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研究生: 張鈞富
Chun-fu Chang
論文名稱: 磁流變液應用於重型火砲制退機構之設計分析
The Design Analysis of the Heavy Artillery Brake In Application of the Magnetorheological Fluid
指導教授: 林陽泰
Yang-Tai Lin
口試委員: 廖崇禮
Chung-Li Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 磁流變液重型火砲制退機構
外文關鍵詞: magnetorheological Fluid, heavy artillery, brake
相關次數: 點閱:392下載:3
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  • 磁流變液(Magnetorheological fluid,簡稱MR fluid)為一高智能材料,藉由瞬間磁場變化來改變其機械性質且易於控制。本文將磁流變液應用於重型火砲上,利用其特性來降低火砲擊發後產生的後座力。首先將M2牽引式155公厘加農砲作為分析系統的例子,推導其後座運動的方程式,然後根據磁流變液元件的設計原則,設計出一組效應等於原系統的新型制退機構。在通入磁場的影響下,比較MR系統與原系統之間的差異性。


    Magnetorhological fluid(or simply“MR”fluid)is a kind of intellectual materials that the mechanical properties can be rapidly changed by the application of magnetic field and is easily controlled. The
    application of magnetorheological fluid in heavy artillery reduce the breech force after firing. For example, equation of motion is derived from the analyticl system of the M2 155mm cannon, than design a new type brake. It is equal to the original system according to basic operating modes for MR fluid devices. Compare the difference between MR system and original system while under the influence of the magnetic field.
    The analysis results show that MR system in magnetic field can be used to reduce the breech force, displacement, speed and acceleration effectively. Designed artillery to different functions has the advantage of damping-changed and damping-adjusted under different speeds of shooting. If magnetorheological fluid is adopted, breech force can be reduce, and the efficiency recoil can be improved.

    中文摘要………………………………………I 英文摘要………………………………………II 誌謝……………………………………………III 圖表目錄………………………………………IV 符號對照表……………………………………IX 第一章緒論……………………………………1 1.1前言………………………………………1 1.2文獻回顧…………………………………2 1.3研究動機與本文簡介……………………5 第二章磁流變液………………………………6 2.1流體的種類………………………………6 2.2磁流變液的簡介…………………………8 2.3磁流變液元件的力學模式………………12 2.4磁場線圈設計……………………………15 2.5彈簧的設計………………………………17 2.6磁流變液制退機構………………………19 2.7制退機構作用力…………………………20 第三章後座運動分析…………………………23 3.1自由後座速度……………………………23 3.2系統受力分析……………………………26 3.3膛內壓力的計算…………………………31 3.4原系統模擬與分析………………………36 第四章磁流變液制退機構設計與分析………40 4.1磁流變液的黏滯係數計算………………40 4.2磁流變液制退機構尺寸設計……………44 4.3磁場線圈數計算…………………………50 4.4磁流變液制退彈簧設計…………………53 4.5模擬結果與比較…………………………59 第五章結論與未來展望………………………63 5.1結論………………………………………63 5.2未來展望…………………………………64 參考文獻………………………………………65 作者簡介………………………………………69

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