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論文名稱: 一種用於微粒紋痕影像測速儀之新型紋痕影像解析演算法
A novel streak-resolving algorithm for particle streak velocimetry
指導教授: 田維欣
Wei-Hsin Tien
口試委員: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
Yi-Jiun Peter LIN
Yi-Chih Chow
Yeh,Szu-I siyeh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 微粒影像測速儀微粒循跡測速儀微粒紋痕測速儀流場可視化最小平方擬合法
外文關鍵詞: particle image velocimetry, particle tracking velocimetry, particle streak velocimetry, flow visualization, least-square curve fitting
相關次數: 點閱:266下載:2
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  • 微粒紋痕測速儀 (Particle Streak Velocimetry, PSV) 是有別於流行的微粒影像測速儀 (Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV) 和微粒循跡測速儀 (Particle Tracking Velocimetry, PTV) 之外的另一種用於定量測量流場的實驗方法。在許多實際應用中,硬體設備限制導致需要更長的曝光時間,從而導致拍攝到的移動微粒影像拉長為紋痕影像。以PIV 和 PTV分析這些影像將導致準確度降低並且喪失有關流體旋轉的資訊,因其需要利用一對影像與近似瞬時速度的假設。針對這項限制,本研究提出了一種用於 PSV 的新型紋痕影像解析算法,利用單幀影像即可解析具有多個微粒紋痕的速度場。首先透過模擬合成以及實際實驗之影像,以系統性地方式探討了PTV 和 PIV 應用於微粒紋痕影像時之性能表現。對於模擬合成之微粒紋痕影像,係透過利用古典二維高斯函數近似之微粒模型影像並加以時間積分生成。透過引入無因次曝光時間〖" E" 〗_"T" ^"*" 來正規化每幀影像的曝光時間,並讓微粒在流場中分別依照一維均勻流和二維旋轉之希爾渦旋流(Hill’s vortex)進行運動。其他參數的影響,例如微粒影像直徑、訊號強度和微粒紋痕密度均進行了探討。結果顯示基於視覺的(VB)-PTV演算法可以成功擬合微粒紋痕影像輪廓及取得微粒中心位置的低擬合誤差直到〖" E" 〗_"T" ^"*" =10,但隨著〖" E" 〗_"T" ^"*" 從 10 增加到 70,其產量略有下降而效能表現則顯著下降。與 PTV 相比, PIV 對長曝光時間的微粒紋痕影像處理更為強健,對微粒影像直徑和強度的影響不太敏感。根據此結果所提出的新PSV算法則利用相同的時間積分高斯紋痕模型函數,但在曝光期間內假設其微粒之軌跡可用多項式加以擬合,並應用多變數最小平方法之演算程序對微粒紋痕之資訊和相應的微粒軌跡進行重建。如此可實現拉格朗日觀點之循跡(Lagrangian tracking),並且可以對時間微分的方式解析微粒紋痕軌跡上任意點的瞬時速度。加速平行流及希爾渦旋流被使用來生成模擬合成之微粒紋痕影像,進行了演算法之性能測試且探討了誤差來源。實驗結果表明當影像噪訊低於 1.0%時,平均誤差和標準偏差 (SD) 可以忽略不計。而對於 5.0% 的噪訊水準,平均誤差和標準偏差 (SD)則會分別達到10% 和12%。兩種流動型態下的微粒影像強度和微粒影像直徑的誤差在無噪訊情況下為 0% ~7%,而在有噪訊的情形下則可達 12%。對流過圓柱體的流場實驗其微粒紋痕影像的處理結果則顯示,這些影像確可以使用此算法進行解析,其殘差平均誤差為 4.38,SD 為 9.48。實驗結果亦顯示,微粒紋痕之速度方向可以透過加入照明強度在總持續時間的100% 到 50%之變化並加入模型擬合函數來決定。結果顯示修改過的演算法成功地預測了從高紋痕強度到低條紋強度的大多數正確微粒紋痕速度向量。這些結果表明本研究所提出PSV 算法僅用單幀影像即可解析速度場且不受限於影像擷取與照明之硬體,因此具有廣泛應用的潛力。

    Particle streak velocimetry (PSV) is an alternative experimental methods other than the popular particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) to quantitatively measure flow fields. In many practical applications, hardware limitations result in a requirement of longer exposure times, causing captured images of moving particles to elongate into particle streak images. To analyze such images with PIV or PTV can be less accurate and the information of the fluid rotation is lost because of the instantaneous velocity approximation using frame pairs. In this study, a novel streak-resolving algorithm is proposed for PSV to resolve velocity fields from a single image frame with multiple particle streaks to overcome this limitation. The performances of PTV and PIV on particle streak images were first evaluated systematically by both synthetic and experimental images. Synthetic particle streak images were created by a time integral of the model particle image, which is approximated by the classical two-dimensional Gaussian function. The exposure time of each frame is normalized by introducing the non-dimensional exposure time "E" _"T" ^"*" , and the particle were set to move in the analytical flows of the one-dimensional uniform flow and the rotational two-dimensional Hill’s vortex flow, respectively. Other parameters, such as the particle image diameter, intensity, and the particle streak density were also investigated. The results show that performances of vision-based (VB)-PTV algorithm can fit the particle streak profile successfully with low fitting error to the particle central location up to "E" _"T" ^"*" =10, but the performance dropped significantly as "E" _"T" ^"*" further increased to 70 with a slightly lower yield. In comparison with PTV, PIV is more robust in processing streak images with long-exposure times, and less sensitive to the effects of particle image diameter and intensity. The proposed new PSV algorithm based on these results utilized the same temporal-integrated model Gaussian streak function, but set the particle trajectory during the exposure period based on polynomial functions and applied a multivariable least-square fit procedure to reconstruct the streak information and the corresponding particle trajectory. Lagrangian tracking can be achieved and the instantaneous velocity at any given point on the streak can be evaluated by differentiating the resolved particle trajectory with respect to time. Accelerating parallel flow and the rotational flow of Hill’s vortex were used to generate synthetic streaks for the performance tests of the algorithm and the sources of errors were discussed. The results show that the mean error and standard deviation (SD) were negligible if the image noise is below 1.0%. For the noise level of 5.0%, the mean error is up to 10% and SD 12%, respectively. The errors of the particle image intensity and particle image diameter for both flow types were 0% ~7% for the cases without-noise and up to 12% for noisy images. The processing results for experimental streak images of flow past a cylinder reveal that these images can be resolved using the proposed algorithm with a residual mean error of 4.38 and SD of 9.48. The streak velocity direction can be correctly determined by applying a variation of illumination intensity from 100% to 50% of the total duration and adding this variation into the model fitting function. The results shows that the revised algorithm can successfully predict most of the correct streak velocity vectors from high streak intensity to low streak intensity. These results suggest that the proposed PSV algorithm can be used to resolve velocity fields with only a single image frame and not limited by imaging and illumination hardware, and thus has the potential for diverse applications.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 摘要 I ABSTRACT III ACKNOWLEDGMENTS V CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 10 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS 11 CHAPTER 2 METHODS 12 2.1 SYNTHETIC PARTICLE IMAGE GENERATION 12 2.2. SIMULATED ANALYTICAL FLOW PATTERN 13 2.3 SYNTHETIC STREAK IMAGE GENERATION 14 2.4 PIV AND PTV ALGORITHMS 15 2.5 STREAK RESOLVING ALGORITHM 19 2.5.1 Accelerating parallel flow and rotational flow 20 2.5.2 Streak resolved by least square curve-fitting 22 2.6 TYPES OF ERRORS 24 2.7 DIRECTION OF STREAK VELOCITY VECTOR 25 CHAPTER 3 PERFORMANCES OF PTV AND PIV ON STREAK IMAGES 27 3.1 UNIFORM TRANSLATIONAL FLOW 27 3.1.1 Performance of PTV with synthetic streak images 27 3.1.2 Performance of PIV with synthetic streak images 28 3.1.3 Comparisons between RMS displacement errors of PTV and PIV 29 3.2 ROTATIONAL FLOW (HILL’S VORTEX) 30 3.2.1 Performance of PTV with synthetic streak images 31 3.2.2 Performance of PIV with synthetic streak images 33 3.3 PIV AND PTV PERFORMANCES ON EXPERIMENTAL IMAGES 35 CHAPTER 4 RECONSTRUCTING VELOCITY FIELD OF STREAK IMAGES USING PSV 39 4.1 DETERMINATION OF UPPER AND LOWER BOUNDS OF STREAK FITTINGS 39 4.2 SINGLE STREAK RESOLVED AT MULTIPLE POINTS 40 4.3 RESIDUAL ERRORS FOR THE RESOLVED SINGLE STREAK 40 4.4 ACCELERATING PARALLEL FLOW 41 4.4.1 PSV analysis of single streak 41 4.4.2 Effects of particle image intensity and particle image diameter 42 4.4.3 Analysis of multiple streaks of accelerating parallel flow 42 4.5 ROTATIONAL FLOW (HILL’S VORTEX) 43 4.5.1 PSV analysis of single streak 43 4.5.2 Effect of particle image intensity (µ) and Particle image diameter (σ) 44 4.5.3 Analysis of multiple streaks of Hill’s Vortex (rotational flow) 44 4.6 ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL STREAK IMAGE 45 4.7 DISCUSSION 45 CHAPTER 5 DETERMINING THE DIRECTIONS OF VELOCITY FIELD FROM STREAK IMAGES IN PSV 48 5.1 PARALLEL FLOW 48 5.1.1 Direction of parallel flow at constant velocity 48 5.1.2 Direction of accelerating parallel flow 48 5.2 DIRECTION OF STREAK VELOCITY VECTORS FOR ROTATIONAL FLOW (HILL’S VORTEX) 48 5.3 DISCUSSION AND LIMITATIONS 50 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 52 6.1 CONCLUSIONS 52 6.2 FUTURE WORK 54 REFERENCES 55


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