgment whether to consider the effect of the soil cement pile. The increase of the ratio of ground improvement can also reduce the maximum displacement of the SWM wall and the maximum ground surface settlement of the final excavation stage. However once the ratio of ground improvement exceeds 30%, only limited improvement on the wall displacement and the ground surface settlement can be achieved. Thus, the ratio of ground improvement in the excavation area is recommended to be in the range of 10%~30%.

摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 致謝 Ⅲ 目錄 Ⅳ 表目錄 Ⅶ 圖目錄 Ⅷ 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究內容 2 第二章、文獻回顧 3 2.1摻土水泥排樁工法分析及案例回顧 3 2.2摻土水泥排樁工法簡介 3 2.2.1工法演進 3 2.2.2施工方式 4 2.2.3施工機具 6 2.2.4攪拌樁之工程特性 7 2.2.5工法特點 9 2.3 FLAC數值分析程式簡介 11 2.4轉換斷面法 11 2.4.1複合斷面之軸向負載理論 12軸向負載構件之撓度 12複合斷面之軸向負載分析 12 2.4.2複合斷面之橫向負載理論 14橫向負載構件(梁)之撓曲應力 15複合斷面之橫向負載分析 15 第三章、FLAC數值分析與模擬 18 3.1土壤模式說明 18 3.1.1土壤雙曲線模式 18土壤排水狀況下之雙曲線模式 19土壤不排水狀況下之雙曲線模式 21 3.1.2土壤彈性模數之小應變考量 22 3.1.3土壤解壓-再壓判斷法則 23 3.2土壤參數之決定 23 3.3分析使用之元素 25 3.4開挖模擬之說明 26 第四章、內湖案例分析 32 4.1工程概況 32 4.2土層狀況與土壤參數之說明 33 4.3結構物參數輸入之說明 36 4.4監測系統概述 36 4.5數值分析施工步驟之模擬 37 4.6分析結果之比較 38 第五章、復北案例分析 42 5.1工程概況 42 5.2土層狀況與土層參數之說明 43 5.3 E工作井B區地盤改良之模擬 45 5.4結構物參數輸入之說明 45 5.5監測系統概述 45 5.6數值分析施工步驟之模擬 46 5.7分析結果之比較 47 第六章、結論與建議 48 6.1結論 48 6.2建議 49 參考文獻 50 附件一、內湖案例SMW壁體參數計算書 98 附件二、復北案例SMW壁體參數計算書 100

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