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研究生: Nguyen-Nghia Do
Nguyen-Nghia Do
論文名稱: A Novel Charge Balancing Circuit Topology Based on Buck-Boost Converter with Multiple Bidirectional Energy-Transference Paths
A Novel Charge Balancing Circuit Topology Based on Buck-Boost Converter with Multiple Bidirectional Energy-Transference Paths
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Yao Ching Hsieh
口試委員: 林景源
Jing-Yuan Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 主動平衡電路電源轉換器多雙向電荷傳輸路徑鋰電池串聯的電池組DSP快速平衡
外文關鍵詞: active balancing circuit, power converter-based, multiple bidirectional charge- transference paths, Lithium-Ion battery, series-connected battery string, DSP, fast balancing
相關次數: 點閱:485下載:15
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A high-efficiency and high-reliability management system of energy storage modules such as rechargeable batteries and even accompanying super-capacitors (SCs) and is one of the crucial factors in electric vehicles and other battery-powered applications. The inhomogeneity among individual cells after several charge/discharge cycles leads to premature deterioration of series-connected lithium-ion battery string. Therefore, cell balancing serves as an indispensable role on the battery life preservation and the usable capacity optimization of the battery stack.
This thesis presents an active balancing system based on power converter for series-connected battery cells with multiple bidirectional charge-transference paths. In this method, battery energy can be dynamically transferred among multiple cells and the entire battery stack simultaneously so that the balancing speed is upgraded. In addition, in order to achieve better efficiency, a monitor system and a DSP centralized control algorithm are applied to detect and regulate the voltages of battery cells during the whole equilibration. By this monitoring, indirect charge transferences can be minimized.
The experimental and simulation results are provided to confirm the theoretical analysis of proposed charge equalizer, which is capable of a fast balancing, low cost, simple control method, ease of implementation, as well as a flexible equalization mechanism. From these results, the equalization process can be accomplished after no more than 2 hours with voltage gap between cells of 30mV, which upholds the applicability of the proposed charge balancing circuit topology.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i 摘 要 ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv THESIS STATEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Context and Motivation 1 1.2 Concepts of Lithium-Ion Battery 3 1.2.1 Categories of Lithium-Ion Battery 3 1.2.2 Li-Ion Battery Capacity, SOC and C-rate 8 1.2.3 Li-Ion Battery Charge and Discharge 10 1.3 Research Framework 11 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 12 2.1 Related Work 12 2.1.1 Dissipative Balancing Approach 12 2.1.2 Nondissipative Balancing Approach 13 2.2 Battery Management System (BMS) 18 CHAPTER 3 PROPOSED CHARGE EQUALIZATION CIRCUIT 19 3.1 Circuit Topology 19 3.2 Principle of Operation 20 3.3 Simulation of the Proposed Circuit 30 3.4 Balancing Control Strategy 33 3.4.1 Duty Ratio Derivation 33 3.4.2 Digital Control Algorithm 36 3.5 Modularization of Lithium-ion Battery Balancing Circuit 39 CHAPTER 4 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 41 4.1 Design of Power Components 41 4.1.1 Design the Inductor 42 4.1.2 Power MOSFET 44 4.2 Digital Signal Processor 45 4.3 Experimental Result and Analysis 46 4.4 Assessment of the Proposed Battery Balancing Circuit 54 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 55 5.1 Conclusion 55 5.2 Future Work 55 REFERENCES 56

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