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研究生: 林繶筳
論文名稱: 探討 Podcast 聽眾模式分析
Exploring Types of Podcast and Listener’s Human Beings Model Analysis
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
Shun-Chiao Chang
Hui-Chih Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 寂寞程度社交吸引力社群認同可信度忠誠度
外文關鍵詞: loneliness, attraction, community identity, credibility, loyalty
相關次數: 點閱:394下載:0
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  • 本文研究目的主要探討 Podcast 的聽眾輪廓分析,研究性別是否會根據寂寞程度影響其收聽節目偏好,接著,探討主持人的社交吸引力及聽眾之間的社群認同對節目忠誠度之影響。
    研究一顯示,整體而言,女性偏好收聽自我成長與生活經驗主題與心理學主題,男性則偏好收聽 3C 科技主題,在寂寞程度低的族群中,男性較偏好收聽 3C 科技主題,女性則無對節目明顯差異;在寂寞程度較高的族群中,女性較偏好收聽自我成長型與生活經驗的主題,男性則無明顯差異。

    The purpose of this article is to explore the audience profile analysis ofPodcasts, to study whether gender affects their program preference according to the degree of loneliness, and then to explore the influence of the host’s social attractiveness and the social identity between audiences on program loyalty.

    The result of study 1 indicated that women prefer to listen to self-growth and life
    experience topics and psychology topics, while men prefer to listen to 3C technology topics. Among groups with lower degree of loneliness, men prefer to listen to 3C technology topics, while women have no significant difference. The other groups with a higher degree of loneliness, women prefer to listen to themes of self-growth and life experience, while men have no significant difference.

    The result of study 2 indicated that listeners who prefer to listen to soft
    information programs, the host’s social attractiveness and the community identity
    among the listeners are positively correlated with the loyalty of the program. For
    listeners who prefer to listen to hard information programs, the host’s social
    attractiveness don’t have a significant impact on program loyalty. And then we add
    credibility to hard information programs to adjust the model of hard information
    program, the results show that social attractiveness and community identity both have a positive and significant impact on program loyalty

    目錄 摘要.................................................................................................................................i Abstract..........................................................................................................................ii 謝誌.............................................................................................................................. iii 目錄...............................................................................................................................iv 圖目錄...........................................................................................................................vi 表目錄...........................................................................................................................vi 第一章 緒論............................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的............................................................................................3 第三節 研究流程............................................................................................4 第二章 文獻回顧及探討........................................................................................5 第一節 節目主題............................................................................................5 第一節 寂寞感 (Loneliness)..........................................................................8 第二節 吸引力 (Attraction).........................................................................10 第三節 社群認同 (Community Identity) ....................................................11 第四節 可信度 (Credibility)........................................................................12 第五節 忠誠度 (Loyalty) ............................................................................13 第三章 寂寞感高低對於 Podcast 聽眾的深度分析...........................................15 第一節 研究理論與假說..............................................................................15 第二節 研究架構..........................................................................................16 第三節 量表設計..........................................................................................17 第四節 研究結果與資料分析......................................................................17 第一項 敘述統計......................................................................................17 第一項 信、效度分析..............................................................................25 第二項 獨立樣本 T 檢定.........................................................................25 第三項 卡方檢定......................................................................................26 第五節 討論..................................................................................................29 第四章 忠誠度之節目性質分析..........................................................................31 第一節 研究理論與假說..............................................................................31 第二節 研究架構..........................................................................................32 第三節 量表設計..........................................................................................33 第一項 社交吸引力量表..........................................................................33 第二項 社群認同量表..............................................................................33 第三項 忠誠度量表..................................................................................34 第四節 研究結果與資料分析......................................................................34 第一項 敘述性統計..................................................................................34 第二項 信、效度分析..............................................................................36 第三項 線性迴歸分析..............................................................................37 第五節 可信度對硬性節目之調節效果......................................................40 v 第一項 研究理論與假設..........................................................................40 第二項 研究架構......................................................................................40 第三項 量表設計......................................................................................41 第四項 研究結果與資料分析..................................................................41 第六節 討論..................................................................................................45 第五章 結論與建議..............................................................................................47 第一節 結論..................................................................................................47 第二節 管理意涵..........................................................................................48 第三節 社會意涵..........................................................................................48 第四節 研究限制與建議..............................................................................49 參考文獻......................................................................................................................5

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