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研究生: 蔡承佑
Cheng-Yo Tsai
論文名稱: 基於深度學習之無人機人體姿態辨識與追踪
Deep Learning Based Human Body Posture Recognition and Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
指導教授: 李敏凡
Min-Fan Lee
口試委員: 李敏凡
Min-Fan Lee
Cheng-Hao Ko
Joni Tzuchen Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 姿態辨識深度學習機電整合姿態估計無人機
外文關鍵詞: Activity recognition, Deep learning, Mechatronics, Pose estimation, Unmanned aerial vehicles
相關次數: 點閱:715下載:19
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  • 對於許多應用(如監控和災害響應),無人機的態勢感知能力是必要的。在這些應用中,實時人員檢測和動作辨識在準備有效響應方面起著至關重要的作用。傳統動作辨識準確率不高,無法解決不確定性問題,因此本文采用深度學習的方法。首先由 OpenPose 進行實時姿態估計,然後使用深度SORT 演算法跟踪多人場景。最後,基於從 OpenPose 檢測到的單幀關節,訓練深度神經網絡以辨識每個人的動作。深度學習模型的預測通過指標(準確度、精確度、召回率、精確召回曲線、F1 分數)進行評估。本文提出了一種無人機監控系統,可以自動檢測暴力和受傷的人。重點討論環境和行動的不確定性。環境不確定性包括視角、光線和障礙物。動作的不確定性包括動作的模糊性和多人的重疊。綜上所述,採用姿態估計和動作辨識的無人機監控系統可以有效辨識暴力和受傷人員,幫助人們快速獲得幫助。

    For many applications (such as surveillance and disaster response), situational awareness of unmanned aerial vehicles is essential. In these applications, people detection and posture recognition in real-time plays a crucial role in preparing an effective response. The accuracy of traditional posture recognition is not high, and it cannot solve the uncertainty problem, so this paper uses the method of deep learning. First, the real-time pose estimation is performed by the OpenPose network, then the deep Sort algorithm is used for tracking multi-person scenes. Finally, based on a single frame of joints detected from OpenPose, the deep neural network is trained to recognize each person’s postures. The deep learning model’s predictions are evaluated via the metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, P-R curve, F1 score). This paper proposes a drone surveillance system, which can automatically detect violent and injured people. Focus on discussing the uncertainty of the environment and postures. Environmental uncertainty includes viewing angles, light, and obstacles. The uncertainty of the posture includes the ambiguity of the posture and the overlap of multiple people. In conclusion, the drone surveillance system using pose estimate and posture recognition can effectively identify violent and injured people to help people get support quickly.

    Acknowledgments I 摘要 Ⅱ ABSTRACT III Table of Contents IV List of Figures V List of Tables VII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Methods 4 2.1 Hardware Configuration 6 2.2 Human Tracking 14 2.3 Posture Recognition 22 Chapter 3 Result 33 Chapter 4 Discussion 47 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 49 References 50

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