簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李芊穎
Chien-Ying Lee
論文名稱: 建築虹吸式排水系統之理論機制與可行性研究
The mechanism and practicability of siphonic drainage system applied in buildings
指導教授: 鄭政利
Cheng -Li Cheng
口試委員: 黃瑞隆
Ruey-Lung Hwang
Meng-Chieh Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 建築排水系統虹吸原理滿管流洩水坡度
外文關鍵詞: Siphonic drainage, Primed system, Full bore flow velocity, Proportion of pipe length, Push height
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:10
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Current drainage system in buildings is limited by gravity drainage slope and pipe diameter. Generally, the stack in system installed across the floor slab which cause problems in fixing, renewal, renovation and building maintenance. The advantages of using siphonic system are its small diameter, no slope required, high flow rate, good self-purification and easy installation, which can fit for many kinds of buildings. Besides, it can drain steadily without any mechanical energy. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to amend partial defect in the drainage system and establish the theory of siphonic drainage system in buildings.
This study not only discusses the priming of parameters but also calculated the critical value of elevation head and horizontal length, which is based on hydromechanics. The calculations were verified by case design and experiment whose set for proving the theory in accordance with reality. On the other hand, the concept of Open Building was introduced into the case design which applied the siphonic drainage system to identify both its performance and feasibility. As a result, the siphonic system can reduce the consumption of materials and energies. Consequently, the system proposed in this study will contribute as a reference of siphonic system development in the future.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究動機與背景 1 1-2 研究目的與範圍 4 1-3 研究方法與流程 6 第二章 文獻與相關理論回顧 8 2-1 傳統建築排水系統與虹吸式排水系統特點概述 8 2-1-1 傳統建築排水系統 8 2-1-2 虹吸式排水系統 10 2-1-3 綜合比較 12 2-2 模式應用討論 14 2-2-1 大面積虹吸排水系統的應用 14 2-2-2 虹吸式屋頂雨排水系統 20 2-2-3 機械式真空排水應用 24 2-3 文獻回顧 29 第三章 相關理論與臨界值計算 33 3-1 虹吸排水系統相關理論 33 3-2 排水系統基本型態 39 3-2-1 流速因子與公式推導 41 3-2-2 能量理論闡述 44 3-2-3 虹吸現象產生時的流率、水頭高度、等效長度之關係 48 3-3 臨界值計算 51 3-3-1 滿管機制之檢討 52 3-3-2 管內流體因壓力造成汽化現象之影響 54 3-3-3 水頭高度、等效長度與流率之臨界值計算 57 3-3-4 水頭高度與壓降之間的關係探討 62 3-4 排水流量之臨界條件檢討 66 第四章 實驗驗證與案例分析 69 4-1 實驗方法 69 4-1-1 實驗設計 69 4-1-2 儀器與設備 72 4-1-3 實驗流程 75 4-2 實驗結果與討論 78 4-2-1 實驗觀察結果與分析 78 4-2-2 流速實驗值與理論值探討 86 4-2-3 小結 91 4-3 可行性的驗證與探討 92 4-3-1 虹吸排水系統於開放建築中的利用 92 4-3-2 模擬案例檢討 96 4-3-3 建築虹吸排水系統應用設計 103 4-4 問題討論與相關對策 113 第五章 結論與建議 119 5-1 結論 119 5-2 建議 121 參考文獻 123 附錄 126


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C. 日文部分
C-1 永松廣行、坂上恭助、塚越信行、小清水謙之。
C-2 小清水謙之、坂上恭助、塚越信行、光永威彥、永松廣行。
C-3 光永威彥、坂上恭助、塚越信行、酒井孝司。


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D-17 萬若環境工程技術有限公司。http://www.envi8.com/ecosan.asp