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研究生: 陳玉萍
Melissa Gunawan Hartanto
論文名稱: 印尼股票市場於新冠肺炎疫情前後是否存在從眾行為?
Does Herding Behavior Exist in Indonesian Stock Market - Pre-COVID and During-COVID Periods?
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Hsuan-Chu Lin
Yen -Ru Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: -
外文關鍵詞: Investors, Extreme Market Condition, Crisis Period, Up and Down Market, Cross-Sectional Absolute Deviation Approach, Indonesian Stock Exchange
相關次數: 點閱:159下載:0
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This paper examines whether herding behavior is present in the Indonesian stock market periods before and during COVID-19 happens. The pandemic and resulting economic fallout caused significant hardship for people all around the world. In behavioral finance, market participants are believed to be irrational and react differently to different market conditions. In highly uncertain conditions of the market brought upon by COVID-19, investors may assume defeatist attitude and panic sentiments, conveying them into irrational behavior such as herding. Further investigation into studying investor herding behavior in Indonesia is needed to gain a better understanding of their investing behaviors. This study uses Cross-Sectional Absolute Deviation Approach (CSAD) to detect herding behavior and uses all public listed companies from Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The results show that no herding is found before and during COVID-19, including in both up and down markets. Several proposed interpretations of these results include investors having the tendency to act cautious when facing a crisis, improved financial literacy courtesy of the government, investors devoting more time and energy on their finances due to lockdowns and work from home protocols, the possibility that Indonesia is too diverse to detect herding on a market level thus the sample needs to be more specific, along with the emergence of various online trading platforms inviting new, younger investors.

COVER PAGE.............................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..............................................................................ii ABSTRACT...............................................................................................iii TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................iv LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................vi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................1 1.1 Motivation and Background.................................................................................1 1.2 Research Purpose and Research Questions.............................................3 1.3 Structure of this Research................................................................3 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................5 2.1 Herding Behavior and Its Properties....................................................5 2.1.1 Concept of Herding Behavior.....................................................5 2.1.2 Properties of Herding Behavior...................................................6 2.2 Reasons for Herding Behavior...........................................................7 2.2.1 Fear and Uncertainty...............................................................7 2.2.2. Sociological Factors...............................................................8 2.2.3 Over/Under Reaction...............................................................9 2.2.4 Investor Sentiment................................................................10 2.3 Empirical Evidence.....................................................................11 iv CHAPTER 3. DATA & METHODOLOGY...........................................................14 3.1 Sampling and Methodology............................................................14 3.2 Research Variables......................................................................14 3.2.1 Dependent Variable...............................................................14 3.2.2 Independent Variable.............................................................15 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS & DISCUSSION...........................................................17 4.1 Descriptive Statistics....................................................................17 4.2 Empirical Results and Discussion.....................................................18 4.2.1 Testing for Herding Behavior Before and During COVID-19...............18 4.2.2 Testing for Herding Behavior in Up and Down Markets.....................21 4.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis...............................................................23 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION..........................................................................27 5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................27 5.2 Limitations.........................................................................................................27 5.3 Recommendations.......................................................................27 REFERENCES...........................................................................................29

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