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研究生: 徐慶君
Ching-Gion Hsu
論文名稱: 企業策略性併購動機與經營策略之成功關鍵因素探討-以F公司為例
Investigation of Successful Mergers and Acquisitions and Business Strategies–A Case Study of F Technology Group
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 策略性併購策略競爭優勢成本優勢商業模式
外文關鍵詞: Business Madel
相關次數: 點閱:474下載:2
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2.「內部整合」對營運績效之影響:組織文化方面,因國情和企業文化差異,易造成文化管理的困難程度。組織管理方面,過去該集團所主導的大型併購單位均屬於生產製造單位,故併購後的適應磨合期相對較短且較易達成組織管理的目標。品牌整合方面,就過去該集團與國際品牌大廠的投資併購案(NOKIA機殼廠、Motorola墨西哥廠、SONY斯洛伐克廠、SHARP十代面板廠等,詳見表4.3 所示)而言,該集團非以品牌經營為主要營運項目,因此並無太多問題。財務管理方面,早期從NOKIA機殼廠到SONY斯洛伐克廠投資併購案,均成功受惠於併購案的綜效而切入主要客戶的市場,帶給集團成長獲利;而SHARP十代面板廠的投資案,因併購談判未正式結束因此無法進行財務長期效應的妄自預測與分析。

The international Merges & Acquisition (M&A) is one of necessary strategies for an enterprise sustainable operation. In this case, Foxconn Technology Group is the most important international enterprise in Taiwan. Foxconn has wend through many times of their original OEM business model and the M&A. Now, they consolidate IIDM、8-screens&1-network&1-cloud strategies、Vertical Integration and set up the sales channels aggressively.
After study, some key successful factors were found as following,
1. The motivation and benefits for M&A: Both Foxconn and SHARP had the minimum achievement.
2. From the perspective of effect to 「internal integration」:Difficulty of the internal culture integration since different organizational and national culture. For organization management, the results of past acquisitions are manufactures, so the run-in period after the M&A is short and easier to reach the goals. For the brand integration, since consumer brand development is not Foxconn’s main business. Thus, brand integration is not an issue. As for the financial management, Foxconn were able to acquire the business group up. But for acquiring SHARP 10thG display factory case, no much information is available since the formal result is not official confirmed yet.
3. From the perspective of effect for external environment (in acquiring SHARP 10thG display factory case study). As for the threat of new entrants and substitutes, Foxconn prevented the threat of breakthrough development in other panel competitors since they obtains large size panel production capacity and cutting technology, together with the original competitive advantage in Innolux. As for suppliers bargaining power, after the M&A, Foxconn has various types of panel internal suppliers, so it has the best price advantage. For bargaining power of buyers, the case study does not involve since there is no acquisition about end-consumer-product recommendations neither. As for the strength of competitive rivalry, Foxconn not only to fulfil in a large panel manufacturing capacity and technology gap with M&A, but also strengthened the competitive advantage.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與背景 1.2 研究流程與架構 1.2.1 研究流程 1.2.2 研究架構 1.2.3 研究限制 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 併購理論 2.1.1 併購之定義 2.1.2 併購之類型 2.1.3 併購之對價關係 2.1.4 企業併購流程 2.1.5 策略性併購之動機理論 2.2 策略管理理論 2.2.1 策略管理之定義 2.2.2 企業成長策略 2.2.3 企業競爭策略與五力分析 2.3 產品組合與產品生命週期理論 2.3.1 BCG矩陣(Growth–share matrix) 2.3.2 產品生命週期管理 2.4 SWOT分析 2.4.1 SWOT之定義 2.4.2 SWOT與五力分析 2.5 企業商業模式 第三章 研究設計與方法 3.1 個案研究法 3.2 個案訪談 第四章 研究實證與結果分析 4.1 個案公司現況簡介-F科技集團 4.1.1 F公司成長策略 4.1.2 F集團某行動裝置子集團之概況 4.2 F公司之商業模式 4.2.1 全球電子代工之商業模式 4.2.2 F公司代工商業模式之創新 4.2.3 F公司策略性併購創造成本優勢 4.2.4 F公司策略性併購創造競爭優勢 4.3 F公司的轉型與挑戰 4.3.1 F公司競爭力分析 4.3.2 F公司策略性轉型之動機 4.3.3 F公司策略性轉型之發展 4.3.4 F公司轉型之策略與挑戰 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論 5.2 研究建議 參考文獻

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