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研究生: 許庭禎
Ting-Chen Hsu
論文名稱: 基於比較框架對多階層廣域模型之改進 - 應用於語義圖像分割
Improving Multi-Scale and Large-Kernel Models with A Comparative Framework for Semantic Image Segmentation
指導教授: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
口試委員: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Chuan-Kai Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 語義分割全域卷積網路空洞空間金字塔池化自注意力
外文關鍵詞: Semantic Segmentation, Global Convolutional Network, Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling, Self-attention
相關次數: 點閱:253下載:20
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進行並行測試、比較、改進、與整合。本研究分別就GCN、ASPP 和self-attention
等三個方法提出了三種改進的轉換模組:分別是 1024 個輸出通道的 GCN、精簡
self-attention 和SPP+GCN。實驗結果顯示這些模組可以提供更精確的語義分割結
果,並在 Pascal VOC2012 圖像分割數據集上取得出色的表現,其正確率分別可達

State-of-the-art models of semantic segmentation, based on global convolutional network, ASPP, self-attention and so on, focus on capturing spatial contexts by multi-scale feature fusion and integrating local features with global dependencies. However, these models have not yet been compared in parallel to interpret their relative efficacies. This makes it difficult to combine or improve these models further because of complicated network structures. In this paper, a common framework was proposed to investigate the network structures of the models in parallel. Additionally, three alternative modules were proposed to improve these methods, and experiments show that these modules may give more precise segmentation results and achieve outstanding performance on Pascal VOC2012 images segmentation datasets. Besides, we also verified the efficacies of multi-scale architecture. Experimental result shows that the upper-level operation can be regarded as a high-pass filter extracting local details and the lower-level operation can be regarded as a low-pass filter extracting the overall contour. The multi-scale architecture helps to complement each other's deficiencies.

摘 要 I Abstract II 致 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第1章 序論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究貢獻 1.3 論文組織與架構 第2章 文獻回顧 2.1 卷積神經網路 2.2 ResNet模型 2.2.1 殘差學習 2.2.2 網路結構 2.3 語義分割 2.3.1 全卷積網路 2.3.2 全域卷積網路 2.3.3 DeepLabv3+ 2.3.4 雙注意力網路 2.4 語義分割指標 第3章 語義分割方法分析與改進 3.1 模型架構 3.1.1 模型設計 3.1.2 誤差計算 3.2 實驗設定 3.2.1 資料集介紹與資料前處理 3.2.2 訓練設定 3.3 基礎實驗 3.4 模組分析 3.4.1 模組設計與實驗 3.5 轉換模組之組合分析 3.5.1 以加權方式結合轉換模組 3.5.2 以串接方式結合轉換模組 3.6 本章摘要 第4章 多階層架構之探討 4.1 模型架構 4.2 基礎實驗 4.3 多階層之組合分析 4.4 本章摘要 第5章 結論 參考文獻

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