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研究生: 杜維欣
Wei-Hsin Tu
論文名稱: 訊息內容對電子口碑傳遞的影響-以台灣美妝品牌 Facebook 粉絲專頁為例
What contents cause people spreading word-of-mouth? -The case of Facebook fan pages of Taiwanese cosmetics brands
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 呂文琴
Wen-Chin Lu
Seng-Su Tsang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 電子口碑Facebook 粉絲專頁內容行銷美妝產業
外文關鍵詞: electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM), Facebook fan page, content marketing, cosmetics industry
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:14
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  • 現今,社群媒介已逐漸成為消費者搜尋產品或服務資訊的重要管道之一,其中又以 Facebook 最為廣泛。因為 Facebook 粉絲專頁是成本小效益高的推廣媒介,故愈多的企業已藉由在 Facebook 中粉絲專頁的設立,傳遞各種訊息給「粉絲」,進行企業與消費者、消費者與消費者間的溝通,以增加品牌曝光度、訊息傳遞及推廣效益。故本研究主要利 用真實的粉絲專頁訊息內容,透過訊息內容豐富度、訊息內容利益類型、以及訊息發佈時間等因素來檢測其與消費者傳遞電子口碑之間的關係。本研究共蒐集 10 家台灣美妝品牌粉絲專頁中的訊息,共計1,186 則,透過負二元名義迴歸模型得出結果。結果顯示,內容豐富度越高之訊息,其電子口碑傳遞的機會也越高;而在訊息內容利益類型部分,在四種訊息內容利益相比較之下,是以享樂型利益訊息效果為佳;至於訊息發佈時間方面,部分顯著影響口碑傳遞。研究結果將提供社群網絡服務經營者實務上以及學者後續相關研究上之參考。

    Nowadays, social media gradually becomes an important channel for searching information about products/ services for consumers, especially Facebook as the most widely used. It is because that companies could use Facebook fan pages to promote their products/ services, and communicate with customers/ potential customers with lower costs. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between content factors (richness, benefits components and time frame) and word-of-mouth (likes, comments, and shares) by using real data of Facebook fan pages. An empirical analysis using negative binomial regression model is conducted based on 1,186 Facebook posts gathered from the fan pages of 10 Taiwanese cosmetics brands. Results suggest the more richness of the content, the more likes and comments it gains. Moreover, comparing among four benefits components, hedonic benefits is the most effective type of content that affect word-of-mouth most. As for publication time of the content, it is partly significantly influencing word-of-mouth. The research result will provide Facebook fan page managers for their practices and future research is discussed as well.

    壹、 緒論.................................................................................1 第一節研究背景與研究動機........................................................1 第二節研究目的........................................................................2 第三節研究流程........................................................................3 貳、 文獻回顧...........................................................................4 第一節電子口碑與傳遞...............................................................4 第二節FACEBOOK 行為之探討:按讚、留言、分享.......................4 第三節訊息內容.........................................................................5 第四節電子口碑與各影響因素之間的關係.....................................8 參、 研究方法.........................................................................10 第一節研究架構.......................................................................10 第二節研究變數之操作性定義....................................................11 第三節研究對象........................................................................17 第四節資料蒐集........................................................................19 第五節資料分析方法..................................................................22 肆、 研究結果..........................................................................23 第一節敘述性統計分析..............................................................23 第二節結果分析........................................................................25 伍、結論與建議.........................................................................31 第一節結論與討論.....................................................................31 第二節研究貢獻........................................................................33 第三節研究限制........................................................................35 第四節未來研究建議.................................................................36 參考文獻..................................................................................37

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