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研究生: 巫曜程
Yao-Cheng Wu
論文名稱: 移動物體的軌跡壓縮演算法之研究
A Study of Trajectory Compression Algorithms for Moving Objects
指導教授: 陳維美
Wei-Mei Chen
口試委員: 吳晉賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
Ching-Shun Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 全球定位系統移動物體軌跡壓縮簡化
外文關鍵詞: GPS, moving object trajectory, compression, simplification
相關次數: 點閱:486下載:0
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為了證明在應用層面上,改善原有方法的效能比有更好的效能,分別使用四項誤差評測值去實驗,第一是SED Error,考慮時空性的改進,應用在動物的遷徙狀況,第二是Heading Error,應用在對應地圖中交通運輸分析,第三是Speed Error,應用在監控城市中的物體速度的行為,第四是ILDSED,代表壓縮軌跡演算法可以讓原始軌跡平均壓縮的程度。

With the increase of devices with GPS records, such as smart phones, smart watches, the problems of storage, transmission and analysis become more and more important. Since compression algorithm is an effective way to preserve useful trajectory points and remove unnecessary points, it has become a significant issue to explore.
In the compression trajectory problem, the error rate and the compression rate that can be computed by the original trajectory and the compressed trajectory are used to evaluate the performance of the compression algorithm. In this paper, we propose a compression trajectory method called TP, which improves the original SQUISH-E algorithm by using three stages to filter the original trajectory. The first stage uses a bigger sliding window to remain more points than the number that indicated by the target compression rate. In the second stage, the filtered points after the first stage are used to calculate the values μ and find out the promising turning points. For the computation in this stage, we propose the value ϕ to accelerate the process of calculation. In the third stage, there are two options, the values ϕ and SED values, according to the analysis of different goals.
Finally, the trajectory compression algorithm proposed in this article, under the high compression ratio, not only saves a lot of storages and transmission costs, but also provides relative information trajectory in response to more comprehensive analysis and application which enable the process of trajectory mining more quickly and clearly.

中文摘要 II 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3論文架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 軌跡資料(Trajectory Data) 5 2.2 線上(online)和離線(offline) 6 2.3壓縮演算法分類 7 第三章 評測方式 11 3.1壓縮率與壓縮執行時間 11 3.2空間誤差(Spatial Error) 11 3.3 同步歐式距離誤差(SED Error) 13 3.4 航向誤差(Heading Error)與速度誤差(Speed Error) 15 3.5 資訊損失程度 (Information Loss Degree) 16 第四章研究方法 17 4.1問題描述與應用環境 17 4.2演算法描述 18 4.2.1 演算法TP 18 4.2.2 滑動視窗(Slide Window) 21 4.2.3 轉折點(Turning Point) 24 4.2.4 鄰居計算(Neighbor Calculation) 28 第五章 實驗模擬與探討 30 5.1資料集與實驗環境 30 5.2方法之比較 31 5.2.1實際圖與模擬圖中的轉折點 32 5.2.2資料集的誤差測試 38 5.2.3高壓縮率下的資料集測試 39 5.2.3資料集中各項指標輸贏分佈狀況 41 第六章 結論 44 參考文獻 45

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