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研究生: 郭岱鑫
Tai-Hsin Kuo
論文名稱: 新式垂直軸阻力型風車的理論分析與性能實驗之整合研究
Performance Enhancement of an Innovative Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
指導教授: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
口試委員: 莊福盛
Fu-Sheng Chuang
Cheng-Fang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 187
中文關鍵詞: 開放式測試平台Labview垂直軸阻力型風力發電機
外文關鍵詞: VAWT, test platform, Labview
相關次數: 點閱:441下載:1
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  • 本文針對一新型多葉片垂直軸風力機進行理論效率推導與性能實驗之整合研究;首先藉由風車葉片之阻力分析推導而得到其數學模型,由此暸解本風車之理想的氣動性能,包括功率以及力矩特性。接著於高樓樓頂設計並建置一可拆式垂直軸風車開放實驗平台;實驗平台之資料擷取系統係利用National Instruments公司的資料擷取卡,將高樓平台的各種感測器與風力發電機之發電參數等類比訊號,轉成數位訊號傳送至電腦。並以圖形化程式語言LabVIEW撰寫一套能即時監測風場環境之自動化程式,能紀錄風力發電機所有之輸入與輸出實驗數據,並依風速分類存檔紀錄之;接著將測試資料藉撰寫完成之程式做資料處理與分析,並且以統計的概念驗證資料是否充足,以期獲得較為可信的實驗數據供分析與評估。

    This analytic and experimental investigation is aimed to enhance the performance of an innovative small vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). At first, a flexible experimental platform is designed and installed on a building rooftop for executing the performance evaluation of VAWT. By utilizing the data acquisition system (DAQ), environmental information and power data on the platform are recorded and transferred to the computer automatically. With the aids of a visual software programming within the framework of Labview, the real-time monitoring on the input/output parameters of generator and the wind condition on the rooftop can be carried out simultaneously. Afterwards, the data processing and in-depth analysis on the experimental outcomes are performed via the established computer program together with the statistic concept. Consequently, the actual performance of the wind turbine generator system is attained easily in an automatic and systematic manner.
    Furthermore, an innovative multi-blade vertical axis wind turbine is constructed and installed for performance evaluation on this platform. The performance outcomes of original VAWT design indicate a consistent correlation with the physical interpretation and thus verify the reliability of this VAWT test system. Moreover, to enhance its performance, blade radius and number of this VAWT are varied for understanding their influence on turbine performance. Consequently, a bigger radius results in significant enlargements on TSR, torque and power coefficients, and total power output. Besides, an increasing blade number not only improves its aerodynamic characteristics, but also generates more torque for attaining better start-up ability under the low wind speed. In summary, the maximum power coefficient and power output are improved from 3.5% to 5.5% and 90W to 150W at wind speed of 10 m/sec for the case of 1m-radius VAWT, respectively. Also, the maximum power coefficient and power generation can be further upgraded to 7% and 290W at wind speed of 10m/sec for a 1.5m-radisu modified VAWT.

    摘 要I AbstractIII 致 謝V 目 錄VI 圖索引X 表索引XV 符號索引XVI 第一章 緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 台灣風力發電現況6 1.3 文獻回顧12 1.3.1 垂直軸風車之相關研究13 1.3.2 風力發電機應用於都市相關文獻19 1.4 研究目的與方法22 1.5 本文大綱25 第二章 風能評估與統計分析28 2.1 風的統計分析29 2.1.1 平均風速與風向玫瑰圖29 2.1.2 風速頻率分佈 30 2.1.3 韋伯分佈32 2.2 風能計算35 2.3 台灣風能資源分佈37 第三章 風力發電機簡介42 3.1 發展歷史與現況42 3.1.1 發展歷史42 3.1.2 發展現況44 3.2 風力發電機工作原理56 3.2.1貝茲動量理論56 3.2.2 相關參數簡介 60 3.3 風力機類型61 3.3.1 水平軸/垂直軸式風力發電機62 3.3.2 升力/阻力型風力發電機65 3.4 多葉片垂直軸風車68 3.4.1 運作原理71 3.4.2 理論效率推導 75 第四章 測試實驗平台設置83 4.1 測試平台簡介83 4.2 硬體設備架設90 4.2.1 氣象竿90 4.2.2 風力發電機組 97 4.2.3 配電盤99 4.3 資料擷取系統102 4.3.1硬體設備104 4.3.2軟體撰寫107 4.4 實驗數據之統計分析121 4.4.1 實驗組設定121 4.4.2 統計結果分析127 第五章 實驗結果與分析131 5.1 測試平台風場資料131 5.2 實驗方法與步驟145 5.3 實驗結果與討論149 5.3.1 原型之風車149 5.3.2 改良型風車157 5.4 結果分析與總結168 第六章 結論與建議177 6.1 結論 177 6.2 建議 180 參考文獻183

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