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研究生: 戴廷裕
Ting-Yu Dai
論文名稱: 高強度鋼筋混凝土梁在不同箍筋間距與剪力需求下之往復載重行為
Cyclic Behavior of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members with Different Hoop Spacing and Shear Demand
指導教授: 鄭敏元
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 黃世建
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 高強度鋼筋混凝土梁箍筋間距耐震設計往復載重撓剪破壞
外文關鍵詞: high-strength reinforced concrete flexural membe, hoop spacing, seismic design, cyclic loading, flexural-shear failure
相關次數: 點閱:518下載:28
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本研究旨在探討高強度鋼筋混凝土梁於不同剪應力需求下使用不同剪力鋼筋間距(以s/d_b描述)之往復載重行為。本論文共測試五組鋼筋混凝土梁試體,其中一組試體使用混凝土設計強度35MPa,其餘四組使用混凝土設計強度70MPa,為了達到研究目的,本論文在分析實驗數據時同時引用2014年黃浲誠所測試之試體BST(本文以試體HC_12#10_H4d_b命名以求一致性)以進行比較,所有試體斷面積均皆為700×400mm,試體皆以單曲率往復載重進行測試,研究之試體所使用之USD685及USD785高強度鋼筋皆來自日本TTK製造。實驗結果顯示所有試體皆呈現撓剪主控的破壞模式,即試體在剪力破壞前均達到設計撓曲強度,且不論箍筋間距為何,所有試體主筋在試體破壞前均觀察到嚴重挫曲的情形。根據實驗結果發現降低試體箍筋間距,未必會提升試體的變形能力,取決於試體變形量是否集中在某個微小區間內。對於剪力需求小於0.30√(f_c^' "(MPa)" ) 之試體而言,箍筋間距s/d_b= 6下試體可維持設計強度達層間位移角至少4.50%;而對於高剪力需求試體而言(≥"0.45" √(f_c^' "(MPa)" )) ,箍筋間距s/d_b= 4可維持試體設計強度達層間位移角3.50%,六組試體之箍筋可使用剪力設計容量範圍介於400~850MPa。另外從試體能量消散能力及勁度衰減的趨勢結果,可以發現縮短箍筋間距由s/d_b= 6至s/d_b= 4,對試體能量消散能力及勁度衰減趨勢提升效果並不顯著。

Cyclic behavior of high-strength reinforced concrete (RC) beam members with different shear demand levels and spacings of transverse reinforcement (expressed in terms of s/d_b) is investigated in this study. A total of five high-strength RC beam specimens were tested. All of the test specimens have specified concrete strength of 70 MPa except one, which only has a specified concrete strength of 35 MPa. For comparison purposes, one of the test specimens from a previous study (黃浲誠, 2014) is included in the analysis part of this report. All test specimens have identical cross-section dimensions of 700×400mm and are subjected to single-curvature cyclic displacement reversals. All high-strength reinforcing bars including SD685 and SD785 steels used in this research were manufactured and sponsored by the Tokyo Tekko Company (TTK) from Japan. Test results show that all six specimens failed in flexure-shear failure mode after achieving their corresponding flexure strengths. Regardless of the transverse reinforcement spacing, buckling of longitudinal reinforcement was observed in all test specimens before failure. Test results also show that the reduction of transverse reinforcement spacing does not necessarily enhance the deformation capacity, which is highly affected by the occurrence of localized deformation. Based on the test results of specimens with low shear demand levels (≤0.30√(f_c^' "(MPa)" )), the peak shear strength can be sustained up to approximately 4.50% drift with an s⁄d_b ratio not greater than 6. For specimens with high shear demand levels (≥0.45√(f_c^' "(MPa)" )), the peak shear strength can be sustained up to approximately 3.50% drift with an s⁄d_b ratio not greater than 4. The usable design shear stresses of the transverse reinforcement are within the range of 400 to 850 MPa. Analytical results also show that reduction of transverse reinforcement spacing from s/d_b= 6 to s/d_b= 4 has no significant impact on enhancing the relative energy dissipation ability and stiffness deterioration of the specimens.

致謝I 摘要IV AbstractV 目錄VI 圖目錄VIII 表目錄XI 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機4 1.3 研究目的4 1.4 論文內容編排5 第二章 文獻回顧6 2.1 高強度混凝土6 2.2 高強度鋼筋11 2.3 s/db值回顧14 第三章 試體規劃15 3.1 試體設計15 3.2 試驗配置22 3.3 試驗量測系統配置24 3.4 測試步驟32 3.5 試體設計公式34 第四章 試驗結果分析35 4.1材料試驗結果35 4.1.1混凝土強度試驗35 4.1.2鋼筋拉伸試驗39 4.2試體測試結果42 4.3 裂縫寬度比較70 4.4 載重-位移曲線分析72 4.4.1 試體強度75 4.4.2 試體變形能力78 4.4.3 試體能量消散能力80 4.4.4試體勁度衰減84 4.4.5 ACI 374.1規範檢核86 4.5 試體外部變形分析87 4.6 應變計量測92 第五章 結論135 參考文獻137 符號說明142

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