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研究生: Karen Ivana Munansa
Karen Ivana Munansa
論文名稱: Instagram 廣告屬性對於購買意願之影響: 以印尼消費者與燕窩飲品為例
The Effect of Instagram Advertising Attributes on Purchase Intention: A Study of Edible Bird Nest Products on Indonesian Consumers
指導教授: 莊育娟
Yu-Chuan Chuang
口試委員: 莊育娟
Yu-Chuan Chuang
Chin-Lun Tsai
An-Hsin Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
外文關鍵詞: Instagram Advertising, Visual Focus, Content Claims, Promotional Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:5
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  • The global demand for organic and luxury food market has been growing rapidly, especially Indonesia, which becomes the fourth-largest organic agriculture area in Asia. Edible Bird Nest (EBN) is classified as an organic and luxury food which is renowned for its nutritional and medicinal benefits. As the current digital era enhances the utilization of digital marketing, especially through social media, such as Instagram platform, the EBN business also participates in implementing digital marketing strategies through social media advertising. This study examines the impact of Instagram advertising attributes, such as visual focuses, content claims and promotional strategies, of the EBN products on the consumer purchase intention and other consumer behavioral response. This study uses a survey participated by a total of 305 respondents in Indonesia as its research methodology, while linear regression model is used as the statistical method of this study. The overall result shows that all three examined advertising attributes have a significant impact on the consumer’s purchase intention. As this study uses the ABC model, the mediating effect of the consumer perception is also analyzed. The study result shows that there is a mediating effect for the relationship of certain advertising attributes and the consumer behavioral response. The result of this study contributes in providing insights in assigning different social media advertising strategies, especially using Instagram platform, according to different categories of target market.

    ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 7 1.1. Research Background and Motive 7 1.2. Research Purpose 12 1.3. Research Procedure 12 1.4. Research Outline 13 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1. Instagram Advertising Attributes 15 2.2. ABC Model 24 2.3. Purchase Intention 27 2.4. Brand Credibility 28 2.5. Consumer Engagement 29 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 30 3.1. Research Framework and Hypotheses 30 3.2. Key Variables and Survey Design 33 3.3. Data Analysis and Procedure 46 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DATA ANALYSIS 50 4.1. Descriptive Statistics 50 4.2. Reliability Test 52 4.3. Correlation Analysis 53 4.4. Regression Analysis 56 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 73 5.1. Conclusion 73 5.2. Theoretical Reflection 79 5.3. Managerial Implications 79 5.4. Limitations and Future Research Directions 82 REFERENCES 84 APPENDIX 104

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