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研究生: 魚秦傑
論文名稱: 汽車空調T公司研發經營策略
R&D and management strategy of automobile air-conditioning company T
指導教授: 游進陽
Chin-Yang Yu
口試委員: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
yu-jen chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 汽車空調系統恆溫空調分區恆溫空調
外文關鍵詞: automobile air conditioning system, Automatic Temperature Control system, Multi Zone Automatic Temperature Control system
相關次數: 點閱:384下載:13
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Taiwan’s vehicle industry was founded in 1953 and has gradually grown. With technological advancement and the improvement of the quality of life of the people, consumers have gradually increased their requirements for passenger comfort. Although automobile air conditioners are not a necessity, they are already one per vehicle; automobile air conditioning systems Divided into four major systems: cooling, heating, air supply, and control, it has reached maturity regardless of structure, theory, and material. The industry is also classified as a "traditional industry", which means that the life cycle of the industry has reached maturity. At the same time, the new generation of changes in the vehicle industry: electric vehicles, is now an ongoing type. Under this circumstance, this research explores the future trends of the vehicle industry, establishes the development direction, and organizes Analyze the internal resources of the company in the case, continue to improve core technology, strengthen the differentiation of core products, expand the penetration of the main market, and actively explore potential markets, so as to create greater revenue and business opportunities.
The steps of this research first use PEST to analyze the influence and trend of the external environment of the case company under the four factors of politics, economy, society, and technology, and then use the five-force analysis to explore the bargaining power and competitive threats in the industry. Secondly, organize the internal resources of the individual company, use the VRIO model to find out the internal advantages and disadvantages of the company, and finally use SWOT and TOWS to find out the external opportunities and threats faced by the company and the internal advantages and disadvantages of the company, and sort out WO, WT, SO, ST Wait for four strategies.
Finally, all the conclusions are combined to find out the case company's future product development strategy recommendations. This enables the case company to find the future industry direction, technology trend and development direction under the fierce market competition, and gradually invest in related research and development technologies and adjust product layouts to achieve a bright future for the company's sustainable operation.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 1. 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究對象 5 1.3 研究目的 6 1.4 論文架構 6 2. 文獻探討與產業分析 8 2.1 技術發展概況 8 2.1.1 汽車空調系統功能 8 2.1.2 空調技術發展的演進 9 2.1.3 成熟的汽車空調系統 10 2.1.4 恆溫空調系統 11 2.1.5 分區恆溫空調系統 13 2.1.6 汽車未來趨勢與空調發展:與電子科技結合 14 2.1.7 傳統與電動車輛的空調差異 15 2.2 產業發展概況 16 2.2.1 產業定義 16 2.2.2 國內汽車空調廠商 16 2.2.3 產品生命週期 17 2.2.4 汽車零組件市場分類與供應鏈階層 19 2.3 個案公司介紹 21 2.3.1 個案公司沿革 21 2.3.2 主要客戶 21 2.3.3 主要產品 21 2.3.4 個案公司佈局 22 2.3.5 設計單位 22 2.3.6 營業單位 23 2.3.7 汽車空調產業鏈 23 2.3.8 專利 24 2.3.9 資源整理 24 2.4 產業策略相關文獻 25 3. 研究方法 27 3.1 總體環境掃描分析 27 3.2 五力分析 29 3.3 VRIO模型 33 3.4 SWOT分析 35 3.5 TOWS分析 37 3.6 產品研發策略藍圖 39 3.7 安索夫矩陣 41 4. 研究分析 43 4.1 策略建議 44 4.1.1 總體環境掃描分析 44 4.1.2 五力分析 51 4.1.3 VRIO分析 54 4.1.4 SWOT分析 57 4.1.5 TOWS分析 59 4.2 藍圖規劃 61 4.2.1 安索夫矩陣 61 4.2.2 研發策略藍圖(T-Plan) 63 5. 結論與建議 65 5.1 結論 65 5.2 未來發展與建議 67 參考文獻 69

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