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研究生: 張國用
Adam - Sulistio
論文名稱: 鋼柱埋入墩柱之剪力釘設計
Shear Connector Design for Steel Column Embedded in RC Pedestal
指導教授: 陳正誠
Cheng-Cheng Chen
口試委員: 陳生金
Sheng-Jin Chen
Chien-Kuo Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 剪力柱礎型鋼混凝土(SRC)彎矩荷載傳遞機理設計指南
外文關鍵詞: shear force, column bases, steel reinforced concrete (SRC), bending moment, load transfer mechanism, design guide
相關次數: 點閱:394下載:8
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理論分析和實驗結果表明:(1)EBSC-2D模型可用於鋼筋混凝土基座無剪力釘分析嵌入式鋼柱; (2)修改後的設計指南是安全,可以用來設計在RC嵌入式基座鋼管柱無剪力釘; (3)軸承的實力無法與剪力釘“最大強度進行添加,因為軸承失效將發生在一個相對小紙條不是實現剪力釘最大強度所需要的滑; (4)一個不尋常的剪切力傳遞機制是存在於實驗;由於執政的故障模式是RC剪切破壞(5)RC底座的循環行為是不好的。

A column base connection is very important in the steel or SRC structures for transferring the forces successfully from the structure to the foundation, and preventing structural collapse in severe earthquakes. In structures with large columns, the conventional column-baseplate connection would not be able to resist high shear and moments in the connection. The steel has to be embedded in the RC pedestal, and shear studs are provided in the embedded steel part to transfer the forces into the RC pedestal. However, since the load transfer mechanism of longitudinal shear due to applied bending moment is still unknown [1], therefore the load transfer mechanism in the embedded steel column due to moment is still unclear. This indicates that this kind of connection needs to be analyzed and a proper design method should be proposed. An analytical model was established and verified with previous analytical results and 3D analysis. The results showed that the shear forces in steel column and RC pedestal were far larger than the applied load, and the presence of shear studs were able to reduce the shear forces significantly. A design guide was proposed and verified with nonlinear analysis, and later verified with an experimental study.
Analytical and experimental results showed that: (1) The EBSC-2D model can be used for analyzing embedded steel column in RC pedestal without shear studs; (2) The modified design guide is safe to be used for designing embedded steel column in RC Pedestal without shear studs; (3) Bearing strength cannot be added with shear studs’ maximum strength, since bearing failure would occur at a relatively small slip than the slip required to achieve shear studs maximum strength; (4) An unusual shear force transfer mechanism was present in the experiments; (5) Cyclic behavior of the RC pedestal is not good since the governing failure mode is RC shear failure.

Abstract i Acknowledgement ii Table Of Contents iii List of Tables iv List of Figures v Notations vii Chapter 1 : Introductions …1 1.1 Background …1 1.2 Objective and Scopes …2 1.3 Outline …3 Chapter 2 : Literature Review 5 2.1 Previous Researches on Embedded Steel Column Baseplates …5 2.1.1 Nakashima and Igarashi [6] …5 2.1.2 Pertold et al [2] …7 2.1.3 Morino, Kawaguchi, Tsuji, and Kadoya [7] …9 2.1.4 Hitaka, Suita, and Kato [8] …10 2.2 Current Design Recomendations …11 2.2.1 Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ 2001 [9]) …11 2.1.2 Design guideline proposed by Pertold et al [3] …14 2.3 Literature Review on Embedded Steel Column Baseplates in Concrete Foundations (Grauvilardell et al [5]) …15 2.3.1 Behavior of Deeply Embedded Column Baseplates …15 2.3.2 Design Considerations for Deeply Embedded Column Baseplates .19 Chapter 3 : Parametric Study ..21 3.1 Analytical Model Establishment and Validation …21 3.2 Parameters that may Influence the Behavior of the Connection …24 3.3 Influence of Flexural Rigidity Ratio …25 3.4 Influence of RS …26 3.5 Influence of REB …26 3.6 Influence of LEB/L …27 3.7 Influence of μss …28 3.8 Influence of the location of shear studs …29 Chapter 4 : Proposed Design Method 31 4.1 Design Guide of Embedded Steel Column in a Concrete Base …31 4.2 Design Method of Embedded Steel Column in RC Pedestal …32 4.3 Verification of the Proposed Design Method …36 Chapter 5 : Experimental Program & Test Results 39 5.1 Specimens Design …39 5.2 Fabrication Details of the Specimens …40 5.3 Experimental Test Setup and Instrumentation …41 5.4 Testing Procedures …42 5.5 Test Results …42 5.5.1 Force versus Displacement Curves …42 5.5.2 Crack Patterns and Failure Modes …43 5.5.3 Summary of conclusions from the test results …45 Chapter 6 : Modified Design Method 47 6.1 Modified Design Method for Embedded Steel Column in RC Pedestal …47 Chapter 7 : Conclusions & Suggestions 51 6.1 Conclusions …51 6.2 Suggestions …51 References 53

[1] American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) (2010), “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360-10),” Chicago, IL.
[2] Pertold, J., Xiao, R.Y., Wald, F. (2000a). “Embedded Steel Column Bases – I. Experiments and Numerical Simulation.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol 56, pp. 253-270.
[3] Pertold, J., Xiao, R.Y., Wald, F. (2000b). “Embedded Steel Column Bases – II. Design Model Proposal.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol 56, pp. 271-286.
[4] Roeder, C.W., Chmielowski, R., Brown, C.B. (1999). “Shear Connector Requirements for Embedded Steel Sections,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol 125, No. 2, February 1999, pp. 142-151.
[5] Grauvilardell, J.E., Lee, D., Hajjar, J.F., Dexter, R.J. (2005). “Synthesis of Design, Testing and Analysis Research on Steel Column Base Plate Connections in High Seismic Zones,” Structural engineering report no. ST-04-02. Minneapolis (MN): Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota.
[6] Nakashima, S., Igarashi, S., (1986). “Behavior of Steel Square Tubular Column Bases Embedded in Concrete Footings under Bending Moment and Shearing Force: Part 1 – Test Program and Load-Displacement relations,” Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, Transactions of AIJ, No. 366, pp. 106-118.
[7] Morino, S., Kawaguchi, J., Tsuji, A., and Kadoya, H. (2003). “Strength and Stiffness of CFT Semi-embedded Type Column Base,” Proceedings of ASSCCA 2003 Conference, Sydney, Australia, A. A. Balkema, Sydney, Australia.
[8] Hitaka, T., Suitaa K., and Kato M. (2003). “CFT Column Base Design and Practice in Japan,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Steel and Concrete Composite Construction (IWSCCC-2003), Report No. NCREE-03-026, National Center for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, October 8-9, 2003, National Center for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 35-45.
[9] Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) (2001). “Recommendations for Design of Connections in Steel Structures”, Tokyo (in Japanese).
[10] American Concrete Institute (ACI) (2011). “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary (ACI 318-11),” Farmington Hills, MI.