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研究生: 陳冠霖
Kuan-Lin Chen
論文名稱: 基於對話式之建築資訊傳遞系統
Conversation-based Building Information Delivery System for Facility Management
指導教授: 蔡孟涵
Meng-Han Tsai
口試委員: 謝佑明
Yo-Ming Hsieh
Rong-Chin Guo
Ming-Da Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 建築資訊模型設施管理對話式系統聊天機器人本體論
外文關鍵詞: Building Information Modeling, Facility management, Conversation-based system, Chatbot, Ontology
相關次數: 點閱:546下載:0
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The aim of this study is to develop a conversation-based building information delivery system for facility management. Facility management platforms are widely used in the facility maintenance phase of the building life cycle. However, a large amount of complex building information is stored in the facility management platform, and it often takes a significant amount of time to load the model when the facility management platform is activated. These factors may affect the efficiency and user experience of facility managers in retrieving specific model information on the facility management platform. Also, the heavy platform makes the related personnel hard to retrieve the data during conducting the investigation on-site since the platform can only be run on a PC or laptop. To tackle such problems, a conversation-based delivery system was proposed with five modules: decision mechanism, equipment dataset module, intent analysis, data collection, and knowledge base. First, the decision mechanism, equipment dataset, and intent analysis were established based on Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and cosine similarity, which is mainly used to analyze the user's query intent. Second, the data collection and knowledgebase were built to primarily process building information modeling (BIM) data. The knowledge base includes a self-devel-oped extractor to structure the data for subsequent analysis. For implementation, LINE, a communication software with the largest market share in Taiwan, was used as a platform, and data was collected through Revit, a BIM software. This system was validated through a feasibility test and field test at the Shulin Arts Comprehensive Administration Building of the New Taipei City Government in Taiwan. The results showed that the proposed method changes the traditional interaction mode between the user and the facility management platform. The new interactive mode not only provides a friendly user experience for facility managers but also decreases time spent on retrieval by 45.7%.

Table of Contents Abstract....................................................................... I Acknowledgements .............................................................................. II Table of Contents ............................................................................. III List of Figures .............................................................................. VI List of Tables ............................................................................. VII 1. Introduction ............................................................... 1 1.1 Development of traditional facility management platform ................... 1 1.2 Inefficient information retrieval from BIM models ......................... 1 1.3 New solutions for the facility management platform ........................ 2 2. Literature Review .......................................................... 2 2.1 BIM in facility management ................................................ 3 2.2 Challenges in retrieving BIM information .................................. 4 2.3 Applications of ontology in BIM ........................................... 5 2.4 Dialogue-based information delivery system in various fields .............. 6 3. Objective .................................................................. 8 4. Proposed Approach for Information Delivery System .......................... 9 4.1. System architecture ...................................................... 9 4.2. Decision mechanism ...................................................... 10 Rule-based approach .......................................................... 10 Retrieval-based approach ..................................................... 11 4.3. Equipment dataset module ................................................ 12 Dataset definition ........................................................... 12 User interview for defining the search scope of the system ................... 13 4.4. Intent analysis module .................................................. 14 Keyword extraction ........................................................... 14 Intent corpus ................................................................ 15 TF-IDF method for similarity calculations .................................... 16 Ranking and matching ......................................................... 17 4.5. Data collection module................................................... 19 4.6. Knowledge base .......................................................... 19 5. Implementation ............................................................ 20 5.1 Overview of the conversation-based delivery system ....................... 21 5.2 Decision mechanism ....................................................... 21 5.3 Equipment dataset ........................................................ 23 5.4 Intention analysis........................................................ 24 5.5 Data collection........................................................... 27 5.6 Knowledge base ........................................................... 27 Data preprocessor ............................................................ 28 Data extractor ............................................................... 28 Ontology builder ............................................................. 29 6. Validation ................................................................ 31 6.1 Feasibility test ......................................................... 31 Design of the feasibility test ............................................... 32 Results of the feasibility test .............................................. 33 6.2 Field test ............................................................... 34 Design of the field test ..................................................... 34 Result of field test ......................................................... 35 7. Discussion ................................................................ 40 7.1. Contributions ........................................................... 41 Simple interface and easy-to-use conversation-based delivery system .......... 41 Personal assistant for providing retrieval of BIM information ................ 41 Search engine based on ontological techniques................................. 41 Customized features and suitability for any BIM model ........................ 42 7.2. Limitations ............................................................. 42 Lack of machine learning algorithms .......................................... 42 High labor demand to maintain the corpus ..................................... 42 Mobile device size affects user experience ................................... 42 7.3. Potential Applications of the System .................................... 43 8. Conclusions ............................................................... 43 References ................................................................... 45 List of Figures Figure 1. Conversation-based system architecture. ............................ 10 Figure 2. Clickable menu. .................................................... 11 Figure 3. User input panel. .................................................. 12 Figure 4. The architecture of the equipment dataset. ......................... 13 Figure 5. The content of the user interview questionnaire..................... 14 Figure 6. The keyword extraction process. .................................... 15 Figure 7. The ranking and matching process. .................................. 18 Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the ranking and matching process. ............. 18 Figure 9. The process of structuring BIM data. ............................... 20 Figure 10. Overview of the conversation-based delivery system. ............... 21 Figure 11. The main interface of the chatbot: (A) the message input bar and (B) the rich menu. ............................................................... 22 Figure 12. The three chatbot menus: (A) confirm template, (B) imagemap message, and (C) carousel template. ................................................... 23 Figure 13. Schematic diagram of automatically sending rule-based sentences.... 25 Figure 14. The intent analysis implementation. ............................... 27 Figure 15. The implementation of the knowledge base. ......................... 28 Figure 16. Implementation of the ontology framework. ......................... 30 Figure 17. Implementation of the individuals in the ontology framework. ...... 30 Figure 18. Implementation of the data reasoning. ............................. 31 Figure 19. Statistical results of the three methods. ......................... 40 List of Tables Table 1. Equipment dataset for facility manager. ............................. 24 Table 2. Designed tasks for the feasibility test. ............................ 33 Table 3. Result of the feasibility test. ..................................... 34 Table 4. Designed tasks for the field test. .................................. 35 Table 5. Field test results for Method 1. .................................... 36 Table 6. Field test results for Method 2. .................................... 37 Table 7. Field test results for Method 3. .................................... 38

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