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研究生: 林長偉
Tiong-wei Lim
論文名稱: AZ91D鎂合金回收材在壓鑄加工上之品質評估
Quality evaluation of AZ91D recycling magnesium alloy in die-casting process
指導教授: 向四海
Su-hai Hsiang
口試委員: 黃佑民
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: AZ91D壓鑄回收材
外文關鍵詞: AZ91D, casting, recycling
相關次數: 點閱:280下載:0
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  • 一般壓鑄廠在大量的使用AZ91D回收鎂合金材料的過程中,發現材料廠商所供應的回收材料雖然能滿足標準規範,但對添加之回收材之不同會影響壓鑄件品質,卻對於其影響原因所知有限。

    In general die casting factory, large volume of recycling AZ91D magnesium alloy materials were used. Although the recycled manufacturing supplier’s materials meet the standard norm, due to the difference of recycled material used the quality of the die casting parts was influenced widely and the understanding of the causes are limitedly.
    The main purpose of this research is to understand the influences of recycling AZ91D magnesium alloy to the mechanical property and corrosion resistance of the die casting parts. By choosing three existing reputed brand AZ91D material, to compare with own manufacturing magnesium alloy by using 100% pure magnesium, mixture of 30% pure magnesium with 70% recycling magnesium, mixture of 70% pure magnesium with 30% recycling magnesium, and 100% recycling magnesium. Different testing specimens are made by ingot without fabrication and by die-casting process. Through the analysis of chemical compositions, metallography, tensile strength test, impact test, hardness test and corrosion resistance testing, we try to clarify the characteristic of different combination of magnesium.
    From the analysis of a large number of test data, we realign that the main compositions like Al, Mn, Zn, Si, Fe, Ni, Cu, etc. which can influence the properties of the die-casting parts. Besides, the pollution of casting oxides, plunger lubrication oil and die release agents during die-casting process and the impurities of flux and residue during smelting are also influence the properties of the parts. To widen the use of all recycling AZ91D magnesium alloy can significantly reduce the manufacturing cost. The results detained in this study can be offered to the recycled material manufacturer and die casting factory for reference.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機及目的 4 1.3 文獻回顧 4 第二章 鎂合金簡介 7 2.1鎂合金材料簡介 7 2.1.1鎂合金的性能 10 機械性能 10 物理性能 11 化學性能 12 腐蝕性能 13 電學性能 13 磁學性能 13 鎂合金的分類 13 鎂合金命名規範 15 合金元素的影响 16鎂合金壓鑄材料之標準 19 2.2 鎂合金壓鑄成形加工簡介 22 2.2.1 壓鑄法的介紹 22 2.2.2 其他成形法的介紹 25 第三章 試驗方法與步驟 27 3.1 MAGMASOFT軟體簡介 31 3.2壓鑄成形設備 36 3.2.1 材料熔煉系統 36 3.2.2 臥式冷室壓鑄機 37 3.2.3模具 39 3.3試驗材料 40 3.3.1 鑄錠試棒之規格 41 3.3.2 壓鑄件試棒之規格 42 3.4檢驗設備 44 3.4.1 金相分析 44 3.4.2 成份分析 45 3.4.3 拉伸試驗 46 3.4.4 耐衝擊試驗 47 3.4.5 硬度測試 48 3.4.6 鹽霧耐蝕性試驗 48 3.4.7 發泡試驗 49 第四章 試驗結果 51 4.1成份分析結果 51 4.1.1鑄錠的成份分析 51 4.1.2壓鑄試棒的成份分析 53 4.2金相分析結果 54 4.2.1鎂錠之金相分析結果 54 4.2.2壓鑄試片之金相分析結果 61 4.3 抗腐蝕試驗結果 68 4.3.1鑄錠的抗腐蝕能力 68 4.3.2壓鑄試片的抗腐蝕能力 70 4.4 抗拉強度試驗結果 72 4.4.1 鎂錠的抗拉強度 72 4.4.2 壓鑄試棒之抗拉強度 75 4.4.3 壓鑄條件不同對試棒抗拉強度之影響 78 4.5衝擊值和硬度值結果 79 4.5.1 鑄錠之衝擊值和硬度值 79 4.5.2 壓鑄之衝擊值和硬度值 80 第五章 結果與討論 83 5.1 成份之影響 83 5.2 夾雜物之影響 84 5.3 廢料比例之影響 85 5.4 壓鑄條件之影響 85 第六章 結論 87 參考文獻 88

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