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研究生: 林于正
Yu-Cheng Lin
論文名稱: 結合多維度鷹架模式之旅宿服務技能培訓虛擬實境桌上遊戲的設計與評估
Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Board Game Integrating Multi-dimensional Scaffolding Model for Hospitality Skills Training
指導教授: 侯惠澤
Huei-Tse Hou
口試委員: 范丙林
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬實境旅宿服務技能混成學習遊戲式學習多維度鷹架學習情緒
外文關鍵詞: virtual reality, hospitality service skills, hybrid learning, game-based learning, multidimensional scaffolding, learning emotion
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:0
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The training of hospitality skills emphasizes the application of procedural knowledge and the ability to solve complex problems. With the development of metaverse technology and the rise of distance learning and online collaboration, the traditional one-to-one mentorship model has been challenged, and hybrid virtual learning type has begun to be emphasized, and the global hospitality industry has also actively developed the application of virtual reality in both the industry and the education field. In this study, a virtual reality educational board game with multi-dimensional scaffolding is designed to assist participants in learning about hospitality and developing problem-solving skills through the exploratory scaffolding and dynamic evaluation scaffolding provided in the virtual reality, as well as the peer scaffolding provided by the board game.
The study was conducted in a quasi-experimental design with 90 university students in the field of leisure and hospitality, divided into a hybrid learning group (VR scaffolding combined with board game collaboration, totaling 30), a board game learning group (card scaffolding combined with board game collaboration, totaling 30), and a VR learning group (VR scaffolding single-player learning, totaling 30). The study analyzed the learning effectiveness, flow, acceptance, activity anxiety, and cognitive load of the three groups, as well as the motivation and emotion of the three stages of learning, and the usefulness of the scaffolding, and integrated the dependent variables for correlation analysis.
The results of the study showed that all three groups had higher flow, acceptance, and germane cognitive load, and lower extrinsic cognitive load; the hybrid learning group was better than the other two groups in procedural knowledge and overall learning effectiveness, and the hybrid learning group was able to increase positive emotion and motivation during and after learning, and decrease negative boredom emotion during learning. In the correlation analysis, positive emotions, flow, and learning motivation in the hybrid learning group were positively correlated with each other, boredom was positively correlated with extrinsic cognitive load, and anxiety was positively correlated with intrinsic cognitive load.
Overall, the hybrid virtual learning model is able to help learners to develop the hospitality service skills. In the future, it is suggested that learners can apply the hybrid virtual learning model to other procedural knowledge subjects (e.g., technical vocational subjects) to develop their problem-solving skills.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 V 圖次 VIII 表次 IX 1. 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景與動機 1 1.2. 研究創新與重要性 5 1.3. 研究目的與問題 6 2. 文獻探討 9 2.1. 旅宿業培訓教學 9 2.2. 虛擬實境 11 2.3. 遊戲式學習 14 2.4. 情境式學習 16 2.5. 桌上遊戲 19 2.6. 鷹架導向教學 21 2.7. 學習情緒 25 2.8. 認知負荷 27 2.9. 小結 29 3. 研究方法 30 3.1. 研究設計 30 3.2. 研究對象 30 3.3. 研究工具 32 3.4. 鷹架機制設計 50 4. 研究結果 52 4.1. 學習成效 52 4.2. 心流 55 4.3. 接受度 56 4.4. 活動焦慮 57 4.5. 學習三階段動機分析 58 4.6. 學習三階段情緒分析 60 4.7. 認知負荷 67 4.8. 學習鷹架有用性評估 68 4.9. 相關分析 71 4.10. 活動心得問卷 75 5. 討論 78 5.1. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在學習成效之差異 78 5.2. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在心流與接受度之差異 79 5.3. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在活動焦慮之差異 80 5.4. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在不同學習階段之動機差異 81 5.5. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在不同學習階段之情緒差異 82 5.6. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在認知負荷之差異 83 5.7. 混成學習組、桌遊學習組與VR學習組在鷹架有用性之差異 85 5.8. 心流、接受度、活動焦慮、認知負荷、學習動機與情緒相關性 87 5.9. 學習者對學習活動的意見回饋 89 6. 結論與建議 94 6.1. 結論 94 6.2. 研究限制與未來研究建議 98 參考文獻 101

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