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研究生: 戴逸
Yi Tai
論文名稱: 履約保證金與廠商投標意願相關性之研究
The Study of the Relationship between Performance Bond and Contractor's Willingness to Bid
指導教授: 李欣運
Hsin-Yun Lee
口試委員: 楊智斌
Jyh-Bin Yang
Jui-Sheng Chou
Yu-Cheng Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 投標承包商財務負擔模擬履約保證金
外文關鍵詞: Bid, Contractors, Financial loading, Simulation, Performance bond
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:0
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  • 履約保證金為擔保人的保證,如果承包商未能按照合約提供所有必需的服務,則業主將獲得金錢補償。履約保證金的主要目的是保護業主者免受承包商違約造成的潛在損害。然而,履約保證金的機制增加了承包商的財務負擔。如果承包商的現金流缺口太大,則可能直接導致專案失敗,這對業主也不是一件好事。因此,本研究旨在通過一種模擬方法來開發模型,以找到最合適的履約保證金。通過這樣的行為,不僅可以確保業主的權利,而且可以吸引更多潛在的承包商。合理的履約保證金還可以減少財務負擔並有效地處理專案,為業主與承包商的合作帶來最高價值。

    Generally, the performance bond is a guarantee from a surety that the owner will
    obtain monetary compensation or contract completion of services if the contractor fails to deliver all the required services under a contract. The primary purpose of the performance bond is to protect the owner of the project from potential damages caused by the contractor’s breach of contract. However, the mechanism of the performance bond increases financial loading to the contractor. If the cash flow’s gap of the contractor is too massive, it may directly cause the project to fail, which is not a good thing for the owner as well. Therefore, this study aims to develop a proposed model through a simulation method to find the most appropriate performance bond. Through such actions, not only can ensure the right of the owner, but also attract more potential contractors. For contractor’s view, the reasonable performance bond also decreases the financial loading and processes the project efficiently. Bringing the highest value to the cooperation between two parties.

    CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research motivation.....1 1.2. Research objective......1 1.3. Research scope..........2 1.4. Research methodology....2 1.5. Study outline...........4 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW....5 2.1. Trust in business.......5 2.2. Trust in contract design.....6 2.3. Performance bond........8 2.4. Company’s behavior to bid.....9 2.5. Factors determining the decision.....11 2.6. Company’s capacity evaluation.....13 2.7. Financial loading and performance bond.....15 CHAPTER 3: MODEL CONSTRUCTION.....18 3.1. The framework of the proposed model.....18 3.2. Modeling the cash flow.....21 3.3. Simulation utilization in the model.....22 CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION IN AN EXAMPLE PROJECT.....27 4.1. Project information.....27 4.2. Project nature and planning.....27 4.3. Evaluation of contractors in the market.....32 4.4. Candidate scenario selection.....33 4.5. Bidding scenario simulation......34 4.6. Analysis........38 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS..48 5.1. Conclusions.....48 5.2. Limitation of the research...........49 5.3. Recommendation for further study....49 REFERENCES.....51

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