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研究生: 張琇華
Hsiu-hua Chang
論文名稱: 以二維分離元素法模擬類岩材料貫切破壞試驗之初步探討
Preliminary Study of Indentation Fracture Behavior by Using Two-Dimensional Distinct Element Method
指導教授: 陳堯中
Yao-Chung Chen
口試委員: 陳立憲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 分離元素法貫切試驗微裂縫
外文關鍵詞: distinct element method, indentation test, micro cracks
相關次數: 點閱:132下載:0
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  • 本研究參考貫切破壞試驗結合聲射檢測所得微裂縫開裂行為之試驗結果,嘗試以分離元素法之PFC2D數值分析程式模擬接觸破壞理論,分析單一機械刃口與類岩之水泥砂漿試體承受貫切乃至於破壞之演化機理,從而將數值分析與實驗作一比較並歸納結論。根據數值分析結果顯示,分離元素法PFC2D程式可有效模擬二維之正向楔形貫切試驗破壞行為,其中剪力裂縫分佈叢聚情形及張力裂縫垂直向下延伸情形與實際實驗結果甚為吻合。
    本研究初步探討相關參數對數值模擬之影響,藉以瞭解試體微觀裂縫破壞行為。研究中探討數值分析顆粒最大與最小尺寸比為1.4時,可得較佳之結果。另貫刀下降速率對模擬行為有極大之影響,降低下降速率對模擬貫切破壞行為有較理想之效果。此外摩擦係數設為 1.0 時,剪力裂縫分佈叢聚情形較為明確。

    This research applied numerical analysis by using a discrete element code, PFC2D , to simulate the indentation tests of the cement mortarspecimens indented by a single blade to investigate the evolution of crackdevelopment. Laboratory results of indentation tests with measurementsof acoustic emission were compared with the numerical results. It isshown that the numerical method could simulate quite well thedistribution of shear cracks and the propagation of tensile cracks.According to the preliminary parametric study, the ratio of maximumparticle size to minimum particle size would have better results when it is1.4. The loading speed has great influence on the simulation results,lowering the loading speed would have much better results. When thecoefficient of friction is 1.0, there is more prominent distribution of shearcracks.
    Parallel-bond model was used in this research to define the way ofbonding between particle contacts. The influence of the ratio between thetensile strength and the shear strength of the bonds on the simulation wasstudied. For smaller ratio of tensile/shear strength, the number of shearcracks would be smaller and the tensile cracks would propagatedownwards vertically. For larger ratio of tensile/shear strength, thenumber of shear cracks would be larger and the tensile cracks wouldpropagate downwards with higher angle of deviation from the center line.

    論 文 摘 要I 誌謝IV 目錄V 表目錄VII 圖目錄VIII 符號對照表X 第一章、緒論1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究目的1 1.3研究範圍與方法1 1.4論文內容2 第二章、文獻回顧5 2.1貫切試驗特性5 2.2貫切試驗破壞行為5 2.3聲射非破壞偵測特性6 2.4脆性材料裂紋擴展特性7 2.5數值模擬之類岩試體性質8 2.6分離元素法相關研究9 第三章、分離元素法數值模擬17 3.1分離元素法(DEM)簡介17 3.1.1分離元素法定義18 3.1.2 分離元素法之假設18 3.1.3 接觸模式19 3.1.4 接觸判斷19 3.1.5 接觸勁度模式21 3.1.6 滑移模式24 3.1.7 鍵結模式24 3.2運算流程28 3.2.1力-位移法(force-displacement law)30 3.2.2運動定律(law of motion)31 3.3 PFC2D程式32 3.3.1程式特點、性質及限制32 3.3.2程式的邊界條件與起始條件33 3.3.3運算步驟33 3.3.4微觀參數34 3.4數值模擬之建構37 3.4.1試體製造37 3.4.2 執行貫切破壞40 第四章、模擬結果與分析比較43 4.1微觀參數選用依據43 4.2試體尺寸之探討48 4.3顆粒尺寸比之探討51 4.4貫刀下降速率之探討54 4.5摩擦係數之探討62 4.6 平行鍵結張力與剪力強度比之探討66 4.7刀刃角度的探討70 4.7.1不同加載階段微裂縫之衍生及接觸力之變化74 第五章、結論與建議78 5.1 結論78 5.2 建議79 參考文獻80

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