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研究生: 楊登順
Deng-Shun Yang
論文名稱: 基於動態與靜態模型之人群聚集與騷動偵測演算法
Crowd Gathering and Commotion detection based on the Stillness Model and Motion Model
指導教授: 阮聖彰
Shanq-Jang Ruan
口試委員: 阮聖彰
Shanq-Jang Ruan
Chin-Hsien Wu
Yuan-Hsiang Lin
Chang-Hong Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 異常事件偵測人群聚集偵測人群騷動偵測影像辨識
外文關鍵詞: crowd commotion detection, abnormal crowd event
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:1
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  • 近來國際上的公共安全問題頻傳,如何預防或發現異常事件變成很重要的一件議題,監視攝影機是關鍵的設備,監視人員不一定能一直專心在盯著多個監視設備,電腦視覺領域因而在此議題中扮演重要的角色,透過影像去偵測異常事件能夠減少人力需求與避免人為的失誤。此論文中我們提出一種基於動態與靜態模型之人群聚集與騷動偵測演算法,此方法使用改進後的背景消除演算法找出前景的人群,改進後的背景消除算法會依據前景區塊去更新背景模型,改善了人群長期滯留造成被誤認為背景的問題,之後再使用光流法來計算人群的靜止程度與動量累積,並利用漏桶模型來累積靜止程度用以判斷人群是否真為靜止狀態,如果有靜止狀態存在則使用群集算法對靜止狀態的人做群集,透過閥值分析偵測人群聚集的事件,當聚集事件發生後,再透過動量累積去偵測該人群是否發生騷動。實驗中使用公開的人群聚集影片做測試,在此實驗中準確度達97%。

    The abnormal event detection become an important topic recently. This paper present a method to detect the crowd gathering and commotion event after crowd gathering. The proposed stillness model and motion model is based on improved background subtraction and optical flow. We construct a stillness level by the break bucket model and clustering the stillness level. The clustering data allow to detecting the gathering event by threshold analysis. Furthermore, motion model allow to detecting commotion after crowd gathering. In the experiment, we used the dataset of PET2009. The proposal method is verified by the experiment with 97% accuracy.

    1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Literature review 1 1.3 Goal 3 1.4 Organization 4 2. Related Works 5 2.1 Crowd Density Estimation 5 2.2 Crowd Analysis Levels 7 2.3 Background Subtraction 7 2.4 Optical Flow 11 2.5 Stillness Model for Crowd Gathering Detection 14 3. Proposed Method 16 3.1 Pre-Processing 18 3.1.1 Video Information 18 3.1.1 Region of Interest 18 3.2 Feature Extraction 19 3.2.1 Background Subtraction 19 3.2.1 Dense Optical Flow 24 3.3 Stillness Model 25 3.4 Advanced Leaky Bucket Model 26 3.5 Clustering and Crowd Gathering Detection 27 3.6 Motion Model and Commotion Analysis 28 4. Experimental Results 30 4.1 Background Subtraction 32 4.2 Stillness Model 32 4.3 Leaky Bucket Model Analysis 36 4.4 Gathering Analysis 36 4.5 Motion Model and Commotion Analysis 36 4.6 Performance 39 5. Conclusion 41

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