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研究生: 黃啓瑞
Chi-jui Huang
論文名稱: 攪拌樁配置對軟弱黏土層島區開挖之影響
Effect of Layout Patterns on Grout Pile Improved Bermed Excavation in Soft Clay
指導教授: 廖洪鈞
Hung-jiun Liao
口試委員: 歐章煜
Chang-yu Ou
S.-f. Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 194
中文關鍵詞: FLAC視剪力強度模型試驗超軟黏土地盤改良島區開挖
外文關鍵詞: FLAC, apparent shear strength, model test, super soft clay, ground improvement, bermed excavation
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:5
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  最後藉由比較經柱狀改良及全面塊狀改良後之島區式開挖位移量,推求柱狀改良後複合土體之視剪力強度(Apparent shear strength)與改良樁體強度折減係數α值,以供軟弱黏土層島區式開挖之地盤改良設計參考。

  To minimize the size effect differential from the model test to the full scale test, some of the excavation model tests were carried out by increasing the unit weight of soil with centrifuge force. This research will evaluate the results of 1g model tests carried out on excavations in soft clay by keeping the base stability number of the model test equal to the full scale excavation.
  The undrained shear strength (Su) of soil used in the model test was reduced according to the size reduction from the prototype. This research will describe how to conduct this model test, determine the undrained shear strength (Su) and Young’s modulus (E) of super soft clay, and evaluate the effects of different ground improvement layouts on the bermed excavations in clay. Test results indicate that the embedment of excavation wall into a stiff layer can significantly reduce the excavation induced ground movement. Different ground improvement layouts generate different effects on ground movement control, and then this research will use FLAC to simulate the model test result.
  The apparent undrained shear strength and the reduction factor α of grout pile reinforced clay is obtained by comparing the amounts of settlement behind the excavation wall between grout pile reinforced soil and 100% ground improved soil. Based on the test results, an empirical equation is proposed to estimate the apparent shear strength of grout pile reinforced clay in terms of unconfined compressive strength of grout piles and undrained shear strength of in-situ clay. The strength of grout pile actually mobilized to enhance the berm stability of an excavation is only a small fraction of its material strength.

中文摘要……………………………………………………………I 英文摘要……………………………………………………………II 誌謝…………………………………………………………………III 目錄…………………………………………………………………IV 表目錄………………………………………………………………VIII 圖目錄………………………………………………………………IX 照片目錄……………………………………………………………XX 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………1 1.2 研究內容…………………………………………………………2 第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………3 2.1 超軟黏土不排水剪力強度之量測方法…………………………3 2.1.1 落錐試驗(Fall cone test)之相關研究…………………3 落錐試驗之由來………………………………………3 落錐試驗應用於量測土壤強度………………………4 2.1.2 實驗室十字片剪力試驗(Laboratory Vane Shear Test)5 2.2 離心機模型試驗儀器……………………………………………8 2.2.1 離心機模型原理……………………………………………8 2.2.2 離心機模型試驗於開挖行為之研究………………………8 2.3 開挖穩定分析方法之研究………………………………………10 2.3.1 內擠破壞型式分析之研究…………………………………11全土壓力法(Gross Pressure Method)………………11法………………………………………………13 2.3.2 底部隆起破壞型式分析方法之研究………………………15 Terzaghi法……………………………………………15 Bjerrum and Eide法…………………………………17 力矩平衡法(Moment Equilibrium Method)………19 穩定係數分析法(Stability Numbers)……………22 2.3.3 島區開挖之土堤的相關研究………………………………23 2.4 地盤改良應用於開挖工程之介紹………………………………24 第三章 研究計畫、儀器設備及試驗內容…………………………26 3.1 試驗計畫…………………………………………………………26 3.2 試驗儀器設備介紹………………………………………………27 3.2.1 落錐試驗儀…………………………………………………27 3.2.2 實驗室十字片剪力試驗儀…………………………………28 3.2.3 圓柱貫入試驗儀……………………………………………30 3.2.4 模型試驗儀…………………………………………………30 模型儀器設計原理……………………………………30 模型試驗儀……………………………………………31 3.2.5 監測用數位相機……………………………………………33 3.3 試驗內容…………………………………………………………33 3.3.1 基本物理試驗………………………………………………33 3.3.2 落錐貫入試驗………………………………………………34 3.3.3 實驗室十字片剪力試驗……………………………………35 不同含水量之試驗……………………………………35 邊界條件影響之試驗…………………………………37 不同葉片大小之試驗…………………………………37 靜置時間長短之試驗…………………………………38 3.3.4 圓柱貫入試驗………………………………………………39 3.3.5 開挖模型試驗………………………………………………40 第四章 試驗結果分析………………………………………………45 4.1 基本物理試驗結果………………………………………………45 4.2 超軟黏土不排水剪力強度之試驗結果…………………………45 4.2.1 落錐貫入試驗結果…………………………………………45 4.2.2 實驗室十字片剪力試驗結果………………………………46 不同含水量之試驗結果………………………………47 邊界條件之影響………………………………………47 不同葉片大小之影響…………………………………47 靜置時間長短之影響…………………………………48 4.2.3 超軟黏土不排水剪力強度之試驗結果結論………………48 4.3 圓柱貫入試驗推估超軟弱黏土E/Su之推估……………………48 4.4 模型試驗及其結果………………………………………………50 4.4.1 模型試驗與現地案例之分析比……………………………50 4.4.2 模型試驗之結果分析………………………………………52 不同改良範圍及不同改良強度之比較………………52 貫入硬土層與否之比較………………………………56 4.4.3 柱狀改良之複合土體強度折剪係數α之探討……………58 4.5 以FLAC程式模擬模型試驗並比較其結果………………………60 4.5.1 FLAC程式原理介紹…………………………………………60 4.5.2 FLAC程式相關參數…………………………………………62 4.5.3 數值分析結果與模型試驗結果比較………………………63 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………64 5.1 結論………………………………………………………………64 5.2 建議………………………………………………………………65 參考文獻……………………………………………………………67


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