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研究生: 羅立澤
Li-Tse Lo
論文名稱: 低PVT變異敏感性之高精度時域智慧型溫度感測器
A Low PVT Sensitivity High Accuracy Time-Domain Smart Temperature Sensor
指導教授: 陳伯奇
Poki Chen
口試委員: 黃育賢
Yuh-Shyan Hwang
Hsin-Shu Chen
Hsiao-Chin Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 系統晶片類比至數位轉換器時域溫度感測器單點校正
外文關鍵詞: SOC, ADC, Time-domain temperature sensor, One-point Calibration
相關次數: 點閱:293下載:5
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校所別:國立台灣科技大學 電子工程研究所
研究生:羅立澤 指導教授:陳伯奇 博士

本論文所提出之溫度感測器具有小面積、低功耗、低供應電壓敏感度且高精度之效能,可以有效的扮演溫度監控的角色,架構上沒有使用複雜的類比至數位轉換器當電路轉換的媒介,而是以操作在時域之溫度感測器作為研究基礎,並採用增益可調時間放大器(Variable Gain Time Amplifier)來支援單點校正以大幅壓低量產成本。
本晶片是由TSMC 0.18 µm CMOS 1P6M 1.8 V/3.3 V製程生產,線性度為-0.57 ~+0.68 ℃、面積:0.249 mm2、解析度:0.05 ℃、溫度量測範圍:0~100 ℃,而功率消耗僅有3 µW @ 1 Sample/s 。

Title:A Low PVT Sensitivity High Accuracy Time-Domain Smart Temperature Sensor
School:National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Department:Department of Electronic Engineering
Researcher:Li-Tse Lo Advisor:Dr. Poki Chen

The performance upgrade of chips is usually accompanied by the increment power consumption. Along with the pursuing of high integration density and small chip size, thermal management becomes an inevitable trend for chip design nowadays. Without proper supervision, the heat built up by power consumption may seriously damage the device robustness or even burn out the chip. To reduce the risk of overheating, VLSI chips gradually integrate temperature sensors for thermal monitoring to enhance their reliability and life time.
A smart temperature sensor featuring small die size, low power, low supply voltage sensitivity but high accuracy is proposed in this thesis. Since all signals are processed in time-domain, no subtle analog-to-digital converter or operational amplifier is used. The chip size and power consumption can be substantially reduced. A variable gain time amplifier is adopted to support one-point calibration for the cost down of mass production.
The chip was fabricated in a TSMC 0.18 µm 1P6M 1.8 V/3.3V standard CMOS process. The chip size is merely 0.249 mm2. The resolution, measurement range and power consumption are 0.05°C, 0~100°C and 3µW @ 1Sample/s, respectively.

摘要....................................................................I Abstract................................................................II 誌謝....................................................................III 圖目錄..................................................................VI 表目錄..................................................................X 第一章 序論.............................................................1 1.1研究動機.............................................................1 1.2論文架構.............................................................3 第二章 溫度感測器.......................................................4 2.1傳統溫度感測元件.....................................................4 2.2積體式溫度感測器.....................................................8 2.2.1典型的積體式溫度感測器結構.........................................8 2.2.2四電晶體之溫度感測器...............................................15 2.2.3電流控制振盪器式之溫度感測器.......................................19 2.2.4應用次臨界傳導區漏電流之溫度感測器.................................24 2.3積體式溫度感測器之優勢及相關參數.....................................27 2.4結論.................................................................29 第三章 內建穩壓電路之時域智慧型溫度感測器...............................31 3.1整體架構介紹.........................................................31 3.2內建穩壓電路方塊介紹.................................................32 3.2.1低功率穩壓電路架構.................................................34 3.3溫度感測器方塊介紹...................................................40 3.3.1溫度感測器電路架構.................................................41環型振盪器.......................................................41 3.4低電壓、低頻率飄移和低製程變異的內建振盪器...........................44 3.4.1相關研究現況與發展.................................................44 3.4.2內建式振盪器電路介紹...............................................45 3.4.3內建式振盪器電路架構...............................................47遲滯振盪器(Relaxation Oscillator)................................47電壓平均反饋電路(Voltage Averaging Feedback Circuit).............48內建遲滯振盪器運作順序...........................................51 3.5數位電路.............................................................52 3.6電路模擬.............................................................55 3.7結論.................................................................67 第四章 低供應電壓靈敏度之時域智慧型溫度感測器...........................68 4.1整體架構介紹....................................................68 4.2溫度感測器方塊介紹..............................................69 4.3 PTAT電路架構...................................................70 4.4自我調節式電壓控制振盪器電路架構................................70 4.5電路模擬........................................................73 第五章 佈局考量.........................................................81 5.1佈局考量........................................................81 第六章 量測考量與單點校正...............................................84 6.1量測考量............................................................84 6.2單點校正(One-Point Calibration).....................................85 第七章 效能比較與結論...................................................88 7.1效能比較............................................................88 7.2結論及未來展望......................................................90 參考文獻................................................................92

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