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研究生: 張鎂崢
Mei-Cheng Chang
論文名稱: 臺灣中小企業推動ESG關鍵成功因素之研究
Research on Key Success Factors of Taiwanese SMEs in Promoting ESG
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
Yang-Chao Ou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: ESG永續中小企業SMEs
外文關鍵詞: ESG, Sustainability, Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs
相關次數: 點閱:646下載:38
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於1950年代,在環境保護的議題興起後,1990年代永續的思維已涵蓋了環境保護、社會責任與經濟發展三面向,並擴大為全球性議題。聯合國並在1987年發表「our common future」,對永續做了定義為既滿足當代人的需求,又不危及後代人滿足其需求的發展,強調了世代傳承,生生不息的概念。於2004年United Nations Global Compact發佈了「Who Cares Wins」報告,其強調基於經營者或投資者的社會責任及企業風險管理,企業應重視環境(Environment)、社會(Social)及治理(Government)(ESG)對其長期財務表現的影響。
於臺灣,除了政府法令及法規的要求外,現行較具強制性要求的,即為金管會對於上市櫃公司的淨零時程要求。上市櫃公司多屬大型企業,其具備相對較多資源,可對相關要求進行資訊收集,採行相關行動因應計畫。但是,透過經濟部統計資料清楚得知,中小企業為產業發展中扮演著重要的調節角色與貢獻。當他們在面臨國際間令人眼花撩亂多且繁雜的要求下,如CBAM(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)或來自客戶端供應鏈管理於ESG的相關要求,在相對資源較少及不同的企業特性下,較難及時取得並了解相關訊息並形成對應決策與行動,一般處於較為落後或被動的位置。

After the rise of environmental protection issues in the 1950s, sustainable thinking in the 1990s covered three aspects: environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic development, and expanded into a global issue. The United Nations also published “Our Common Future” in 1987, which defined sustainability as a development that meets the needs of the present without endangering the needs of future generations, emphasizing the concept of inheritance from generation to generation. In 2004, United Nations Global Compact released the “Who Cares Wins”, which emphasized that based on the social responsibility of operators or investors and enterprise risk management; enterprises should pay attention to long-term financial performance which may be impacted by the Environment, Society, and Government.
Internationally, from the establishment of various organizations, and the formulation of norms, initiatives, frameworks, principles, reports..., etc., so that countries or enterprises can more actively promote related improvement actions. Governments or domestic organizations of various countries follow the relevant code of conduct requirements listed above to formulate basic mandatory laws, and regulations or establish supporting measures.
In Taiwan, in addition to the requirements of government laws and regulations, the current more mandatory requirements are the net-zero schedule requirements of the Financial Supervisory Commission for listed companies. Listed OTC companies are mostly large enterprises with relatively large resources, which can collect information on relevant requirements and adopt relevant action response plans. It is clear from the statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs that small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in regulating and contributing to industrial development. When they are faced with dazzling and complicated international requirements, such as CBAM or related requirements from client supply chain management and ESG, it is difficult to obtain and understand them in a timely manner under relatively few resources and different corporate characteristics. Relevant information and forming corresponding decisions and actions are generally in a relatively backward or passive position.
This research hopes that through in-depth interviews with ESG experts and scholars, based on their experience and what they have seen and heard, they can summarize the key factors that Taiwanese SMEs need to master to smoothly and successfully promote ESG-related actions. It is hoped that through the conclusions of this study, relevant references can be given so that Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises can still move forward steadily and gradually build their own sustainable capabilities in the face of the wave of sustainability.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 3 1.3研究目的 6 1.4研究流程 7 第二章、文獻探討 8 2.1關鍵成功因素的定義 8 2.2 ESG發展與興起 8 2.2.1全球ESG發展趨勢 11 2.2.2全球總體環境對中小企業的期待 14 2.3臺灣ESG發展概況 15 2.3.1臺灣中小企業的定義 17 2.3.2中小企業的重要性 18 2.3.3中小企業的挑戰 19 2.4臺灣中小企業推行ESG現況 21 2.5公司治理3.0 23 2.6利害關係人議合 25 第三章、研究方法 26 3.1研究方法 26 3.2研究架構 27 3.3訪談問題與訪談對象 28 3.3.1訪談問題 28 3.3.2訪談對象 29 3.4資料收集與分析 30 3.4.1逐字稿 30 3.4.2分類歸納 30 第四章、研究結果與分析 32 4.1研究結果 32 4.1.1專家與ESG活動的關聯 32 4.1.2 ESG未來發展 32 4.1.3 SMEs於臺灣ESG發展扮演的角色 33 4.1.4臺灣SMEs於推動ESG現況及成功案例 34 4.2研究分析 36 4.2.1國際間情勢發展的影響 37 4.2.2科技發展趨勢及影響 38 4.2.3企業運營總體環境的營造 39 4.2.4企業調適及永續經營的思維與作為 40 4.2.5保持企業獲利 42 第五章、結論與建議 45 5.1研究結論 45 5.2研究貢獻 46 5.3管理意涵 48 5.4研究限制與未來研究建議 49 參考文獻 50 附錄1:2021年底臺灣中小企業家數 53 附錄2:2021年臺灣地區中小企業平均就業人數 54 附錄3:2021年年底臺灣中小企業銷售額 55 附錄4:2021年年底臺灣中小企業出口額 56 附錄5:訪談問題 57 附錄6:訪談記錄匯總 58

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