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研究生: 張仁程
論文名稱: 資料中心廠商綠能在電力效能提高之產品研發技術策略-以V公司為例
Data Center Manufacturer Green Energy’s R&D Technical Strategy for Enhancing Power Efficiency - Taking V Company as an Example
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Chin-Yang Yu
口試委員: 游進陽
Chin-Yang Yu
Jing-Yuan Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 電力使用效率48V高壓直流合封電源策略研發技術藍圖
外文關鍵詞: Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), 48V HVDC, Power on Package, Strategic, T-Plan
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:2
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The data center guards the operation of important information equipment of enterprises, such as servers, network equipment, and storage equipment. While the data center supports billions of people worldwide and accesses the Internet, it also generates a lot of energy in the engine room. Therefore, it is necessary to develop Specific energy efficiency improvement measures in the engine room can truly realize energy saving.
In recent years, the promotion of big data and the Internet of Things has driven the construction of computer rooms in various places. At the same time, under the environment of high awareness of environmental protection, “energy saving in the engine room” has become a significant learning. From the perspective of objective facts, first of all, power consumption in the data center accounts for a large part of the total cost of ownership, second only to manpower cost; secondly, data centers often bear the notoriety of “not being environmentally friendly” (refer to Greenpeace’s annual rating). . The power usage efficiency value is the main guideline for measuring the efficiency of the data center infrastructure and is of great reference value for drawing up and implementing the greening strategy of the data center. Therefore, customers of major world data centers began to focus on improving power efficiency and topology innovation of power supply architectures, thereby improving data center energy consumption and optimizing the efficiency of electricity use to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, and achieve low carbon home goals.
In this study, the power module design V company 3-5 years of R & D business strategy, first from the global market data center industry introduction and trends to see the data center has grown steadily and the power has increased significantly, further analysis of the international status of green data center and domestic and foreign data Center energy consumption survey, through the development of industrial technology analysis research data center green energy and power efficiency development overview, from the power supply architecture innovation to identify 384V/48V high voltage DC, combined power, three-phase AC to DC trends and high integration and High-efficiency solution requirements. According to the Five Forces analysis to understand the industrial structure and competitive tension and SWOT analysis to understand the competitive relationship between the focus manufacturers and case companies and the outside world, and then use the S curve and Boston BCG matrix to analyze the future product line of the case companies to determine the product strategy and layout. Let the company's products accurately lay out and profit in the market.
This study establishes a complete R&D blueprint planning process, accurately grasps market fluctuations, finds market opportunities and gaps, plans corresponding organizational strategies, and formulates product implementation strategies to help organizations effectively plan market-oriented R&D blueprints. And let the company develop forever.

摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 IV 目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 個案公司介紹 2 1.3 研究對象與目的 2 1.4 研究方法架構 3 第二章 產業結構及市場分析 6 2.1 全球市場資料中心產業介紹及趨勢 6 2.2 綠色資料中心國際現況 7 2.3 國內外資料中心耗能調查 10 2.4 綠色資料中心節能技術 11 2.5 資料中心綠化策略佈局 12 2.6 Google 節能機房研究 16 第三章 產業技術分析研究 22 3.1 資料中心電力效能提高電源架構研究 22 3.2 三相交流轉直流技術分析 24 3.3 48V在資料中心改善電力供應技術分析 25 3.4 Google公司48V電源架構研究 32 第四章 策略與佈局 36 4.1 外部分析(五力分析) 36 4.2 內部分析 42 4.2.1 競爭力分析 42 4.2.2 產品線分析 43 4.3 公司核心技術佈局與規劃 44 4.3.1 電源架構創新佈局 44 4.3.2 創新拓撲及封裝散熱技術佈局 46 4.3.3 零電壓開關控制架構 46 4.3.4 正弦幅度轉換器拓撲 49 4.3.5 DC-ZVS拓樸技術 50 4.3.6 分比拓樸技術 50 4.3.7 48V對XPU一階式解決方案 51 4.3.8 ChiP(ChiP House in Package)突破性封裝技術 52 4.3.9 VIA(Vicor Integrated Adapter)突破性封裝技術 53 4.3.10 高密度SM-ChiP突破性包裝 54 4.3.11 液氣冷卻技術研究 54 4.3.12 專利佈局 54 4.4 核心價值 56 4.5 產品研發佈局 60 第五章 戰略與規劃 62 5.1 公司研發藍圖 63 5.1.1 驅動因子及產品規劃 63 5.1.2 策略群組 66 5.1.3 產品開發方向 67 5.1.4 產品規劃 67 5.1.5 技術缺口 76 5.1.6 研發資源 77 5.2 產品戰略分析 79 5.2.1 48V直接到XPU產品線 79 5.2.2 48V到12V高功率密度效率非隔離模組產品線 80 5.2.3 高效能三相交流到直流解決方案 82 第六章 結論與建議 85 6.1 結論 85 6.2 未來發展建議 85 參考文獻 90

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