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研究生: 葉俊杉
Chun-Shan Yeh
論文名稱: 含咵唑-喹咢啉液晶基團之玻璃性柱狀型液晶化合物和1,4-二氮苯及9,10-二氮蒽為核心之盤狀液晶化合物之合成與性質研究
Synthesis and Characterization of Glass forming Columnar Liquid Crystals containing Oxadiazole and Biquinoxaline Moietes and Phenzine-,Quino xaline- Derived discatic Liquid Crystals
指導教授: 廖本瑞
Ben-Ruey Liaw
口試委員: 張美濙
Mei-Ying Chang
Y.G. Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 盤狀液晶
外文關鍵詞: discotic liquid crystals
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:0
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第一系列化合物2,3,2',3'-四{4-[5(3,4,5-三烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}-6,6'-喹咢啉DBN-3Cn 2,3,2',3'-四{4-[5-(3,4-二烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}-6,6'-喹咢啉DBN2Cn 2,3,2',3'-四{4-[5(,4-烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}-6,6'-喹咢啉 DBN1C8 由和1,2-二{4-[5-(3,4,5-三烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}乙烷-1,2-二酮(1) 1,2-二{4-[5-(3,4-二烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}乙烷-1,2-二酮(2) 1,2-二{4-[5-(4-烷氧苯基)-1,3,4-咵唑-2-基]苯基}乙烷-1,2-二酮(3)nj縮合反應而成,並在末端位置接上不同長度之烷氧柔軟基(n=3, 5, 6, 8, 10).這些化合物的分子結構皆經由1H NMR, 13C NMR, FT-IR, AA 及MALD/TOF光譜儀鑑定,並利用DSC, POM 及X-ray繞射鑑定其相變化及液晶相.發現DBN-3C3和DBN-2C3沒有液晶相,而其他DBN-3Cn 和DBN-2Cn (n=4, 5, 6, 8,10)為六角柱狀排列(Col h ).DBN-1C8也沒有液晶相的產生.在DSC第一次冷卻時可發現,DBN-2Cn系列的液晶均向轉移溫度(Ti)的範圍為183~227℃,玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)的範圍為138~154℃.DBN-3Cn系列的液晶均向轉移溫度(Ti)的範圍為151~218℃,玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)的範圍為103~153℃.
第二系列及第三系列中,以兩個不同核心1,4-氮萘及9,10-二氮蒽為主體,2,3-二[3,4-二烷氧苯基]-6,7-[3,4-二烷氧苯基] 1,4-氮萘, 2BN-Cn (n = 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)和2,3,5-四[3,4-二烷氧苯基] 9,10-二氮蒽, N-Cn(n = 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11), 側鏈基團為柔軟烷氧基.利用DSC, POM 及X-ray繞射鑑定其相變化及液晶相.利用波長為λ = 1.3332 Å做X-ray繞射實驗,由此波長算出2BN-C10在100℃柱狀矩型晶格的參數為a = 58.10 Å及 b = 30.09 Å,另一方面,N-C5在80℃時,發現在低角度有一根很尖銳的峰。由X-ray照相中,在低角度範圍可發現二個環,比例為1:√3在六角結晶面分別為(100)和(110),其晶格參數為a = 41.4 Å。

Compounds 2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris(alkyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4
oxadiazol-2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'-biquinoxaline DBN-3Cn ,2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis
{4-[5-(3,4-bis(alkyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'-biquinoxaline DBN-2Cn , Tetrtakis{4-[5-(4-mono(alkyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxad
iazol-2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'-biquinoxaline DBN-1C8 are readily synthesized form biphenyl-3,4,3',4'-tetraamine and 1,2-Bis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris(alkyloxy)
phenyl)-[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl]phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione(1),1,2-Bis{4-[5-(3,4,-di(alkyloxy)phenyl)-[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl]phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione(2), 1,2-Bis{4-[5-(octyloxyphenyl)-[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl]phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione(3), derivatives of diffenent length tails(n=3, 5, 6, 8 and 10),as shown in Scheme Ⅰ.the identities of theses homologs were verified by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, andelemental analysis or M
ALD/TOF mass spectroscopy. The mesogenic behavior of homologs DB
N-3Cn ,DBN-2Cn and DBN-1C8was investigated by a combination of DSC, POM, and variable temperature X-ray-diffraction. The two shor
test homologs DBN-3C3 and DBN2C3 do not exhbit any mesogenic behaviour, whereas compoumds DBN-3Cn and DBN-2Cn wuth flexibe side length (n=4, 5, 6, 8, and10) showed welldefined hexagonal colum
mar mesophases(Col h ). In contrast to the corresponding double- and triple-chain derivatives (DBN-3Cn and DBN-2Cn) the single-chain DBN-1C8 (n=8) is not mesomrphic. The Col h phase of DBN-2Cn exhi
bited isotropic temperature (120~200℃) and glass transition temperature (130~200℃), whereas DBN-3Cn exhibited isotropic temperature (120~
200℃) and glass transition temperature (130~200℃) as determined by DSC on first cooling.

Moreover, two novel homologous series of novel disotic liquid crystals based on the heterocyclic cores of quinoxalin and phenazine- 2,3,6,7-
Tetrakis-(3,4-bis- butyloxy -phenyl)-quinoxaline, 2BN-Cn (n=4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) and 2,3,5-tetrakis[3,4-di(alkyloxy)phenyl]phenazines, N-Cn (n=5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11), where n is the carbon number of peripheral alkyl sidechain
, had been synthesized (SchemeⅣ and SchemeⅤ). Mesomorphic behave
iours were chacterized by DSC, POM and X-ray difftaction. The x-ray diffraction pattern of syncroton radiation (=13332Å) by 2BN-C10(n=10) at 100℃ has reflections that indexed to a rectangular lattice with parameter a=58.10 Å and b=30.09Å, resulting from a disrottion of the lattic. On the other hand, for N-C8(n=8), the diffractogram at 80℃ is dominated by a single sharp peak at low angle, diagonosticod colummar assemblies. The low-angle region of the pattern contained a set of two rings in a reciprocalspacing ratio 1:√3. these maximum are indexed, respectively as the(10) and (11) reflections from the two-dimensinal hexagonal lattice and a lattic constant a=A.

目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 誌謝 目錄 List of Scheme List of Figure List of Table 第一章 緒論 1.1 前言……………………………………………………… 1 1.2 液晶簡介……………………………………………….... 2 1.3 液晶分類………………………………………………… 3 1.4 盤狀液晶分子集合狀態及結構………………………… 8 1.5 液晶化合物的化學構成及性質…………… ………… 10 1.6 液晶相之鑑定….…………………………………………13 1.7 研究的動機……………………………………………….16 第二章 實驗 2.1 藥品………………………………………………………20 2.2 合成方法…………………………………………………26 第三章 研究結果 3.1 液晶分子之合成與鑑定……………………..…… ..64 3.2 液晶相之鑑定與其物性之探討……………….70 3.3 X-ray之探討…………………………………………….72 3.4 光學性質之探討………………………………………. .73 第四章 討論……………………………………………………...109 第五章 總結………………………………………………………115 參考資料………………………………………………………………116 List of Scheme Scheme Ⅰ The synthesis of DBN3C-n…………………………21 Scheme Ⅱ The synthesis of DBN2C-n…………………………22 Scheme Ⅲ The synthesis of DBN1C-n…………………………23 Scheme Ⅳ The synthesis of 2NB-Cn…………………………...24 Scheme Ⅴ The synthesis of N-Cn………………………………25 List of Figure Fig.1-1 Schematic representation of Nematic…….…………….4 Fig.1-2 Schematicrepresentationof Cholesteric………………...5 Fig.1-3 Schmatic representation of Smectic………………..…..5 Fig.1-4 Schematic representation of smectic mesophases……...7 Fig.1-5 ubclassification of discotic liquid crystalls according to molecular agregation…………………..…………….8 Fig.1-6 Characterization of discotic liquid crystals……………. 9 Fig.1-7 Characterization of discotic liquid crystals……………. 9 Fig.1-8 Characterization discotic liquid crystalls……. ……..… .11 Fig.1-9 Characterization discotic liquid crystalls……. ……..… .12 Fig.1-10 Characterization discotic liquid crystalls……. ……..… .19 Fig.3.1-1 MS ofompound1,2-Bis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris(pentyloxy) phenyl)-[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl]phenyl}ethane -1,2-dion.......………………………………………….....44 Fig.3.1-2 IRspectrumofcompound1,2-Bis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris(pentyloxy) phenyl)-[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl]phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione…..45 Fig.3.1-3 MS of compound2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris(pentyloxy) phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol- 2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'-biquinoxaline...46 Fig.3.1-4 1H MNR of compound2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris (pentyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]phenyl}-6,6' -biquinoxaline……………………………………………47 Fig.3.1-5 13C MNR of compound2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris (pentyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'- biquinoxaline……………………………………………48 Fig.3.1-6 IR of compound2,3,2',3'-Tetrtakis{4-[5-(3,4,5-tris (pentyloxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol- 2-yl]phenyl}-6,6'- biquinoxaline……………………………………………..49 Fig.3.1-7 MS of compound 1,2-bis{4-[5-3,4-bis(pentyloxy)phenyl ] -[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl}phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione…………50 Fig.3.1-8 IR of compound 1,2-bis{4-[5-3,4-bis(pentyloxy)phenyl ] -[1,3,4]oxadazol-2-yl}phenyl}ethane-1,2-dione…………51 Fig.3.1-9 IR of compound 3,4-di(pentyloxy) phenylboronic acid …………………………………………………………..52 Fig.3.1-10 IR of compound4',5'-Dinitro-3,4,3'',4''-tetrakis-octyloxy- [ 1,1';2',1'']terphenyl………………………..…………..53 Fig.3.1-11 MS of compound 2,3,6,7-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis- butyloxy -phenyl)-quinoxaline……………………………………54 Fig.3.1-12 1H NMR of compound 2,3,6,7-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis- butyloxy -phenyl)-quinoxaline……………………………………55 Fig.3.1-13 13C NMR of compound 2,3,6,7-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis- butyloxy -phenyl)-quinoxaline……………………………………..56 Fig.3.1-14 IR of compound 2,3,6,7-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis- butyloxy -phenyl)-quinoxaline…………………………………..57 Fig.3.1-15 IR of compound 2,3,5,6-Tetrakis-(3,4-dimethoxy -phenyl)-pyrazine………………………………………..58 Fig.3.1-16 IR of compound 2,3,5,6-Tetrakis-(3,4-dimethoxy -phenyl)-pyrazine…………………………………………59 Fig.3.1-17 MS of compound 2,3,5,6-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis-pentyloxy -phenyl)-pyrazine……………………………………... ..60 Fig.3.1-18 1H NMR of compound2,3,5,6-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis-pentyl oxy-phenyl)-pyrazine…………………………………...61 Fig.3.1-19 13C NMR of compound 2,3,5,6-Tetrakis-(3,4-bis-Penty loxy-phenyl)-pyrazine…………………………………..62 Fig.3.2-1 DSC thermograms for DBN3C4………………………….76 Fig.3.2-2 DSC thermograms for DBN3C5…………………………..76 Fig.3.2-3 DSC thermograms for DBN3C6…………………………..77 Fig.3.2-4 DSC thermograms forDBN3C10……..…………………...77 Fig.3.2-5 Polarized optical micrograph of DBN3Cn,cooled from the isotropicphase……………………………………..…….78 Fig.3.2-6 DSC thermograms for DBN2C4…………………………..80 Fig.3.2-7 DSC thermograms forDBN2C5…………………………80 Fig.3.2-8 DSC thermograms for DBN2C6…...................................81 Fig.3.2-9 DSC thermograms for DBN2C8…………………………81 Fig.3.2-10 DSC thermograms for DBN2C10………………………..82 Fig.3.2-11 Polarized optical micrograph of DBN2Cn,cooled from the isotropic phase………………………………………….83 Fig 3.2-12 DSC thermograms for 2NB-C6…………………………..85 Fig 3.2-13 DSC thermograms for 2NB-C7…………………………..85 Fig 3.2-14 DSC thermograms for 2NB-C8…………………………...86 Fig 3.2-15 DSC thermograms for 2NB-C9…………………………...86 Fig.3.2-16 Polarized optical micrograph of 2NB-Cn,cooled from the isotropic phase……………………………………………..87 Fig 3.2-17 DSC thermograms for N-C5………………………………89 Fig 3.2-18 DSC thermograms for N-C6………………………………89 Fig 3.2-19 DSC thermograms for N-C8………………………………90 Fig 3.2-20 DSC thermograms for N-C9………………………………90 Fig 3.2-21 DSC thermograms for N-C10……………………………..91 Fig 3.2-22 DSC thermograms for N-C11……………………………..91 Fig.3.2-16 Polarized optical micrograph of N-Cn,cooled from the isotropic phase……………………………………………..92 Fig.3.3-1 X-ray diffraction pattern of DBN3C5 at 150℃…………..94 Fig.3.3-2 X-ray diffraction pattern of DBN3C5 at 100℃………..…94 Fig.3.3-3 X-ray diffraction pattern of 2NB-10C at 100℃…………..95 Fig.3.3-4 X-ray diffraction pattern of 2NB-10C at 80℃….……..….95 Fig.3.3-5 X-ray diffraction pattern of 2NB-7C at 100℃……………96 Fig 3.3-6 X-ray diffraction pattern of 2NB-4C at 100℃……………96 Fig 3.3-7 X-ray diffraction pattern of N8C at 30℃…………………97 Fig 3.3-8 X-ray diffraction pattern of N8C at 80℃…………………97 Fig.3.4-1 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of DBN3C4…..99 Fig.3.4-2 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of DBN3C10...100 Fig.3.4-3 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of DBN2C4….101 Fig.3.4-4 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of DBN2C10...102 Fig.3.4-5 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of 2NB-4C…..103 Fig 3.4-6 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of 2NB-10C....104 Fig 3.4-7 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of N-C5……...105 Fig 3.4-8 Absorption and photoluminescent spectra of N-C8……..106 Fig.4-1 Dependence of the transition temperture(Ti,Tg) on n, the number of carbons on alkoxy group of for the series of discotic liquid crystalline DBN3Cn(n=4,5,6,8,10) ………111 Fig.4-2 Dependence of the transition temperture(Ti,Tg) on n, the number of carbonson alkoxy group of for the series of discotic liquid crystallineBDN2Cn(n=4,5,6,8,10) …….…112 Fig.4-3 Dependence of the transition temperture(Ti,Tm,Tc) on n, the number of carbons on alkoxy group of for the series of discotic liquid crystalline 2NB-Cn (n=4,6,7,8,9,10) …….113 Fig.4-4 Dependence of the transition temperture(Ti,ΔH) on n, the number of carbons on alkoxy group of for the series of discotic liquid crystallineNCn(n=5,6,8,9,10,11)……..…...114 List of Table Table 3.2-1 Thermal transitions and thermodynamic parameters of DBN3C-n……………………………………………...75 Table 3.2-2 Thermal transitions and thermodynamic parameters of DBN2C-n………………………………………………79 Table 3.2-3 Thermal transitions and thermodynamic parameters of 2BN-Cn………………………………………………...84 Table 3.2-4 Thermal transitions and thermodynamic parameters of N-Cn……………………………………………………88 Table 3.3-1 The X-ray by 2BN-Cn has reflection that indexed to arectangular lattice with a and b(λ=1.3332Å)…………...93 Table 3.4-1 Photoluminescent and absorption of DBN3Cn…………..98 Table 3.4-2 Photoluminescent and absorption of DBN2Cn…………..98 Table 3.4-3 Photoluminescent and absorption of 2NB-nC…………..103 Table 3.4-4 Photoluminescent and absorption of 2NB-nC…………..106

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