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研究生: 張哲維
Jhe-wei Zhang
論文名稱: Study of Apparent Cohesion from Unconfined Compression Test under Unsaturated Soil Concepts
Study of Apparent Cohesion from Unconfined Compression Test under Unsaturated Soil Concepts
指導教授: 林宏達
Horn-da Lin
口試委員: 王建智
Chien-chih Wang
Kuo-hsin Yang
John-son Kung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: unconfined compression testsuction stressapparent Cohesionunsaturated soilcolluvial soil
外文關鍵詞: unconfined compression test, suction stress, apparent Cohesion, unsaturated soil, colluvial soil
相關次數: 點閱:360下載:2
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  • 不飽和土壤理論是過去幾十年許多研究之焦點。眾多重要不飽和土壤之剪力強度模式也在這時期被提出。根據過去不飽和土壤之研究,許多相關之試驗程序和設備也都相當完備。本研究專注在Fredlund (1978) 提出之延伸莫爾庫倫理論和Lu and William (2006) 提出之吸應力理論。兩者在傳統上皆需施作不飽和三軸試驗以求得不飽和剪力強度參數。但此試驗操作困難、費時且需特殊儀器,因此在工程應用上不易被視為務實之試驗方法。

    Unsaturated soil theories have been the focus of many studies in the past few decades. Numerous models regarding the shear strength of unsaturated soils have been proposed during the development process. Based on the former studies, the corresponding test approaches and their apparatus have also been well developed. In specific, the extended Mohr-Coulomb model proposed by Fredlund (1978) and the suction stress model proposed by Lu and William (2006) are the focus of this study. Both theories require the unsaturated shear strength parameters obtained by conducting the unsaturated strength test. However, it is often difficult to conduct, time consuming and requires special apparatus. Thus, it may be not considered as the practical experiment in the engineering field.
    A new method that adopts two of the unsaturated theories mentioned above is therefore established in this study to estimate the apparent cohesion of unsaturated soils. It mainly utilizes the conventional tests with some assumptions and specified calculation processes. This new method is applied to the colluvial soil collected from Shaluntz to investigate the unsaturated shear strength properties and to evaluate the difference of the results obtained from various methods.
    The apparent cohesions and the suction stresses calculated for the studied colluvial soil show reasonable trends and are consistent with the studies of former researches. Although the comparison to the unsaturated triaxial test result is still essential in order to verify the accuracy and the feasibility for the engineering application, the potential of this proposed method is still promising in the future.

    ABSTRACT CHINESE ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONTENTS FIGURES TABLES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Objective 1.3 Thesis Structure CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Colluvial Soil 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Saturated Shear Strength for Colluvial Soil 2.2 Nature of Unsaturated Soil 2.2.1 Concept of Unsaturated Soil 2.2.2 Theory of Matric Suction 2.3 Soil Water Characteristic Curve 2.4 Unsaturated Shear Strength from Extended Mohr-Coulomb Concept 2.4.1 Theory of Extended Mohr-Coulomb 2.4.2 Unsaturated Shear Strength of Colluvial Soil in Taiwan 2.5 Unsaturated Shear Strength from Suction Stress Concept 2.5.1 Suction Stress Concept 2.5.2 Connection with SWCC 2.6 Apparent Cohesion 2.6.1 Apparent Cohesion under Extended Mohr-Coulomb Concept 2.6.2 Apparent Cohesion under Suction Stress Concept CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Framework 3.2 Theory Basis 3.3 Comparison of Results CHAPTER 4 TEST PROGRAM, PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS 4.1 Location of Soil and Basic Property Test 4.2 X-Ray Diffraction Test (XRD Test) 4.3 Modified Proctor Compaction Test 4.4 Soil Sample Preparation 4.4.1 Simulation of Soil Gradation 4.4.2 Specimens 4.5 Pressure Plate 4.6 The Triaxial Test 4.6.1 Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test (CU Test) 4.6.2 Unconfined Compression Test (UC Test) CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENT RESULTS 5.1 Basic Soil Properties 5.2 Modified Proctor Compaction Test 5.3 Pressure Plate Test 5.4 Triaxial Test 5.4.1 Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test 5.4.2 Unconfined Compaction Test 5.5 Interpretation of Test Result 5.5.1 Determination of Apparent Cohesion 5.5.2 Determination of Suction Stress CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclusions 6.1.1 Colluvial Soil Properties 6.1.2 Verification of Established Method 6.2 Suggestions REFERENCES

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