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論文名稱: 決定留任意願之因素:以在臺灣的越南籍移工為例
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Chia-Lin Lee
Tung-Min Hung
Ja-Shen Chen
Hung-Tai Tsou
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 139
外文關鍵詞: Cultural competence, Perceived discrimination, Vietnamese workers
相關次數: 點閱:279下載:0
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In response to significant concerns about the job retention rate of foreign labourers working in the new environment, this dissertation aims to investigate the impact of cultural competencies on migrant workers’ intention to stay in Taiwan. The research also seeks to investigate the function of behavioural and psychological factors in the accommodation and adjustment of migrant workers to a new cultural context. The current dissertation proposes and tests two theoretical models using a survey instrument administered to a total of 1,303 Vietnamese migrant workers who are working in the manufacturing industry in Taiwan under the labour export programme. Study 1 involved 636 respondents introduces a moderated mediation model by examining the mediating role of sociocultural adaptation and job satisfaction in the link between cultural competence and intention to stay. It also investigates if local language proficiency and length of residence moderate the association of cultural competence and sociocultural adaptation. Study 2 included 667 respondents explores the role of perceived discrimination and psychological adaptation in a serial mediation model. This research enriches existing literature with further conceptual understanding of migrant workers’ adaptation and settlement in a new cultural setting by including various variables of social-cultural, psychological, behavioural, and situational factors in mechanism effects which are related to intention to stay. In addition, the research reports and discusses the explanatory power results of the two models. Among pioneering pieces of research on the experiences of low-skilled migrant workers under a labour export programme, this work further contributes to various theories of cultural competencies in the psychological and behavioural sciences in some critical ways. Theoretically, the studies bring to literature on psychological and behavioural management by exploring the impact of cultural competencies such as cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment on intention to stay as well as examining how job satisfaction, sociocultural adaptation, perceived discrimination, and psychological adaptation work in this relationship. The findings provide further insight into the influence of cross-cultural adjustment on migrant laborers’ intention to stay via the serially-mediating roles of perceived discrimination and psychological adaptation and parallel mediation of sociocultural adaptation and job satisfaction. Practically, the findings of the studies provide implications for both sending and receiving governments to implement appropriate and effective management policies for migrant labourers, which highlight the importance of social-cultural training and orientation for migrant workers. Furthermore, the studies address current concerns regarding the rate of job retention among migrant workers participating in labour export programmes. Its findings provide policymakers, human resource practitioners, and employers with additional evidence to improve and effectively maintain their foreign labour force.

Table of Contents Cover Page I Doctoral Dissertation Recommendation Form II Qualification Form by Doctoral Degree Exammination Committee III Abstract IV Acknowledgement VI Table of Contents VIII List of Abbreviations and Symbols XIII List of Figures XV List of Tables XVI Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1. Background of the Study 1 2. Research Gaps and Objectives 4 3. Research Questions 7 4. Significant of the Study 7 5. Research Structure 9 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT 10 1. Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Taiwan 10 2. Adaptation of Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Taiwan 12 3. Theoretical Foundation 13 3.1 Culture Learning Theory 13 3.2 Social Exchange Theory 15 3.3 Acculturation and Adaptation Theory 15 3.4 Person-Culture Fit 17 4. Research Construct Conceptualization 19 4.1 Cultural Competence 19 4.2 Cross-cultural Adjustment 20 4.3 Sociocultural Adaptation 21 4.4 Psychological Adaptation 22 4.5 Perceived Discrimination 23 4.6 Job Satisfaction 23 4.7 Intention to Stay 24 5. Hypotheses Development and Research Models 25 5.1 Study 1. Sociocultural Adaptation and Job Satisfaction as Mediators between Cultural Competence and Intention to Stay among Vietnamese Workers in Taiwan 25 5.1.1 Cultural Competence and Intention to Stay 25 5.1.2 Cultural Competence and Sociocultural Adaptation 26 5.1.3 Cultural Competence and Job Satisfaction 27 5.1.4 Sociocultural Adaptation and Intention to Stay 28 5.1.5 Job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay 28 5.1.6 Mediating Role of Sociocultural Adaptation 29 5.1.7 Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction 31 5.1.8 Chinese Proficiency and Length of Residence as Moderators 32 5.2 Study 2. The Serial Mediating of Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Adaptation in the Relationship between Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Migrant Workers’ Intention to Stay 35 5.2.1 Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Perceived Discrimination, and Intention to Stay 35 5.2.2 Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Psychological Adaptation, and Intention to Stay 37 5.2.3 The Serially-Mediating Roles of Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Adaptation 38 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 41 1. Populations and Procedure 41 1.1 Populations and Samples 41 1.2 Questionanaire Design 42 1.3 Data Collection 42 1.4. Measures 43 2. Instrument Validity and Reliability 45 2.1 Content and Face Validity 45 2.2 Pilot Tests 46 3. Common Method Variance 49 4. Primary Checks and Data Analysis Strategies 49 4.1 Preliminary Data Screening 49 4.2 Measurement Model Evaluation Strategies 50 4.3 Data Analysis Strategies 51 Chapter 4 RESULTS 52 1. Findings of Study 1 52 1.1 Descriptive Statistics and Normal Distribution Test 52 1.2 Measurement Model Evaluation 54 1.3 Hypothesis Testing Results 57 1.3.1 Direct Effect 57 1.3.2 Mediating Effect 56 1.3.3 Moderating Effect 58 1.3.4 Moderated Mediation Effect 59 1.4 Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results 60 2. Findings of Study 2 62 2.1 Descriptive Statistics and Normal Distribution Test 62 2.2 Measurement Model Evaluation 65 2.3 Hypothesis Testing Results 68 2.3.1 Direct Effect 68 2.3.2 Mediating Effect 68 Chapter 5 DISCUSSION 72 1. Study 1 72 1.1 Theoretical Implications 75 1.2 Practical Implications 76 2. Study 2 79 2.1 Theoretical Implications 80 2.2. Practical Implications 82 3. Limitations and Recommendation for Future Research 87 REFERENCES 89 APPENDICES 118 APPENDIX A: Questionnaire Composition 118 APPENDIX B: Questionnaire of Study 1 (English version) 121 APPENDIX C: Questionnaire of Study 1 (Vietnamese version) 126 APPENDIX D: Questionnaire of Study 2 ((English version) 130 APPENDIX E: Questionnaire of Study 2 (Vietnamese version) 135

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