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研究生: 林紓卉
Shu-huei Lin
論文名稱: 運用公開資訊與存活分析交易台灣加權股票指數期貨之實證研究
Empirical study of TAIEX Futures by using public information and survival analysis
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chen, Chun-Nan
Joseph C.P. Shieh
Hsuan-Chu Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 存活分析台灣指數期貨
外文關鍵詞: survival analysis, TAIEX futures
相關次數: 點閱:403下載:0
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本研究以台灣指數期貨為樣本,實證公開資訊對於預測台指期漲跌幅的效果。資料來源從期交所、證交所以及Yahoo Finance每日公開資訊,包含現貨、期貨、選擇權交易量和未平倉量、S&P500指數等26個變數,利用存活分析建立模型,預測台指期今日收盤到隔日收盤之漲跌幅。
研究結果發現,漲幅模型顯著變數有投信現貨變化量、外資現貨變化量、外資台指期多空淨未平倉變化量、投信台指期多空淨未平倉變化量、外資小台指期多空未平倉淨額變化量、自營商小台指期多空未平倉淨額變化量、五大法人近月買賣超未沖銷部位變化量、十大特定法人近月買賣超未沖銷變化量、十大特定法人買賣超未沖銷變化量、外資台指選多空未平倉淨額變化量、S&P500指數變化量,共11個變數。而跌幅模型顯著變數有大型券商現貨金額變化量、五大特定近月買賣超未沖銷變化量、五大特定近月買賣超未沖銷變化量、散戶多空未平倉口數變化量、外資台指選多空未平倉淨額變化量。實證結果發現,本研究漲幅模型準確率為75.97%,且在績效驗證中平均收益有47.95413點; 跌幅模型準確率為75.1%,且在績效驗證中平均收益有32.15596點。

This study is to estimate the price change of the TAIEX futures by using public information. Where we use public information such as trading volume, open interest, and S&P500 stock index as variables. As well as to use survival analysis to predict the price change.
As the result of our study, the significant variables in the model of predicting the rising price are: change in net buy/sell of Securities Investment Trust Companies in TAIEX, change in net buy/sell of Foreign Institutional Investor TAIEX, net change in Foreign Institutional Investor open interest of TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Investment Trust open interest of TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Foreign Institutional Investor open interest of Mini-TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Dealers open interest of Mini-TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Top 5 Investors open interest of spot month TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Top 10 Investors open interest of spot month TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Top 10 Investors open interest of next month TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Foreign Institutional Investor open interest of TAIEX option contract, change in S&P 500 index. In total of eleven variables. Significant variables in the model of predicting the falling price are: change in net buy/sell of large securities firm in TAIEX, net change in Top 5 Investors open interest of spot month TAIEX Futures contract, net change in Top 10 Investors open interest of spot month TAIEX Futures contract, change in net buy/sell of retail investors in TAIEX, net change in Foreign Institutional Investor open interest of TAIEX option contract. For the model of predicting the rising price the accuracy is 75.97% with the average of earning 47.95413 point; For the model of predicting the falling price the accuracy is 75.1% with the average of earning 32.15596 points.

第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………………….1 摘 要 ································ ································ ································ ·· I ABSTRACT ································ ································ ························· II 致 謝 ································ ································ ································ III 目 錄 ································ ································ ································ IV 表目錄 ································ ································ ······························· VI 第壹章 緒論 ································ ································ ···················· 1 第一節研究背景與動機 ································ ································ ····· 1 第二節研究目的 ································ ································ ·············· 3 第三節章節架構、研究流程與步驟 ································ ······················· 4 第貳章 文獻探討 ································ ································ ·············· 6 第一節指數與交易量相關文獻 ································ ····························· 6 第二節美股與台指期相關文獻 ································ ···························· 10 第三節台指現貨、期貨與選擇權相關文獻 ································ ············· 11 第四節存活分析與財金領域相關文獻 ································ ··················· 12 第參章 研究方法 ································ ································ ············· 13 第一節存活分析 ································ ································ ············· 13 第二 節研究樣本與期間 ································ ································ ···· 15 第三節變數說明 ································ ································ ············· 16 第肆章 實證結果分析 ································ ································ ······· 21 第一節台指期貨漲幅預測模型的建立 ································ ··················· 21 第二節台指期貨跌幅預測模型的建立 ································ ··················· 27 第二節模型績效驗證 ································ ································ ······· 32 V 第三節 第三節 敏感度分析敏感度分析 ·················································································································································· 35 第伍章 第伍章 結論與建議結論與建議 ···················································································································································· 49 第一節研究結論 第一節研究結論 ·························································································································································· 49 第二節研究建議 第二節研究建議 ·························································································································································· 50 參考文獻 參考文獻 ························································································································································································ 51 ( (一一)) 國外部分國外部分 ·············································································································································· 51 ( (二二)) 國內部分國內部分 ·············································································································································· 52

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