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研究生: 曾炫勲
Hsuan-Hsun TSENG
論文名稱: 球磨時間與添加石墨烯、活性炭與奈米碳管對 ZK60 合金儲氫性能之影響
Effect of ball milling time and adding graphene, active carbon,and carbon nanotube on the hydrogen storage performance of ZK60 alloy
指導教授: 丘群
Chun Chiu
口試委員: 林新智
Hsin-Chih Lin
Jung-Ting Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 鎂基儲氫合金ZK60 合金高速壓延碳材添加劑高能球磨鎂合金廢料回收
外文關鍵詞: Mg-based hydrogen storage alloy, ZK60 alloy, high-rate rolling, carbon catalyst, high-energy ball milling, Recycling of Magnesium Alloy Scrap
相關次數: 點閱:502下載:0
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  • 本研究將高速壓延之 ZK60 合金和 ZK60 合金分別添加石墨烯、
    活性炭與奈米碳管,進行球磨 30、35 和 40 小時,以探討經由塑性
    實驗結果顯示,高速壓延之ZK60 合金經過銑床銑削後,添加石
    墨烯,在球磨 40 小時後所製備而成的粉末儲氫量為 6.6 wt.%,而
    ZK60 合金在相同條件下之儲氫量也為 6.6 wt.%,由此得知在儲氫性
    質上並無明顯差異,其原因為兩者的晶粒尺寸皆為 30 nm。添加石
    墨烯的 ZK60 合金,經過 40 小時的球磨,儲氫量為 6.6 wt.%,添加
    活性炭的 ZK60 合金儲氫量為 4.3 wt.%,而添加奈米碳管的 ZK60 合
    金則為 5.9 wt.%,由此得知在對於 ZK60 合金儲氫性質的催化效果
    構的缺陷程度的影響,石墨烯的ID/ IG 值為 1.31,活性炭為 0.99,而
    奈米碳管則為 1.18;石墨烯的活化能為 97 KJ/mol,活性炭為 119
    KJ/mol,而奈米碳管則為 107 KJ/mol。球磨 40 h 的高速壓延之
    ZK60 合金添加石墨烯之儲氫量為 6.6 wt.%,在相同條件下球磨 35 h
    為 6.5 wt.%,而球磨 30h 則為 6.2 wt.%,由此得知球磨 40 h 對於材
    料的儲氫性質上有略為提升,其原因為顆粒尺寸較低,球磨 40 h 為
    1 μm,球磨 35 h 為 7 μm,而球磨 30 h 則為 15 μm。
    經由本研究之製程所製備的ZK60 鎂合金粉末,其儲氫性質與經
    由霧化噴粉製程所製備的 ZK60 鎂合金粉末幾無差異。因此,本研

    In this study, the ZK60 alloy prepared by high rate rolling were
    separately modified with graphene, activated carbon, and carbon
    nanotubes. The modified were then subjected to ball milling for 30, 35,
    and 40 hours to investigate the effects of plastic deformation, different
    carbon additives, and varying milling durations on the hydrogen storage
    properties of magnesium-based materials.
    The results show the ZK60 alloy plate prepared by high-rate rolling
    and subsequent milling exhibited a hydrogen storage capacity of 6.6 wt.%
    after 40 hours of ball milling with the addition of graphene. Interestingly,
    the hydrogen storage capacity of the ZK60 alloy plate without graphene
    addition was also 6.6 wt.% under the same conditions. This suggests that
    there is no significant difference in hydrogen storage properties between
    the two, which can be attributed to their similar grain sizes of 30 nm.
    Furthermore, the ZK60 alloy with graphene addition exhibited a
    hydrogen storage capacity of 6.6 wt.% after 40 hours of ball milling. In
    comparison, the ZK60 alloy with activated carbon addition had a
    hydrogen storage capacity of 4.3 wt.%, while the ZK60 alloy with carbon
    nanotube addition had a hydrogen storage capacity of 5.9 wt.%. These
    results indicate that graphene has the best catalytic effect on the hydrogen
    storage properties of the ZK60 alloy, followed by carbon nanotubes, and
    activated carbon showed the lowest performance. This can be attributed
    to the varying degrees of carbon material structure defects. ID/IG value of
    1.31 for graphene, 0.99 for activated carbon, and 1.18 for carbon
    nanotubes), its activation energy is 97 KJ/mol compared to 119 KJ/mol
    for activated carbon and 107 KJ/mol for carbon nanotubes. In terms of
    the effect of ball milling duration, the ZK60 alloy with graphene addition
    exhibited a hydrogen storage capacity of 6.6 wt.% after 40 hours of ball
    milling. Under the same conditions, the hydrogen storage capacity was
    6.5 wt.% after 35 hours of ball milling and 6.2 wt.% after 30 hours of ball
    milling. This suggests that a ball milling duration of 40 hours has a better
    effect on the hydrogen storage properties of the material, likely due to the
    smaller particle size. Specifically, the particle size after 40 hours of ball
    milling was 1 μm, 7 μm after 35 hours, and 15 μm after 30 hours.
    The ZK60 magnesium alloy powder prepared using the process in
    this study exhibited comparable hydrogen storage properties to the ZK60
    magnesium alloy powder prepared by atomization and spray deposition.
    Therefore, the process developed in this study can be applied for the
    recycling of magnesium alloy waste into hydrogen storage materials,
    contributing to the goal of material circular economy. Please note that
    while I have provided a translation of the text, there may still be some
    technical terms or specific expressions that may require further review or
    clarification by a domain expert.

    摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XXV 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 氫經濟 3 2.1.1 氫的基本性質 3 2.1.2 氫能源的製造 5 2.1.3 氫能源的儲存 6 2.1.4 氫能源的運輸 8 2.1.5 氫能源的應用 8 2.2 儲氫合金 8 2.2.1 儲氫合金的發展 9 2.2.2 儲氫合金的種類 10 2.3 儲氫合金吸放氫之性質 12 2.3.1 儲氫合金熱力學 12 2.3.2 儲氫合金動力學 15 2.3.3 儲氫合金之其他相關特性概述 16 2.4 鎂基儲氫合金 20 2.4.1 AZ系列合金之儲氫 20 2.4.2 ZK系列合金之儲氫 22 2.5 ZK60儲氫合金之改質方法 25 2.5.1 添加劑效應 25 2.5.2 溢出效應 26 2.5.3 嚴重塑性變形效應 28 2.6 文獻回顧整理 32 第三章 實驗方法 36 3.1 實驗材料 36 3.2 實驗流程 37 3.3 球磨製程 38 3.4 實驗設備 39 3.5 儲氫合金之儲氫性能檢測 42 第四章 實驗結果與討論 46 4.1 高速壓延法對ZK60合金的影響 46 4.2 結合高速壓延法與不同球磨添加物對ZK60合金儲氫特性之影響 49 4.2.1 高速壓延並添加石墨烯 49 4.2.2 高速壓延並添加活性炭 65 4.2.3 高速壓延並添加奈米碳管 80 4.3 原材與不同球磨添加物對儲氫特性之影響 95 4.3.1 原材並添加石墨烯 95 4.3.2 原材並添加活性炭 110 4.3.3 原材並添加奈米碳管 125 4.4 各種粉體性質之比較 140 4.4.1 高速壓延法對ZK60合金儲氫特性之影響 140 4.4.2 不同球磨添加物對ZK60合金儲氫特性之影響 144 4.4.3 不同球磨時間對ZK60合金儲氫特性之影響 148 4.4.4 與其他ZK60儲氫合金相關文獻之比較 151 第五章 結論 153 第六章 未來展望 154 參考文獻 155 附錄 167

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