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研究生: 范舒寓
Shu-yu Fan
論文名稱: 自組企業資源規劃 (SAP ERP)開發團隊的決策因素-以VOIT個案公司為例
The Decision-Making Elements of a Self-Building SAP ERP Unit - A Case Study of VOIT Company
指導教授: 羅天一
Tain-yi Luor
Hsi-peng Lu
口試委員: 黃世禎
Shih-chen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 資訊委外交易成本資源基礎組織自主性商業生態
外文關鍵詞: IT outsourcing, Transaction costs theory, Resource-based theory, Organization hegemony, Business ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:8
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  • 個案的故事背景發生於2008年,Jeremy剛剛接下某一個資訊服務公司企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning ERP)維護部門的主管,當時這個部門正面臨問題人才的流失及客戶滿意度下滑的問題。總經理期望ERP維護部門能提升部門的營運數字。就在此時,Jeremy的大客戶WD電機有個ERP複雜的客製外掛系統,因為成本分配邏輯的變動,需要進行客製外掛的調整。可是,這與當初的維護部門定位產生衝突,2000年ERP事業部成立ERP維護部門,就是看到市場上懂得ERP應用模組技術人員非常稀少,因此維護部門核心業務範圍是要聚焦在高產值與高利潤的ERP應用模組顧問服務,目標客戶是ERP系統已經上線的客戶,不去觸碰ERP客製開發的業務,希望與其他顧問公司做出市場、服務與價格的區分。因此,造成了獨特的現象,萬一維護客戶提出複雜的ERP客製開發需求時,會是需要外包給客製開發的顧問公司進行開發。在經過多年後,Jeremy觀察到一股從零售業、電子業開始的one stop shopping風氣漫延了,很多的客戶期望ERP委外服務窗口統一。Jeremy心中燃起一個可能帶動維護部門的機會,建立一個SAP ERP客製團隊,提供客戶全方位的ERP委外服務。並且,將WD電機的客製需求,透過有系統的設計與開發,成為獨家ERP客製產品。但此時正好歷經美國次貸風暴後,而且歐洲的債券像是不定時的炸彈,在這樣的景氣下,能夠向總經理爭取到SAP ERP客製團隊的資源嗎?要說服總經理這是值得跨出的一條路,真的是一大困難啊!

    Back in 2008, Jeremy accepted the position of department head of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Maintenance Department when the latter was facing a brain drain problem and declining customer satisfaction issues. At same time, the General Manager expected this move of Jeremy to the ERP Maintenance Department could improve the sector’s revenue. At about the same time, one of his large customers, WD Motor, required a modification on the system in ERP to accommodate cost allocation logic changes. However, this change will create conflicts with the original planning. The ERP Maintenance Department was established in 2000 by the division; ERP technical personnel with comprehensive understanding the modules are very rare on the market. As such, the scope of the Department's core business is focused on high-value and high-margin consulting services on ERP application modules. Target customers are already on-line ERP system customers, and will stay away for ERP programming service. Thus, in this unique phenomenon, in which ERP clients presented complex custom development requirements for which technical ability is lacking, the programming requirements must be outsourced to a consulting firm. Jeremy has many years of experience in the ERP market. He observed that such a situation indicates that the retail and electronics industry is seeking for one-stop shopping. Many customers expect a single point of contact for ERP outsourcing services. Given such demand, Jeremy considered a new business model in which the maintenance department may bring other opportunities. Jeremy wanted to create a SAP ERP programing team in the ERP maintenance department , which will provide customers with a full range of ERP outsourcing services. In addition, the company can fulfill WD programing demands through systematic design and development, thereby evolving into an supplying ERP application and programming service ERP maintenance provider. Jeremy faces the challenge of gaining approval from the General Manager for SAP ERP programing team, primarily because the uncertain economic situation after the 2007 U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has made companies risk averse. Convincing the General Manager of the benefits of this process is a major challenge.
    This case study is as follows. For many years in the information services industry, ERP maintenance outsourcing market faces the complex problem brought by demand for ERP programming customization caused by the constantly changing environment. Hence, ERP maintenance departments and outsourcing vendors must cooperate toward providing the customization process and specialization. As the ERP maintenance department is not staffed by technical personnel capable of customized programming, The ERP maintenance department is compromised as collaboration usually favors the requirements of vendors. It causes the ERP maintenance department to be lack of the autonomy. Vendors are expected to provide programming services to customers. This study analyzes the theoretical factors for decision making involved in make-or-buy situations. It will also explore factors involved in the symbiotic relationship required in the collaboration between ERP maintenance departments and outsourcing customers. The cost of human resources, technical resources, and the external environment will be discussed, along with other key factors that influence decisions to outsource and resolve customer issues.For the company in the case study, ERP created a win–win situation for the maintenance department, which can develop customized products to meet customer demands on ERP system maintenance departments.

    目錄 摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 誌謝 4 目錄 5 表目錄 8 圖目錄 9 第一章 緒論 10 第一節、 研究背景與動機 10 第二節、 研究目的 10 第三節、 研究流程與論文架構 11 第二章 ERP產業概況 13 第一節、 ERP的定義 13 第二節、 ERP的演進發展 14 (一) 物料需求規劃(MRP)階段(1970~1980) 14 (二) 製造資源規劃(MRPII)階段(1980~1990) 14 (三) 企業資源規劃(ERP) 階段(1990~2000) 14 (四) 延伸企業資源規劃(EERP or ERPII) 階段(2000~) 15 第三節、 台灣ERP產業環境 15 第四節、 SAP公司介紹 16 第五節、 個案公司 17 (一) VOIT簡介 17 (二) 公司願景、公司使命與經營理念 18 (三) 經營模式 19 (四) 產品與服務 20 (五) 公司資本額與營收 21 第三章 個案故事介紹 22 第一節、 建立SAP客製團隊的決策(A) 22 (一) 國際大廠ERP產品水土不服 22 (二) ERP維護部門的定位 22 (三) ERP維護部門的困境 23 (四) 接下ERP維護部門的挑戰 24 (五) 物料差異金額分配客製的衝擊 26 (六) 增加ERP維護部門營收的機會 26 (七) 總經理的考慮 27 第二節、 建立SAP客製團隊的決策(B) 30 (一) 全新專案的挑戰 30 (二) WDS科技異質系統整合的成功 31 (三) 轉機的到來IFRS平行會計 31 第四章 教學手冊 33 第一節、 個案總覽 33 (一) 教學目標 34 (二) 適用課程與對象 35 (三) 課前準備 35 (四) 學員課前討論 36 (五) 個案背景 36 (六) 教學問題與理論參考 38 第二節、 教學建議 55 第三節、 板書 56 (一) 教學個案版書1:個案的時間歷程表 56 (二) 教學個案板書2:個案的ERP事業部組織架構 56 (三) 教學個案板書3:資源的特性 57 (四) 教學個案版書4:資源基礎的委外觀點 58 (五) 教學個案版書5:決策的思維 58 第五章 參考文獻 59 一、 中文部分 59 二、 英文部分 60 三、 參考網站 62 表目錄 表1-1 VOIT公司2011~2009年資本額與營業額(單位 新台幣千元) 20 表4-1 教學目標 33 表4-2 登場角色人物介紹 35 表4 3資訊委外的定義 38 表4-4 60年代委外模式 40 表4-5 交易成本的定義 42 表4-6 組織自主性的說明 45 表4-7 霸權的定義 46 表4-8 本身與競爭者技術能力四象限建議決策 51 表4-9 外部(經濟)環境與技術能力區分決策因素 52 表4-10 課程建議 54

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