簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 高聰玄
Tsung-Hsuan Kao
論文名稱: 鐵路地下車站月台層容許安全候車人數之研究-以松山、南港車站為例
The Limit of People on a Platform of an Underground Railway Station—Based on Songshan and Nangang Stations
指導教授: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
Ying-Ji Chuang
口試委員: 湯潔新
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 避難逃生地下車站鐵路月台
外文關鍵詞: emergency escape, underground station, railway, platform
相關次數: 點閱:491下載:0
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Railway stations in recent years are planned mainly based on the underground design in order to meet the requirements for urban areas. However, the platform is usually designed to be located at the bottom level of passengers’ circulation paths when planning and designing an underground railway station. Accordingly, too many people may crowd and stay on the platform during the transportation peak when the limit of people to enter the platform is not well controlled. If we can know and control the limit of people allowed to access the platform, safety of the people on the platform will be significantly improved. The present study is to divide the platform into different exit areas for review according to the location of stairs and to calculate the time of exiting from each exit area. The exit time is primarily related to the moving distance, the exit width, and the density of people, wherein the moving distance relates to space dimensions, and the density of people relates to space area whereby the limit of people allowed to access each of the stairs can be calculated through the mutual relation between the aforementioned factors so as to discuss subjects about exit of the platform. Accordingly, stated below is the study report based on the case studies of Songshan Station, the Taiwan Railway platforms of Nangang Station, and the Taiwan High Speed Rail platforms of Nangang Station.
1.The limit of people allowed to access the platform is as follows: 1,481 persons for Platform One and 1,418 persons for Platform Two of the TRA Songshan Station; 532 persons for Platform One, 746 persons for Platform Two, and 520 persons for Platform Three of the TRA Nangang Station; and 1,523 persons for Platform Two and 1,219 persons for Platform Three of the HSR Nangang Station.
2.The width of the stairs is the most important factor to influence the exit time, and the location of the stairs is the most important factor to influence the limit of people on the platform.
3.The ratio of “the width of the stirs” to “the furthest distance between two adjacent staircases” is as follows: 1:42 for Platform One and 1:39 for Platform Two of the Songshan Station; 1:24 for Platform One, 1:28 for Platform Two, and 1:21 for Platform Three of the Taiwan Railway Nangang Station; and 1:49 for Platform Two and 1:32 for Platform Three of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Nangang Station.
4.For the area where the exit time is more than 4 minutes, it is advised that the stairs in that area be used exclusively as exit stairs to improve the safety of that area. Further, the aforementioned area should be identified as a dangerous area. In the event of emergence, the administrators should help guide and disperse the crowd of people to the nearest stairs.
5.The middle portion of the TRA Songshan Station is safer than the other areas thereof. The left portion of the platform of the TRA Nangang Station is safer than the other areas thereof.The right portion of the platform of the HSR Nangang Station is safer than the other areas thereof.
6.Reinforce the dispersal in the high density areas in order to prevent people from being crowded so as to ensure the safety escape.

中文摘要..................................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要..................................................................Ⅱ 誌謝......................................................................Ⅲ 目錄......................................................................Ⅳ 圖表索引..................................................................Ⅵ 第一章 緒論................................................................1 1.1 研究動機...............................................................1 1.2研究目的................................................................2 1.3 研究範圍...............................................................2 1.4研究方法與流程..........................................................3 第二章 地下空間特性及避難設計原則..........................................4 2.1 地下空間災害特性.......................................................4 2.2 避難逃生之意義.........................................................7 2.3 避難設計原則...........................................................9 第三章 性能式防火設計與避難安全檢證法分析..................................11 3.1 性能式防火設計之目的...................................................11 3.2 美國避難安全檢證法..... . .............................................13 3.3 日本避難安全檢證法.....................................................14 3.4 國內軌道系統避難安全檢證法.............................................16 3.5 月台層安全候車人數驗證架構說明.........................................18 3.5.1 驗證架構說明.........................................................20 3.5.2 避難人數計算之原則...................................................20 3.5.3 安全候車人數計算方式.................................................24 第四章 容許安全候車人數案例分析............................................27 4.1 松山車站...............................................................27 4.1.1 車站簡介.............................................................27 4.1.2 月台旅客容量計算.....................................................30 4.1.3 容許安全候車人數計算.................................................32 4.1.4 案例分析小結.........................................................35 4.2 南港車站(臺鐵月台層).................................................37 4.2.1 車站簡介.............................................................37 4.2.2 月台旅客容量計算.....................................................40 4.2.3 容許安全候車人數計算.................................................42 4.2.4 案例分析小結.........................................................46 4.3 南港車站(高鐵月台層).................................................49 4.3.1 月台旅客容量計算.....................................................49 4.3.2 容許安全候車人數計算.................................................51 4.3.3 案例分析小結.........................................................54 4.4 案例分析總結...........................................................56 4.4.1 安全候車人數計算結果探討.............................................56 4.4.2 影響避難時間因子探討.................................................58 4.4.3 樓梯寬度與區劃長度之探討.............................................60 4.4.4 危險樓梯區劃探討.....................................................62 4.4.5月台容許避難人數密度分佈情形探討......................................63 第五章 結論與建議..........................................................65 5.1 結論...................................................................65 5.2 建議...................................................................66

[1]NFPA130 美國國家防火協會第 130 號規範,第2-5節,附錄C,2000年版。
[14]藤本盛久、羽倉弘人,現代建築防災工學,オーム社, 1981年。

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