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研究生: 劉淵銘
Yuan-Ming Liu
論文名稱: 奈米精度氣壓-壓電混合驅動之XY-Z三軸長行程定位系統設計與適應性滑動控制
Development of a Pneumatic-Piezoelectric Hybrid Servo XY-Z Positioning System with Large Stroke and High Precision using Adaptive Sliding Control
指導教授: 江茂雄
Mao-Hsiung Chiang
Chung-Feng Kuo
口試委員: 郭振華
Jen-hwa Guo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 氣壓-壓電伺服XY-Z三軸定位平台氣壓致動器壓電致動器函數近似法適應性滑動控制精密定位
外文關鍵詞: nanometer precision positioning control
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:5
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The objective of this thesis is to develop a pneumatic-piezoelectric hybrid servo XY-Z three-axial positioning system with large stroke and high precision. In the single axis the pneumatic servo system serves to position in coarse stroke and the piezoelectric(PZT) actuator compensates fine stroke. This multi-axis system is constituted with the combined X- and Y-axis and the separated Z-axis.
The function approximation technique(FAT) based adaptive sliding controller(ASC) is used to control this servo system. This control strategy can solve the time-varying uncertainties which bounds is unknown by the FAT. Besides, in order to reduce the overshoot in the process of positioning control, the trajectory position control, which combines position control for steady state with trajectory control of transient state, is developed in this study.
The simulation and experiment are both implemented using the FAT-ASC, including single- and three-axial trajectory control of the pneumatic servo system, single- and three-axial trajectory control of the piezoelectric servo system as well as the large stroke and nanometer accuracy trajectory-position control of the novel pneumatic-piezoelectric hybrid servo system. The simulation and experiment results show that the system can achieve high positioning accuracy and excellent tracking performance.

摘要 I Abstact II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XVI 符號索引XVII 第一章緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 文獻回顧1 1.2.1 氣壓系統之文獻回顧1 1.2.2 壓電致動器之文獻回顧3 1.2.3 氣壓-壓電系統之文獻回顧3 1.2.4 控制理論回顧4 1.3 研究動機及本文架構5 1.3.1 研究動機5 1.3.2 本文架構5 第二章系統架構與設備7 2.1 系統架構7 2.2 實驗設備10 2.3 PC-Based 控制系統14 第三章系統動態數學模式建立15 3.1 氣壓伺服系統之數學模型15 3.1.1 比例伺服閥15 3.1.2 質量流率16 3.1.3 氣壓系統之數學模型19 3.1.4 氣壓缸之數學模型23 3.2 壓電致動器之數學模型24 3.3 系統參數鑑別25 第四章控制理論29 4.1 滑動模式控制29 4.1.1 滑動模式控制原理29 4.1.2 滑動模式控制數學推導30 4.2 函數近似法則32 4.2.1 正交函數32 4.2.2 函數近似器33 4.3 適應性滑動控制34 第五章控制器設計37 5.1氣壓系統數學模型降階38 5.2 氣壓伺服控制器設計40 5.3 壓電伺服控制器設計45 5.4 單軸解耦合48 5.5 控制參數49 第六章模擬及實驗結果與討論51 6.1 氣壓系統及壓電致動器定位控制模擬52 6.1.1 氣壓系統定位控制模擬52 6.1.2 壓電致動器定位控制模擬54 6.1.3 氣壓-壓電混合定位控制模擬55 6.2 單軸氣壓伺服控制實驗56 6.2.1 氣壓系統定位實驗56 6.2.2 氣壓系統軌跡追蹤實驗70 6.3 壓電致動器伺服控制實驗74 6.3.1 壓電致動器定位實驗74 6.3.2 壓電致動器軌跡追蹤實驗77 6.4 單軸氣壓-壓電混合定位控制實驗79 6.5 強健性測試實驗88 6.6 雙軸同動伺服控制實驗91 6.6.1 氣壓-壓電XY雙軸同動精密定位實驗91 6.6.2 氣壓XY雙軸同動軌跡追蹤實驗101 6.6.3 壓電致動器XY雙軸同動軌跡追蹤實驗107 6.7 三軸同動伺服控制實驗112 6.7.1 XY-Z三軸同動精密定位實驗112 6.7.2 氣壓XY-Z三軸同動軌跡追蹤實驗121 6.7.3 壓電致動器XY-Z三軸同動軌跡追蹤實驗126 第七章結論與建議130 7.1 結論130 7.2 建議131 參考文獻132 作者簡介136

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