簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林家民
Chia-Min Lin
論文名稱: 感應電動機狀態監測平台之研製
Implementation of an Induction Motor Condition Monitoring Platform
指導教授: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
口試委員: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
Tsung-Huang Hsieh
Cheng-Chien Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: TCP/IP網路通訊微控制器嵌入式系統振動檢測法馬達運轉狀態監測
外文關鍵詞: Micro-controller Unit (MCU), Embedded Systems, Vibration Detection, Motor Condition Monitoring, TCP/IP Communication Protocol
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:6
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隨著經濟持續蓬勃發展,工業自動化技術水平日益提昇,其中馬達扮演電機設備安全運轉的重要核心角色,因此,馬達的健康狀態將直接影響工廠的運作,一旦發生無預警的故障或停止運作,不僅令整個產線停擺造成巨大的經濟損失,甚至危及人員生命安全。傳統的設備檢修是採取定期對機具進行拆卸式的維護及清潔,雖然可減少意外的發生,但耗費大量的資源,且無法即時得知馬達的故障前兆,防患故障於未然。因此,若使用非拆卸的方式進行預防性檢測,即時掌握馬達運轉的狀況和使用情形,方可有效提升設備運作的可靠度。本研究旨在研製一套低成本感應電動機狀態監測平台,使用業界先進的ARM CortexTM-M4核心之微控制器,植入即時作業系統,使用電壓、電流感測器與三軸加速規分別擷取電氣訊號與振動訊號,接著將振動訊號進行積分運算,將分析結果顯示於觸控螢幕上,以圖形的方式讓使用者即時得知馬達當前運轉的狀態,並可透過網路通訊將原始量測資料傳遞至遠端,以利使用者透過個人電腦接收資料進行更精確的診斷處理。本研究已成功研製感應電動機狀態監測平台,也經實地現場量測,分析結果與工業級電腦相較,其誤差值在合理的範圍內,成功驗證本監測平台實際運用之可行性。

As the growth of automated industrial technologies, the level of industrial automation technology has been increasing day by day. Motors have played the main role of safe operation for electrical equipments. Thus, normal motor equipment operation will directly influence the operations of various factories. However, unexpected motor malfunction will cause factory operations to cease, which results in severe financial losses and even operator safety hazard. Traditional motor equipment is maintained by periodic time-based scheduling through motor detachment and consuming lots of resources although it could reduce accidents. However, motor malfunction cannot be detected in advance to troubles. Thus, preventive fault detection using the motor condition monitoring system can not only better understand the operation status of motors but also effectively enhance operational reliability. In this study, an Induction Motor Condition Monitoring Platform(abbreviated IMCMP) is developed, which uses the industry-leading micro-controller ARM Cortex™-M4, and implant the real-time system, In addition, the proposed platform uses voltage sensor, current sensor and the triaxial accelerometer to capture the electrical signals and vibration signals respectively. Then, vibration signal was integrated and the analytic results were displayed graphically in real time on touch-screen to provide users the results of current operation status of the motor. Furthermore, motor could convey the raw measurement data to the remote station. User could receive more accurate analysis information and, diagnosis results on personal computer through the TCP/IP Communication Protocol. To verify the effectiveness of the developmented IMCMP, field test results obtained from the proposed platform and commercial industry computer are compared, which show a good agreement in measurement accuracy.

中文摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究方法 1.3 章節概要 第二章 三相感應馬達訊號檢測法與常見故障類型介紹 2.1 馬達訊號檢測法 2.1.1 電氣檢測法 2.1.2 振動訊號檢測法 2.1.3 局部放電檢測法 2.2 馬達常見故障種類分析 2.2.1 定子線圈匝間短路 2.2.2 轉子不平衡 2.2.3 軸承損傷 2.2.4 對中故障 第三章 感應電動機狀態監測平台架構 3.1 系統架構 3.2 微控制器簡介 3.2.1 嵌入式系統 3.2.2 數位訊號處理 3.3 馬達訊號擷取 3.3.1 感測器介紹 3.3.2 感測器硬體電路設計 3.4 觸控螢幕介紹 3.4.1 觸控介面 3.4.2 脈波寬度調變 3.5 靜態隨機存取記憶體 3.6 記憶卡裝置 3.7 網路通訊模組 3.8 運轉狀態監測平台 第四章 實驗說明與驗證 4.1 觸控螢幕顯示介面 4.1.1 訊號擷取系統說明 4.1.2 馬達運轉狀態顯示 4.1.3 網路通訊傳輸資料 4.2 資料運算與辨識 4.3 馬達瑕疵試驗模型 4.4 實驗結果與分析 4.4.1 健康馬達 4.4.2 定子線圈匝間短路 4.4.3 轉子斷條 4.4.4 軸承外環損傷 4.4.5 偏心不對中 第五章 結論與未來展望 5.1 結論 5.2 未來展望 參考文獻

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