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研究生: 邵鑫永
論文名稱: 雙頻帶網狀式及平衡式微波帶通濾波器設計
Design of Dual-Band Net-Type and Balanced Microwave Bandpass Filters
指導教授: 曾昭雄
Chao-Hsiung Tseng
口試委員: 瞿大雄
Tah-Hsiung Chu
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Chun-Long Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 雙頻帶濾波器網狀式帶通濾波器平衡式帶通濾波器步階阻抗共振器
外文關鍵詞: dual-band filter, net-type bandpass filter, balanced bandpass filter, stepped-impedance resonator
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:9
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In this thesis, the stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) technique is mainly need to develop the partial net-type and full net-type dual-band microwave bandpass filters. Moreover, it is also applied to implement balanced and balanced-to-single-ended dual-band microwave bandpass filters. The detailed circuit design concept, implementation, and verification are presented in the thesis.
Firstly, the principles of the stepped-impedance resonator are described. Followed by the design procedures, determination of parameters, and extraction of external quality factor and coupling coefficient between the resonators, the filters are realized and measured. In design of the dual-band bandpass filters, two resonance coupling paths are employed to improve the sharpness of the passband. The net-type filters focus on the circuit miniaturization, while the balanced filters focus on realization of the dual passbands.
Based on the simulated and measured results of this thesis, partial net-type and full net-type dual-band filters can obtain the significant circuit size reduction. Although a number of vias are adopted in the circuit design, it does not lead to the increase of the insertion loss. The developed balanced filters successfully achieve two specified passband. However, the reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient, and common -mode suppression are not as good as expected. The reasons and the improvement methods will be discussed in the thesis.

目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 步階阻抗共振器原理[1] 1 1-2 文獻探討 3 1-2-1 網狀式濾波器 3 1-2-2 平衡式濾波器 3 1-3 章節說明 4 第二章 雙頻帶網狀式微波帶通濾波器設計 5 2-1 網狀式共振器設計原理 5 2-2 使用部分網狀共振器設計雙頻帶濾波器 7 2-3 使用全網狀共振器設計雙頻帶濾波器 17 第三章 雙頻帶平衡式微波帶通濾波器 23 3-1 平衡式共振器操作於差模和共模之原理[8][9] 24 3-2 雙頻帶平衡式帶通濾波器設計 25 3-3 雙頻帶平衡至單端帶通濾波器設計 37 第四章 結論 42 參考文獻 43

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