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研究生: 黃世昌
論文名稱: 企業即時通訊軟體委外專案
The Outsourcing Project of Enterprise Instant Messenger
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 委外決策社會交換交易成本社會資本
外文關鍵詞: Outsourcing, Social exchange, Transaction cost, Social capital
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:23
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  • 隨著即時通訊軟體的興起,其方便性讓政府機關及各大企業都相繼投入使用,雖報紙報導有提醒國人其安全性的疑慮,但仍無法改變大家的使用習慣。

    Since instant messenger was widely used in government and business, people ignored the security issues because of its convenience. Even the damage was severe, humans habit will not change easily.
    This case study described the IT manager implemented enterprise instant messenger software to solve security issues of using free chatting applications by outsourcing. Kenmec, the name of case study company, required a solution as well as the supplier needed reference customer in mechanic industry. Both parties spent 9 months to test software and discuss the lack of functions. Under supplier’s pressure, a few software functions of acceptance test were not included in the contract. A disagreement raised in the closing stage of project. But both parties started to trust each other during the 2 year of implementation. After positive result of cooperation of supplier marketing campaign, the senior management of both side are thinking to seek a new business model to work with each other.
    The Harvard case writing method was used for the case study and the teaching notes. The case study described and explained the whole processes of the case. The teaching notes included outsourcing, social exchange, transaction cost, and social capital. The trainees could understand how to evaluate a software solution and its implementation processes, and to develop customer-supplier relationship. Eventually, both parties can gain profit from cooperation of new business relationship.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場 1 二、集團簡介與個案背景 2 (一)發展沿革 2 (二)廣運機械工程股份有限公司(母公司) 4 (三)廣運集團資訊處 4 (四)免費通訊軟體的資安問題 5 三、評估最佳方案 6 (一)執行長的資安顧慮 6 (二)集團需求 7 (三)即時通訊軟體特性 8 四、軟體選定與時間壓力下簽約 13 (一)選定廠商與產品 13 (二)由產品功能角度測試 13 (三)實際工程執行測試 15 (四)客製的需求 17 (五)開發輔助程式、提升使用率 19 (六)無法立即解決的難題 21 (七)受限於時間壓力簽訂的合約 22 五、爭議與轉機 23 (一)功能不完備 23 (二)承諾未滿足 24 (三)轉機、相互合作 25 貳、個案教學指引 27 一、個案總覽 27 二、教學目標與適用課程 28 三、學員課前討論問題 31 四、個案背景 32 五、個案分析 33 課程目標一:委外決策(Outsourcing) 34 課程目標二:社會交換理論(Social exchange theory) 35 課程目標三:交易成本(Transaction cost theory) 36 課程目標四:社會資本(Social capital theory) 38 六、學習重點總結(TAKEAWAYS) 40 (一)委外決策(Outsourcing) 40 (二)社會交換(Social exchange theory) 40 (三)交易成本(Transaction cost theory) 41 (四)社會資本(Social capital theory) 41 七、教學建議 42 八、板書規劃 46 參、參考文獻 50 一、英文部分 50 二、中文部分 52 三、參考網站 53

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