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研究生: 羅文毅
Wen-Yi - Lo
論文名稱: 磁性元件應用於軌道車輛鋼輪以增加行車安全與爬坡能力之研究
Study on Magnetic Components Used in Steel Wheels of Rail Vehicles in Order to Increase Traffic Safety and Climbing Ability.
指導教授: 郭明哲
Ming-Tse Kuo
口試委員: 楊金石
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 軌道列車鋼輪鐵軌打滑出軌跳動頻率
外文關鍵詞: Railroad train, steel wheel, rail, wheel slip, derailments, sbeating frequency
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:11
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The current braking devices of trains have not only braking function but also recycling power function in some trains. The functions to prevent the derailment of rail trains and slip between wheels and rails and to increase the climbing force is still not perfect. In order to improve the above-mentioned functions and increase traffic safety, this dissertation proposes the use of physical properties of magnetic components not to damage the wheels and rails. The electromagnetic components set on the bogie axle. The use of circuit loop drives voltage and current. The front and rear wheels produce magnetic force. This dissertation study attractiveness and beating frequency between steel wheels and rails to reduce the derailment rate and the braking distance. The results of this study show that the braking distance can be shortened and the wheel-rail slippage and coasting can be reduced. Finally, the reduction of the beating frequency between the wheels and rails is verified by the neural network experiment.From the verification, it can be seen that the reduction of the beating frequency is in good agreement with the actual test results. This dissertation can significantly improve traffic safety and reduce personal injury and financial losses.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 13 1.1 前言 13 1.2 研究背景與動機 13 1.3 研究目的與流程 2 1.4 本文大綱 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 前言 4 2.2 軌道列車煞車理論 4 2.3 煞車文獻 7 2.4 出軌事故文獻 12 2.5 軌道缺陷成因 15 2.6 本章小結 17 第三章 防止軌道列車出軌及縮短煞車距離研究方法 18 3.1 前言 18 3.2 研究方法1:車輪跳動次數小型測試平台 20 3.2.1 實驗結構圖 20 3.2.2 馬達 21 3.2.3 調光器 22 3.2.4 鋼輪與鐵軌導電測試 23 3.2.5 鐵性圓盤 24 3.2.6 釹磁鐵 25 3.2.7 磁鐵磁性特性 26 3.2.8 連結裝置與模擬負荷 30 3.2.9 示波器與轉速計 31 3.3 研究方法2:軌道煞車小型測試平台 32 3.3.1 前言 32 3.3.2 磁力與煞車 35 3.3.3 實驗用列車車軌 38 3.3.4 滑道車軌本體 38 3.3.5 滑道架本體與滑軌車實體圖解 41 3.3.6 量測圖與電路圖 43 3.4 本章小結 45 第四章 研究結果與分析 46 4.1 前言 46 4.2 模擬鋼輪與鐵軌跳動頻率之實驗做法與步驟 46 4.2.1 實驗做法 46 4.2.2 實驗量測結果 48 4.2.3 轉速與負載電流關係 61 4.2.4 磁力與負載電流關係 61 4.2.5 轉速與跳動次數關係 63 4.2.6 電流變動起伏次數 65 4.3 模擬鋼輪與鐵軌縮短煞車距離之實驗做法與步驟 67 4.3.1 實驗做法 67 4.3.2 實驗量測結果 69 4.4 類神經演算法模擬曲線 74 4.5 類神經演算法之列車輪軌跳動時間預測應用 81 4.6 本章小結 83 第五章 結論與未來展望 84 5.1 結論 84 5.1 未來展望 86 5.2 磁性元件應用於鐵路系統 87 5.3 本章小結 88 參考文獻 89

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