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研究生: 程冠衡
Guan-Heng Cheng
論文名稱: 應用於智慧農場系統之網狀網路設計(I) - Wi-Fi網路
Design of a mesh network for smart farm system (I) - Wi-Fi network
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Chun-Ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網Wi-Fi無線區域網路
外文關鍵詞: IoT, Wi-Fi, WLAN
相關次數: 點閱:193下載:3
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  • 隨著物聯網技術的發展,相關的應用也越來越多、應用的領域也越來越廣。在農業領域的應用上,最常見的使用情境就是在農場中佈置許多的感測器來收集資料並透過無線網路將這些資料上傳至雲端的資料庫,這些收集的資料即可進一步用於相關應用,包含遠端監測應用與大數據分析。同樣地,農場中的設備也可以與網路連線,實現遠端控制的功能,甚至可根據其他感測資訊進行自動化控制。
    本論文實作的網路中,網路的組成除了原先的無線路由器,還包含多個ESP-01 Wi-Fi模組,這些Wi-Fi節點透過簡單的設定後,可自動的加入由原始路由器和已加入的Wi-Fi節點所構成的網路。其中,Wi-Fi節點的連接是以階層式的樹狀拓樸方式從原始的路由器延伸網路,透過這樣的連接方式以擴大無線網路訊號的覆蓋範圍。此外,當Wi-Fi節點斷線時會嘗試尋找新的存取點來重新加入網路,以期達到網狀網路的功能。
    本論文在實作上分為四個部分,第一部分為在Wi-Fi模組上實作網路建構功能,包含網路設定介面、網路自動連接流程及透過MQTT上傳拓樸資訊到雲端。第二部分為提供給外接MCU的介面,通訊的介面為serial port,功能包含透過MQTT傳遞要上傳雲端的資料或來自雲端的控制指令。第三部分為建立各式的伺服器,包含傳遞MQTT資料的MQTT broker,儲存應用資訊的MySQL資料庫,以及提供用戶網頁介面的網頁伺服器。第四部分為提供給用戶的網頁介面,功能包含查看網路拓樸資訊與MCU端的應用。

    With the development of the Internet of Things technology, more and more related applications are being applied, and the fields of application are becoming wider and wider. In the agricultural field, the most common use scenario is to arrange many sensors on the farm to collect data and upload the data to the cloud database through the wireless network. The collected data can be further used for related applications, including remote monitoring applications and big data analytics. Similarly, devices on the farm can be connected to the Internet for remote control and even automated control based on other sensing information.
    In agricultural IoT applications, the most basic components of the system include sensors and devices, wireless routers, and cloud databases. The wireless router provides a wireless network that allows other IoT devices to connect to the cloud. However, in the application of agriculture, the field is generally wide, so there may be insufficient wireless signal range through only one wireless router. Therefore, this thesis proposes a network construction design, hoping to solve this problem.
    In the network implemented in this thesis, the network consists of the original wireless router and multiple ESP-01 Wi-Fi modules. These Wi-Fi nodes, through simple settings, can be automatically added to the network formed by the original router and the joined Wi-Fi nodes. Among them, the connection of the Wi-Fi node extends the network from the original router in a hierarchical tree topology, and the coverage of wireless network signals is expanded through such a connection. In addition, when the Wi-Fi node is disconnected, it will try to find a new access point to rejoin the network, and thus expect to achieve the function of the mesh network.
    This thesis is divided into four parts in the implementation. The first part is to implement the network construction function on the Wi-Fi module, including the network setting interface, the network automatic connection process and uploading the topology information to the cloud through MQTT. The second part is the interface provided to the external MCU. The communication interface is serial port. The function includes transferring the data to be uploaded to the cloud or the control command from the cloud through MQTT. The third part is to build a variety of servers, including the MQTT broker that delivers MQTT data, the MySQL database that stores application information, and the web server that provides the user's web interface. The fourth part is the web interface provided to the user. The function includes viewing the network topology information and the application of the MCU side.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究內容 4 1.4 章節架構 4 第二章 相關技術背景知識 5 2.1 Wireless LAN 5 2.2 Wi-Fi 5 2.3 Mesh network 6 2.4 Network Address Translation 6 2.5 MQTT 7 2.5.1 MQTT架構 7 2.5.2 MQTT Publish / Subscribe 8 2.5.3 MQTT特性 9 2.5.4 MQTT control packet type 9 2.6 ESP-01 11 第三章 系統架構設計 13 3.1 系統架構 13 3.2 用戶建置網路流程設計 15 3.3 Wi-Fi節點運作的流程 16 3.3.1 default節點 17 3.3.2 inviter節點/inviter_spread節點 17 3.3.3 child節點 20 3.3.4 Wi-Fi節點組成網路的示意圖 22 3.3.5 節點斷線 23 3.4 Wi-Fi節點的使用介面 24 3.4.1 節點設定流程 24 3.4.2 節點重置 24 3.4.3 LED提示 24 3.5 Wi-Fi節點的MQTT主題 25 3.6 Wi-Fi節點對應MCU裝置的使用介面設計 26 3.7 用戶端的網頁介面 26 3.8 各類節點的連線與斷線判斷 27 3.9 Wi-Fi節點的不重疊可用路徑計算方式 28 3.10 資料庫架構 29 第四章 系統架構實作與成果 33 4.1 Wi-Fi節點 33 4.1.1 Wi-Fi節點提供的網路設定網頁介面 33 4.1.2 invite資訊發送與接收 33 4.1.3 child節點運作 36 4.2 MCU裝置的使用介面 38 4.3 伺服器 39 4.3.1 MQTT broker 39 4.3.2 Database 41 4.3.3 網頁伺服器 41 4.4 MQTT client for update 42 4.5 MQTT client for command 42 4.6 用戶端的網頁介面 42 4.6.1 設備與感測器 43 4.6.2 網路節點資訊 46 4.6.3 進階資訊 48 第五章 結論與未來展望 52 5.1 結論 52 5.2 未來展望 52 參考文獻 54

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