簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林智偉
Chih-wei Lin
論文名稱: IEEE802.16e系統接收機實作與研究
The design and realization of receiver in IEEE802.16e system
指導教授: 曾德峰
Der-feng Tseng
口試委員: 張立中
Li-chung Chang
Shu-ming Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: Mobile WimaxIEEE802.16e-2005訊號同步載波頻率補償通道估測
外文關鍵詞: Mobile Wimax, IEEE802.16e-2005, signal synchronization, carrier frequency offset compensation, channel estimation
相關次數: 點閱:578下載:2
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本論文為以實際硬體模擬IEEE802.16e-2005(Mobile Wimax)系統接收端,並將硬體模擬結果與電腦模擬結果作比較討論。為了提高系統頻譜的使用效率,對剛進入系統的非主要使用者來說,若能在開始資料傳輸前便先得知目前系統頻道使用狀況,可幫助這些非主要使用者選擇其他未被占用的頻道來作傳輸。接收位於訊號前端的FCH(Frame Control Header)可幫助我們達成此目的,但是前提是訊號的同步須先被實現。
在論文中我們將接收端的每個流程配合硬體DSP板,一一將其實現,包含訊號同步、載波頻率補償、通道估測、訊號解調及解碼,並自行撰寫相同條件及參數的MATLAB程式以軟體模擬的結果與硬體執行模擬的結果做比較及對照,並在最後觀察原本以CC(Convolutional Code)編碼所得之錯誤率表現與通道條件後提出可改用更適合用於ITU-R Ped.A channel的RS-CC(Reed-Solomon Convolutional Code)編碼的想法並成功提升整體錯誤率表現。

In this dissertation, we simulate the receiver of the IEEE802.16e-2005 (Mobile Wimax) system with DSP hardware device, and we will compare the results with the performance of MATLAB simulation on computer.
For raising the used efficiency of the spectrum in wireless communication system, if the secondary users who are just entering the system can know the information of system channel before they enter the system, they can choose the unoccupied channel from the total channel to use. To achieve this purpose, we need to receive and decode the FCH(Frame Control Header) information which is placed in the front end of the data burst. Equally important thing is the signal synchronization must be realized first, before we receive and decode the FCH.
In this research, we realize the every system process block with Barcelona Quad DSP board, including the signal synchronization、carrier frequency offset compensation、channel estimation、signal decoding and demodulation. We also use the same system condition and parameter to simulate on the computer, and we will analyze the difference and performance of the both execution results. Eventually, we proposed that in the same channel condition if we replace the CC(Convolutional Code) with the RS-CC(Reed-Solomon Convolutional Code),and we will obtain better performance in the ITU-R Ped.A channel.

摘要...........................................i Abstract......................................ii 目錄.........................................iii 圖索引.........................................v 表索引.......................................vii 第一章 緒論....................................1 1.1 前言.......................................1 1.2 研究動機...................................1 1.3 研究方法與目的.............................2 1.4 章節概要...................................2 第二章 硬體架構................................4 2.1 DSP處理器介紹..............................4 2.2 取樣及降頻模組介紹.........................5 2.3 訊號產生器簡介.............................7 2.4 開發軟體環境簡介...........................8 2.5 硬體連接及初始設定詳述.....................9 第三章 訊號分析的架構與設計...................15 3.1 使用訊號參數簡介..........................15 3.2 通道模型..................................16 3.3 接收機流程介紹............................18 3.3.1 使用訊號參數簡介........................18 3.3.2 符元同步................................19 3.3.3 移除保護區間(cyclic prefix).............19 3.3.4 快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform)..20 3.3.5 頻率誤差................................20 3.3.6 通道估測................................23 3.3.7 解調及解編碼............................29 第四章 系統模擬與結果分析.....................30 4.1 硬體系統工作配置..........................30 4.2 各顆核心工作及模擬結果....................31 4.2.1 CORE_1..................................31 4.2.2 CORE_2..................................33 4.2.3 CORE_3..................................37 4.2.4 CORE_4..................................42 第五章 結論與未來研究方向.....................49 參考文獻......................................50 附錄..........................................52

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