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研究生: 王祺均
Chi-Chun Wang
論文名稱: 運動鞋考量不同地板條件與步態時期下防滑性能之計算力學研究
A Computational Study on Traction Performance of Athletic Footwear Under Different Floor Conditions During the Gait
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
Ting-Sheng Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 防滑性能運動鞋類有限元分析足底壓力鞋大底紋路
外文關鍵詞: Traction, Footwear, Finite element analysis, Plantar pressure, Outsole tread pattern
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:6
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The research uses computer numerical analysis technology to evaluate the
mechanical characteristics of human feet and sports shoes. This analysis
technology can replace the testing of developing samples. Its advantages
include reducing material development costs, lowering labor costs, and
minimizing the error based on human experience. Assessing the relevant
indicators of sports shoes is essential to quantify the functions of sports
shoes, such as anti-skid performance, shock absorption performance and
resilience performance. In the highly competitive footwear market these
days, computer numerical analysis technology has become a solution to
accelerating product development and providing customized products.
This technology built a state-of-the-art finite element model (FE) of shoes
through computer engraving technology. Pressure is applied to the sole of
the subjects to simulate the individualized condition, and the angles
between shoes and the ground in different gait situations are taken into
consideration. Through this technology a better understanding of the
correlation between the amount of contact surface of the shoe outsoles to
the ground and the anti-slip performance could be gained.
The results show that, on the dry ground, the structure of the sole tread
design affects the anti-slip performance of the shoes; the wider the tread
grooves, the more the anti-slip reaction. The results demonstrate that this
phenomenon is highly correlated to the amount of contact area between the
outsole and the ground; the more the contact area, the more the anti-slip
counter force from the ground.
In terms of cost and time, this calculation process is more efficient than
mechanical testing. It can also bring about significant benefits to the shoe
industry in the early design stage of product development.

中文摘要 ............................................... III ABSTRACT ................................................ IV 誌謝 ..................................................... V 目錄 .................................................... VI 圖目錄 .................................................. IX 第一章 緒論 ............................................ 1 1.1 研究背景、動機與目的..................................1 1.2 運動鞋介紹 ...........................................3 1.2.1 運動鞋結構層與功能介紹..............................5 1.2.2 運動鞋大底材質與紋路介紹............................6 1.3 步態時期介紹 .........................................7 1.4 步行時造成滑倒之因素 .................................8 1.5 鞋大底防滑性能表現的機械測試 ........................11 1.6 鞋大底防滑性能表現的電腦模擬測試 ....................12 1.7 文獻回顧 ............................................13 1.8 本文架構 ............................................15 第二章 材料與方法 ...................................... 16 2.1 有限元素分析簡介.....................................16 2.2 全鞋模型建立與地板模型建立...........................19 2.2.1 全鞋模型建立 ......................................20 2.2.2 地板模型建立 ......................................21 2.3 步態期間的足底壓力測量...............................22 2.4 簡易鞋大底模型與簡易顆粒狀地板模型建立...............25 2.5 全鞋模型與地板模型之有限元素分析.....................29 2.6 簡易鞋大底模型與簡易顆粒狀地板模型之有限元素分析 .....33 2.7 模擬條件設定與結果輸出 ..............................34 2.8 簡易鞋大底模型與全鞋模型結果相互驗證 ................35 第三章 結果與結論 ...................................... 36 3.1 收斂性分析結果 ......................................36 3.1.1 簡易鞋大底與簡易顆粒狀地板模型之收斂性分析結果.....36 3.2 不同材料的平面地板對全鞋模型防滑性能的影響...........38 3.3 條紋寬度不同對於全鞋模型防滑性能的影響...............39 3.4 簡易鞋大底模型-截面積固定條紋寬度對防滑性能的影響....41 3.5 簡易鞋大底模型-截面積大小對防滑性能的影響............42 3.6 簡易鞋大底模型與全鞋模型結果相互驗證 ................43 3.7 截面積大小與地板防滑反力之間的相關性 ................47 第四章 討論 ........................................... 50 4.1 地板條件對於防滑性能的影響...........................50 4.2 鞋大底條紋寬度對於防滑性能的影響.....................51 4.3 條紋結構對於防滑性能的影響...........................52 4.4 全鞋模型不同條紋寬度.................................53 4.5 簡化鞋大底模型數值模擬與分析 ........................54 4.6 研究限制 ............................................55 第五章 結論與未來展望 .................................. 57 5.1 結論 ................................................57 5.2 未來展望 ............................................57 參考文獻 ................................................ 59

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